The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1627, two feet kick

"Killing ..."

The two are also played a look and reached a tacit understanding.

They rushed up.

The bones of the bones are crazy, and the tool is turned out in an instant.

It has become a knife and goes to Zhang Bin.

And the blood-blooded vampire gun is also crazy, and countless giant flying out, with a murderous murder, wrapped in countless guns, and stabbed Zhang Bin.

One is a late stage, one is the peak of the flying.

And it is a brother, the mind is talking.

Teamwork is seamless.

Even, they also have a spatial abilities, killing attributes, and even more horrible gravity of gravity ...

There are at least more than a dozen anomaly.

The power of this trick can make anyone become a corpse.

That horror momentum makes all the funny monks shakes, retreat, some people are even bile, and they are directly fell to the ground.

Can this teenager resist?

Everyone is looking forward to and nervously shouting in their hearts.

The eyes are soaring to the limit, stunned.

Zhang Bin slave Zhang Bin slammed around, and his eyes fell to a large-wave beauty body in the crowd.

It seems that the big wave of beauty attracted his attention.

"Be careful……"

The beautiful face is red, shouting nervously.

"Beauty, you are very cute."

Zhang Bin smiled bluntly, his two hands rushed, instantly became big, shot on the knife mountains and bullets.

Dangdang ...

Ah ...

The two guys are broken, and the magic weapon in the hand flew to half the air.

The wrist bones are broken, people are also retreat, the five senses are bleeding, and there is a horror of horror.

And Zhang Bin is a step without refund, or standing there.

Just like a mountain, like a passion, tall and straight.

"Fast, he is too strong ..."

Two have a death crisis.

At the same time, it will fly, escape.

Effectively, no matter the death of the medicine world.

Zhang Bin still didn't look at it, gently kicked on the bark and vampire gun.

" ..."

These two magic weapons are like two lightning.

Instantly catch up with two, bombardment on their head.

Bang ...

Two loud noises.

Their head is as broken as a stranded rotten watermelon.

Blood splash, cerebrose flour.

Ah ...

The two smeared, the body of the two came from the air like a bird.

I fell on the ground and put the ground out of two pits.

The horror is that the two souls have been annihilated directly, and they are killed by Zhang Bin's murder.

Gong Dejin once again appeared again, integrating into Zhang Bin's merits goldprint.

Let mear Jinjin once again condensed two Jinlong, reaching 57.

Then Zhang Bin went to the store.

As if he kills three dogs.

There is no burden.

All the lively monks are like the fools, and the three bodies on the ground are dull, I really can't believe that this will happen.

Strong horror, sinful, murdereous, a numbness of the Miyama, is killed by a boy?

Is it easy to kill three dogs?

How can this be?

When did Big Zer Star have such a strong juvenile monk?

However, his strength is only the medium-term medium of Yuan Ying.

Is it a genius that can be more than ZJ Tianmen?

This is a double arrogance.

" ..."

The teeth of the world who all see clearly clear the world are trembled, and the face is full of fear.

His eyes also glanced until the limit, the pupils were scattered, and a look of bitterness.

" ..."

Three teasings are happy, they rushed over the sky, each searching in a corpse, taking the space rings, helmets, and Dantian's magic weapon.

Then they opened their eyes and joyful.

Because the treasure is really a lot, it is only a tremendous heaven and earth spirit.

It's more not to say those magic weapons.

"I know, some people are immortal, please contact the fairy medicine immediately, let them get the corpse." Ma Ru Fei said, "In addition, let the fairy medicine door is ready to compensate, otherwise, our young master It may go to the fairy medicine door to take it. At that time, that is, it is necessary to receive interest, they may not be able to afford. "

" ..."

"Hahaha ..."

Chen Chao Yue and Zhang Navy also laughed.

Then they were dragged in the same day again.

Many monks have finally been awake, face each other, shocking inexplicably.

Inspiring, they began to excite the news of the news, and reported the things that happened here to their own martial arts, their friends, let them come and watch the lively.

This kind of lively is difficult to meet.

Absolutely not missed.

Big Golden Gate.

Suddenly the excitement sound, "Hahaha ... I have Zhang Bin's news, I have Zhang Bin's news ..."

This is of course the sound of Jin Xiahai.

There are a lot of his boyfriend, just having a friend is in the Immortal Pharaoh, witnessed everything, and transfer the news to Jin Xiaohai.

" ..."

In an instant, Su Dongliu, During the old, there are many elders, and Susan and many days of teasing girls are excited, and they are excited to ask, "Really? I really have Zhang Bin's news ? "

"Where did you know Zhang Bin?"

Jin Xiahai is excited, and there is still a sale of Guanzi.

"Say, otherwise you will close you for a hundred days."

During his old man, it is not resistant, threatened.

"Hey ... Zhang Bin, he actually went to Xianpi, opened a pharmacy, actually refining the Dan, the result is sinned, he will defeat the medicine, and he is a palm to kick. No blood and boneless, it is like killing the dog as easy ... "Golden sea hand dance, two eyes are light, full of pride.

All genius disciples have heard that they are boiling, and they can't wait to cross the time, see that wonderful scenes.

Of course, the most exciting or Susan, I am excited to stall, I am excited to say: "Too cow is forced, too stimulating, too powerful, my substant is really giving me a competition."

However, Su Dongli and the Director, but the face is white, and the face is full of nervous colors.

Zhang Bin is indeed very powerful, but it is too fierce? I don't know if the sky is thick. I dare to kill the fairy medicine door three? Do you dare to humiliate the old age? I still have to give compensation for immortal medicine. How can the fairy medicine do not let him?

Can he resist the terrorist revenue of the fairy medicine?

You must know that there are many super masters.

Lianze Tianmen also taboo the strength of the fairy medicine door.

This is a big disaster.

One is not good, Zhang Bin will fall.

"Fast, we will start immediately, let Zhang Bin fled, no, we cover him to escape."

Su Dong was tense.

"I am afraid, Zhang Bin is so powerful, once one person defeated the five hundred experts of Ze Tianmen, the fairy medicine door is absolutely nothing." Susan said.

"Do you know what? Now Zhang Bin is in the fairy medicine city, it is in the mailing of people. What more, the fairy medicine door can stand inheritance of our Dagu Star millions of years and stand up, rush all the martial arts, of course Many great cards, there are also a lot of big master. The most horrible thing is that the immortal medicine doctors have a cacto to sit in the town. The immortal is really invincible. Rolling any Tianjiao giant ... "Su Dong stream faced a strong Fear color.

" ..."

Soon, they will be displaced and go to Xianpi.

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