The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1628, the fairy medicine

Today's Immortal Mall, the head is surrounded, the master is like a cloud.

The excitement and excitement of all faces. It is to look at a big lively.

It is also to look at the bottom card and terrorist strength of the fairy medicine.

Such a good opportunity, it is absolutely not missing.

They all took up the air, waiting for the master of the fairy medicine door.

What makes everyone surprised that the Wenwu Pharmaceutical is still doing business.

Zhang Bin actually giving people to alchemy.

However, there is no one in the current thought to make Zhang Bin refined.

Therefore, Zhang Bin can only refine a furnace once.

After that, I just didn't have a business, and the monks were surrounded outside, waiting for the world.

Zhang Bin began to refine its own medicinal herbs.

After a day of hard work, it's so much.

He understood the inheritance of the Tooo.

"Refining a furnace of water attribute, or you can make my three clear mouth break through a bottleneck."

Zhang Bin thoughtfully thought, took out many medicinal materials and started to alternate.

Three teasings are also if there is anything, run to the door to see the beauty, and the face is full of sensuality.

Dosage flows.

"Three little brothers, you said to your young master, let him put the medicine in the world, quickly escape. Otherwise, it is too late, such a genius, it is a pity."

There is a monk emotion to three teasings.

However, three teasings are as heard, continue to enjoy the beauty.

"Don't think that your young master is very strong, can be invincible in the world." The voice said, "The master of the fairy medicine is like a cloud, especially the head and a few deputy, strong to terrible, more terrible, fairy There is a cactor in the pharmacies. In fact, it is a success of the sky, but there is no immortal in the fairy. "

"What? Cactus?"

Three teasings are dumbfounded, and the face is full of not credits.

The fairy medicine door actually spent the flying promotion, but did not go to the fairy world?

Isn't that a fool?

"He is not a fool, but a super smart person." The mysterious voice sounded, "the reason why did not fly, because his soul suffered from heavy, in healing, and also looking for a special treasure, after seeing Flying in the fairy world. "

"I rely, this is really possible."

Three invasive faces changed, because they knew that the past magic failed to fly and rushed to the sky, but did not fly rise to the devil, but crossed the empty to the Earth to find a fan, and the results Destroy.

"What is he wants to find?"

Ma Rufei asked softly.

"The fairy gates have been acquiring ancient fans. It is estimated to find a special fan." The mysterious voice sounded, "Hoh, don't worry, otherwise it is no longer too."

Undoubtedly, this sound is from Su Dong.

Only he only knows this secret of the fairy medicine door, and only he expects Zhang Bin to escape.

"Master, not good ..."

Three teasings ran in.

"The soul is injured, the ancient fan?"

Zhang Bin was stunned, but it was a smile, "Yes."

He continued to refine the Dan, no nervous.

"I rely on, is our master?"

Three teasing were inexplicably.

"It's coming, the master of the fairy medicine door is coming."

Suddenly, the shock sound was rang.

"It's too late."

Su Dongli and the Director of the Lao Duo have a pair of faces.

As for the makeup, Susan, Jin Xiahai, etc., instead of the excitement and excitement.


The blanked sound sounded.

The fairy medicine door, the old man is flying with about one hundred masters.

Wink in the Wenwu Pharmacy.

They wear a unified warrior, and they have a powerful momentum and percentage.

It is actually a master that cultivates the later period of the flying.

There are even more than a dozen cultivation to the peak of the flying.

This strength, simply changing the heavens and the earth, can sweep any martial art, and even an additional planet.

However, now they are going to deal with a teenager who is only cultivated to Yuan Ying.

"Kid, roll out."

Pharmacies looked at the body on the ground, his face became iron green, and the murderous drove.

"Our young master said, let you wait, he is still alchemy."

Ma Rufei sounded.

All the monks who look at the lively are secretly screaming. This boy is simply too calm. Do he really don't fear? Isn't it afraid so many terrorist masters to kill him?

Do you still have to alder?

"It's good. I immediately dismantled this store."

The medicine is roaring.

"I immediately smashed this pig."

Ma Rufei put a sharp dagger on the right eye of the medicine world.

A pair of horse should piercing the appearance.

"Don't ... the door."

The medicine is almost scared, and it is crazy.

The drug is almost vomiting.

But it is not a way.

I can only stand outside outside, I don't dare to enter.

"God, even the medicine can only be outside, etc.."

Many monks are secretly shocked.

Susan and Jin Xiahai are of course eyebrows, excitement.

Finally, Zhang Bin refined to make a furnace attributive medicine, not the sky, just the top of Shangdan.

After all, it is the first refining.

However, his face is showing a faint joy, breathing a fragrance of a Dan medicine, he felt the bottleneck loose.

Of course, it is just the bottleneck of the three-clear tips of water attribute.

The effect of this medicinal medicine may be better than he is expected.

He put away Dan medicine, and he gave a leisurely to go out of the store, cast it on the face of the medicine. "What kind of treasure has been brought? Take it out, let me see?"

"I rely on, he is still not afraid? How is this possible? Is the immortal estimated to be so strong?" All the funny monks stunned.

"God, it is true - Zhang Bin. He is the super genius of our Golden Gate."

Susan and Golden Sea are excited to exceed the extreme, almost shout.

All masters of the immortal pharmacies also stunned. They thought that each other came out, seeing them so many super powerful masters, they would serve soft, and where didn't know, I still have to compensate?

"Kid, who are you?"

The drug is the door to the door, and the anger in the heart is cold and asked coldly.

"You don't have to manage who I am, take out the compensation for me satisfied."

Zhang Bin said.

Everyone is speechless, this teenager is the gallbladder, or I don't know how to live?

You must know that this hundred hands in front of you can make Dagu Star shake a few.

They are all invincible in the world.

"Very good." The medicine is not angry, "Then I ask you, why do you want to humiliate our old age? The world is in the world? How to kill three masters in our door?"

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