The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1623 I want to be over, how?

"During the end, this boy is going to be killed. Now he read the Danfang in the medicine, not refining Dan, and the medicinal effect of Fenghua Dan is too difficult to refine, it is said that only the head of the Dumen There is a grasp of the refining, but I have never refined the top of Shangtan Medicine. Therefore, this teenager alchemy master will naturally refine. Then I can only slaughter, so many precious medicines, teenager how Compensation? "

"Hey, I was also looking forward to letting a child refining a furnace, and now I haven't played."


Many monks are secretly sighed.

"It's a two-to-year, I just want to be yin our master, it is simply a birthday star, I am not affectionate?"

"Yin our master, it is a big joke. He didn't know, our master is the ancestor of the people?"

"Sitting on this idiot is to tease the fool by the master."

Ma Rufei three teasing is to look at the world like the dead.

Zhang Bin was not here, and he continued to study the Danfang.

It turns out that the feathering Dan is a magical incredible medicinal medicine, not used to break through the bottleneck, nor used to improve the repair, but let the people flying a grand soul robbery.

If you take a feathering Dan, you can quickly repair the wounds of the soul.

The monk will prolong the time, and the probability of the soul is of course improved.

If the Wolf Tao gets a hundred feathering Dan, then he can spend the soul and then flying a demon.

It is precisely because of the feathering Dan so against the sky, so, it is difficult to refine the feathering Dan, which is difficult than the day.

As for the top and the sky, the feathers, of course, it is even more difficult to refine.

"Yuhua Dan has no use of me, but can't say this kind of medicinal medicine is not precious. For the people in Kunlun, Betty and others have a great help. If you can refine some, stay too clear, perhaps you can There are more people to fly to the fairy world. "Zhang Bin took place in the heart, but the mouth said," I refined Dan medicine although it is free, but it is limited to ordinary medicinal herbs, such a precious feathering Dan, but it needs a certain make up."

"You are deception."

The medicine is smiling and said, "Since you wrote a free refining Dan medicine in the signboard, you can no longer charge any fees."

"Do I say a fee? I am telling certain compensation, not a fee." Zhang Bin said.

"Is the compensation not cost?"

The medicine is bursting with the cold murderousness, and a pair of horse is going to work.

"Compensation is not expense. It is equivalent to score. I will refine a furnace feathering Dan. I can only give you a grain, and I will return to me. And if the refining is unsuccessful, I will compensate you. I have a huge risk. So, compensation is necessary. "Zhang Bin said," The fair is self-hearted, the eyes of the masses are bright. "

Many monks nodded nodded, they all recognized Zhang Bin.

However, they are all afraid of the fairy medicine door, not dare to attach.

"Kid, although you are a bit of strong words, it is not a nonsense." Where can I see Zhang Bin's trap? " I took a trap, smiled and said, "So, I agree. You can refine the medicinal medicine, remember, you must refine the top of the goods."

Zhang Bin's face revealed the singular expression.

He first checked a medicinal material and found no problem.

He started refining.

If it is not just refining more than 500 furnaces, he is not a grasp.

But now he is confident.

The medicine is looked at the world, and Zhang Bin is not coming out. It does not refine from the door, and the district is a young man who can refine?

"Poor teenager, you will have to compensate for the medicine in the world. If you can't pay it, you will have to be caught in the world, it is estimated that this life must be an immortal medicine door."

"The fairy medicine door is too overbearing?"


Many people watching the monks sigh in their hearts, and their faces are full of angry.

Another kind of medicinal material is taken into the Dan furnace by Zhang Bin, refining the essence, and the slice is also slowly flying out of the Dan furnace.

The face of the medicine is surprised.

However, he still didn't believe Zhang Bin can refine the superfine Dan.

After the extract of the medicinal materials, Zhang Bin began to fusion the essence of the drug.

A variety of flames fly out, crazy burning Dan.

When you are fast, you are like a cloud.

Equipped with aesthetics.

"It's useless, or refining doesn't have a medicinal medicine, it is impossible for the next product."

The medicine is soaked in the world.

Finally, the flame is extinguished.

The Dan furnace lid is slamming.

There is a strange aroma.

Suddenly, the lid of the Dan furnace opened.

Eight-bit reddish medicinal drugs broke out.

Zhang Bin's hand swayed, it will be arrested in his hand.

There is no robbery cloud in the sky, it is not a more advanced day.

But because you can escape, it is undoubted, it is the top of the medicine.

Because Shangdin Tan medicine also has a very low spirit, it will be able to escape.

"God, is it eight top Shang Dan?"

All monks were completely dumbfounded and shocked.

Even the medicine is also eye-catching, and the eye beads are almost dropped.

You must know that the head of the fairy medicine door cannot refine the feathering Dan.

A teenager in the district is not seen, but is it refining?

How can this be?

"Hahaha ... teenager, you lose, because there is a Dan medicine to refine waste."

The medicine is turning around, and I am laughing, "You will compensate my stove."

Everyone was stunned, and it was clearly refining eight-grain Shangjin Dan, only a piece of it, how is it abolished?

Is this not a strong word?

"Who said to abolish a Dan medicine? Have you booked?"

Zhang Bin pointed to the heavens.

The laughter of the medicine is stopped immediately, as if the neck is ghosted.

Because, suddenly, there was a laminated cyan cloud, and the breath of death is also rolling.

" ..."

Finally, the Dan medicine suddenly broke out from the Dan furnace, and the lightning escaped outside the door.

"Bang ..."

The talented rock, a cyan thunderstorm, it is not born in this Dan.


This part of Dan medicine screamed, fell, was arrested by Zhang Bin.

The sky, it's actually a day!

The ninth particle medicine is not a waste Dan, but the sky robbery!

You must know that this kind of medicinal medicine has not been refined to make a lot of life.

However, there is now a teenager refining.

What strength is this? How Gao Ming's alchemy method?

"It's impossible, it is absolutely impossible, how can he refine the sky?"

The medicine is shouting in the heart, but the laughter on the face is more embarrassed.

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