The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1630 takes an enemy

"well said."

I don't know how many monks who look at the lively shout in my heart.

They can not know that the fairy medicine door is to bully this free alchemy's teenager, it is simply shameless.

However, this teenager is different from other monks, he can't bear to swallow, he is rebelling, in the counterattack.


The medicine is almost vomiting blood, and the teeth are almost bite.

He can't stand it again, yell: "On, kill him."

"Kill kill ..."

Almost at the same time, these more powerful fairy medicine monks rushed up, and Zhang Bin launched the same attack like a water silver.

Flame, Thunder, Sunlight, Space Imprisonment, Magic, Hurricane, Front ...

The horror murder rushes to nine.

Let the world shudder, let the sun and the moon are shaking.

They are too powerful, all people join hands, attack together.

Of course, you can defect the fairy.

"Okay, the immortal is difficult to resist. This boy is dead."

"It's too don't want to face. If so many giant attacks together, it is really not confident. It is a bad man."


Many people who look at the lively monks have a grief, and they can't help it.

However, the strength of the fairy medicine door is too horrible, so they don't dare to take action.

"Zhang Bin, you must do it."

Only Susan, Jin Xiahai and others look forward to it.

However, it is still tight and stalking.

Zhang Bin has returned to 36 billion years ago, the feeling of the millions of magic wars.

Death breath wrap him crazy, crushed, swallowed.


Zhang Bin broke out, all of the Dantian glow, all the commandments started, all the real air of all attributes mobilized.

The colorful ancient swords in his hands have disappeared, and the replacement is a sharp knife.

Giant lizard.

He also appeared in a strange armor.

Snail armor!

It can be said that this is the strongest equipment at the current globe.

The knife in his hand danced crazy.

It has been made into an ultimate light ball.

" ... ..."

All attacks coming into a fragmentation, flying in the air, and ejaculates the sky.

Then he died locally, and it was full.

At the same time, he also started.

Bathing countless epicon, the abilities are safe and sound, and it will kill the giant group of dense Ma Ma.

The knife in the hand is like a smoke, and it is longitudinally.

Like the tiger into the collis, killing people, horses, people are rolling, the body falls as cutting wheat.

Just a few breathing time, more than a hundred super powerful fairy doors giant lying on the ground.

It is really blood flowing into the river, the corpse is in the wild.

"Ah, ah ..."

The screaming continuously is continuously issued from one by one.

Amazing, shocking.

Anti-view Zhang Bin, or there is no injury, and it is indifferently holding the blood of the blood.

As if he kills a hundred dogs.

The whole audience is often quiet, and all monks have a wooden chicken.

"I rely on, my eyes are blind."

"God, this boy is actually so much?"

"He is not just strong, and there is a magic weapon that is extremely horrible."

"His strength, almost invincible in the world, may only have a peerless genius of Ze Tianmen to be more than it is."

"This time, the immortal medicine door is kicked to the iron plate."


Many people watching the lively monk finally returned to God, exclaimed.

"Is he really disciples in our door?"

Su Dongli and the director of the old face, shocked the inexplicably.

"Bin brother is much more powerful than I think, he actually didn't use the double sword, and he defeated so many experts." Susan, Jin Xiahai also shocked, surprise.

There is no hand to stand almost there.

At this moment, although the sun is bright, the climate is warm.

However, he felt a thorns of ice, his body was slightly thrown.

"The Pharmacies, now we can talk about compensation?"

Zhang Bin wiped the blood on the knife in a headless body, said faintly.

Pharmacies bite the teeth: "What kind of compensation do you want?"

"It's very simple." Zhang Bin said, "You have all the heavens and earth drugs, all the alchemy minerals and spirits, I want half."

"I rely on ... this is a big opening of the lion, which is directly equal to half the treasure of the fairy medicine."

All the funny monks have been stunned, and the face is full of not credits.

This boy is really can't be provoked.

"You ... is too greedy?"

The medicine is inappropriate to drink.

"You are too greedy too vicious. If I am not a little bit, I will kill you, it can be seen, you have done too many days of grievance, this is the discipline for you. Of course, you can refuse. However, these monks will be Dead. "Zhang Bin pointed to the head on the ground," And, I will go to your fairy medicine door to belong to me. That may be all treasures. And many people's head. "

These monks are very powerful, although the head is being cut, and it is imprisoned by Zhang Bin's true immunity.

However, once the imprisonment is released, they can recover quickly.

"Disciplinary, say well, the fairy medicine door is in numerous years, it should be punished."

Many people watching the lively monks are amazed in my heart, applaud.

"Too fierce, too powerful, our door actually made a genius disciple?"

Su Dongli and the Director are still inexplicably, and it is incredible.

"This bastard can't pure him, or wait for the old ancestors to end, then pack him. And, I have to save these elders and deputy doors. I can only go with him with him." In the heart, it is very angry and wronged, saying: "Okay, I promise you, but afterwards you have to unclear their imprisonment, can't hurt them."

"God, one of the districts to cultivate the boy to Yuan Ying's medium-term, actually put the powerful fairy medicine door to this way? Even the old man who can't be a arrogant is uniform. How is this possible?"

Many people watching the lively monk are stunned, and the face is full of ridiculous colors.

Is this a typical ants to defeat an elephant?

The drug is immediately sent back to the martial art.

Just three hours.

There are thousands of immortal drugs, they bring a variety of space containers, which have brought many world dermatics, of course, in accordance with Zhang Bin's request, rooted, as for alchemy minerals, odds , The spirit, it is also a cow.

You know, this is half of the wealth of the first-class gathered in a million years.

And this door is good at alchemy.

Wealth is naturally extra.

Even Zhang Bin secretly shocked, the immortal medicine door actually had so many magical heaven and earth spirits and treasures, but it was much more than the treasure recorded in the pharmacology. This time, he made a fortune.

In the future, you can study alchemy, and I have the foundation for the realism of the Dan.

He did not hesitate, and all treasures directly received all treasures.

There are three teasings in Xiaogong and Xiaoqing have busy.

Busy growing these world of demonstrations.

"Now, can you put our people?"

Pharmacist said.

"You can roll."

Zhang Bin's heart is moving, unlocking many people's heads and bodies.

These guys are also able to move, one by one, let the heads and bodies are connected together, then healing.

In addition, Zhang Bin put the medicine in the world.

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