The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1629 Sword Magic? A sword

"Why?" Zhang Bin said, "I will give it to the world to refine the feathering Dan. He actually wants to erase my memory ... So, I can only erase his memory. My alchemy secrets are more than yours. The Danfang is precious and countless times. As for you to say these three beasts? I killed their reasons, of course, they should kill. I am committed to killing. Just kill a snake, or a chicken, do not mind."


The medicine is ignorant, he has never encountered Zhang Bin so boldly, and the monk is unscrupulous. I didn't put their fairy medicine door in my eyes.

"Advise you not to mess. Or is it old and old, that everyone is good." Zhang Bin said.

"Kid, come, let's fight."

A deputy owner really can't help it. Step step out, there is a sharp to the ultimate sword.

This sword is curved, like a fish sausage.

"That is the deputy door of the fairy medicine, the outer sword magic, cultivate to the peak of the flying, has been three thousand years. Because of the cactus point, his body and soul are super powerful. It is much stronger than three, this Teenagers should tragedy. "

"Oyefei, peeled sword, killing only a moment."

"If you don't have to live in Ou Yed, the sword is like a night."


There are a lot of fear of fear on the face of many people watching the lively.

"Bin brother, you have to be careful, don't let Shanshan make widows."

Jin Xiahai couldn't help but emotion.

Zhang Bin fell almost, what is Jin Xiaohai?

"Hahaha ... This boy is finally afraid, obviously feeling the power of Oyefei."

Many giant giant in the immortal pills smiled and looked at Zhang Bin like the dead.

A teenager who practiced to the medium term of Yuan Yingjing in the district, dare to fight against their fairy medicine?

You know, this is not the top strength of their fairy medicine.

"You are always in the same side, no matter what happens, don't intervene."

Zhang Bin joined Jin Xiahai and Susan, and then his hands appeared a bright and antique sword, walked to Oye Fei, saying that there was no expression: "You despite the attack."

"Lightning fast sword, kill ..."

Ouje shouted, and the sword in his hand broke out.

With a murderous murder, and burst into the light of the eye.

This sword has only one characteristic, that is, it is quick, it is incredible.

Speed ​​abilities, spatial abilities, optical properties, and more weird abilities, Zhang Bin can't recognize it.

This strength is really terrible.

Even Su Dongflow, there is no chance to catch this sword without dead.

The big Ze Tianxing has never been a monk dare to pick up the flash of the Oye Fei.

It's all shot immediately, or you will escape immediately.

Lightning fast sword, it is not a joke.

It is a nightmare of all monks.

Zhang Bin is still a faceless expression, and the sword in the hands is suddenly waved.

It turned out to have a sword of Oyefei.

It is simply a miracle.

Because the Sword of Oyefei is unable to block.

Fast speed, and the sword will bend.

More amazing happened.

Oyefei suddenly suddenly took a step forward.

Zhang Bin took the sword to his throat, and the bloody sword tip took out from his neck.


Oye flew, and he fell on the ground. I can't move anything.

Of course, I was imprisoned by Zhang Bin's true gas.

It seems to have a body, only the sword hole on the throat, and blood flows out.

The whole audience is dead.

All monks include the fairy medicine door monk.

Shocking to the ultimate, and doubts to the extreme.

How can this be?

He actually fell by the sword and easily defeated the sword.

"My old God, our Golden Gate actually made such a peerless talent?"

Su Dongli, the director of the old, Susan, and Jin Xiahai also have a lot of elder faces full of shock and happiness.

A door sent such a peerless genius, and this martial art must rise, don't worry being bullied.

Just like Ze Tianmen, a peerless genius is left, let Ziemen have become a first-class martial art.

Zhang Bin still indifferent, said: "Is the drug door, can I give compensation now?"

Pharmacou felt a little dry, the heartbeat was a bit fast, he suddenly felt that this is a little inconspicuous, it seems to be a convergence of murderous tyrant, very terrible, let him surprise meat.

However, your own fairy medicine door, that is a first-class martial art, the bottom is very thick, and it is impossible to sue to a young man.

His body made a stupid pressure and horrible momentum, smiling and said: "Kid, don't think you are very powerful, and a better antity of my fairy medicine, it is a strong antique. You'd better want to clear Otherwise, you regret it. "

"I have never thought that I am very powerful. I am a very ordinary monk. The realm is so low. I am trying to practice and improve myself. Instead, you are very strong, thinking that you can do it. I don't think Strong, but not to be bullied. "Zhang Bin took the sword to say," Are you a one, or together? "

"Haoyi is dry, it is intended to plan one hundred hands to the anti-fairy medicine door. This is simply a feat of the unconsciousness after no ancients."

"It's forced, this born is the genius disciple of the door."

"The last time, he defeated the five hundred masters of Ze Tianmen. Today, I have to pay more than one hundred people in the fairy medicine. But if he uses a broken moon double sword? But this time is not necessarily useful."


Many people watching the lively monks shocked, and the monks of the Bolden Gate secretly worried.

The fairy medicine door has mastered many magical Danfang, cultivated numerous world demon drugs, can refining a lot of magical medicinal herbs.

Plus these masters have been cultivated for thousands of years, have been tempering the soul and moon.

Therefore, the soul of the fairy medicine door master is super powerful, and the moon is particularly tough.

The moon double sword may not break their moon palace.

Once the moon double sword is used, the Golden Gate is dangerous.

The fairy medicine door will never let go of Golden Gate.

Unconsciously, the Golden Gate once again stood on the edge of the cliff.

The master of the fairy medicine is of course an almost a vomiting blood, and the teeth are almost bite.

They have packed a lot of strong martial arts, how many giants have been killed, but they have never encountered such a big bold, calm.

He, what is it?

"Kid, what is your reollection? Do you dare to be so arrogant?"

The medicine is smiling and said.

"Of course, there is a relationship, that is just just! I am justice." Zhang Bin said, "Since ancient times, evil is faster! So, even if you have a master to deal with me, I am afraid."

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