The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1631 turning the face, the method of refining fairy

"Can you give me my space ring?"

The medicine is in the world.


Zhang Bin said coldly.

"Can you give me the piece of products?"

The medicine is still asked in the world.

His eyes flashed the cold and deceitful rays.

It seems that there is any hacker.

"Let you roll ..."

Zhang Bin slammed a slap in the face of the medicine in the medicine, and slammed the medicine to fly out of a few hundred meters away.

"That featherteration is a medicinal medicine belonging to our fairy medicine. Do you have any reason?"

Wan Dao is also roaring.

"Started is indeed you. At that time, I can take Dan medicine at all. However, the result is that he is to erase my memory. So now, this medicinal medicine is me. There is, you have come out Tiandi spirit and treasures may not be half, as long as I find evidence, the consequences are at your own risk. "Zhang Bin said coldly.

According to his sense of heaven, this 100 giant is plus this door, although it is a wicked, but it will not be sinful.

Therefore, he crushed the murder in his heart, did not kill these destined to be a monk of the enemy.

"Ha ha ha ... kid, today if you don't take out that Dan medicine, then you can only take it myself." The drug suddenly laughed, his body burst into the murderous murder.

" ..."

Many giant horses in the fairy medicine have also been hurt, and after lightning, they flew to the medicine, constitute a weird array, exuduing richness like the substance.

"Hey, this teenager is still a bit. The median of the immortal pharmaceutical door is now in his hand, you can put it in his hand."

"Today, this boy is going to tragedy, because this array is too horrible, named refining fairy. You look, the shape they make up is like a drug, it is said that you can trap, refine."

"If you only have a fairy array, it is still nothing, it is still in the Immortal Municipality, which is a super powerful oversteer, and this boy is still strong or tragedy."

"Not this boy is not smart, but the fairy medicine door is too embarrassed."


Many people watching the lively monks whispered, and their faces were full of worry.

"Come on, show all the means."

Zhang Bin did not fear and nervous, or a face.

"Guardian Big Array, start ... 100 million gravity, imprisonment."

The medicine is smiling and shouting.

His voice just fell, earthquake, white fog rising, space turmoil.

The light is twisted.

Unparalleled gravity is also in the air, instant acts in Zhang Bin.

However, Zhang Bin still standing there if he left.

Only the ground under the foot appears like a crack like a spider web.

"Ha ha ha ... kid, now you continue to arrive?"

The drug is madly laughing.

All the fairy medicine doors are also laughing.

Their face is full of blame, and it is also filled with ice cold.

"You have been very arrogant? I am self-defense." Zhang Bin said, "I am very curious, why didn't you have this very powerful oversteer?"

"I was really frightened, forgot to use the big array, wait for awake, the war is over, so many elders and deputy owners are imprisoned by you, I certainly can't use the array."

The medicine is in the heart, but it is said: "That's because I am kind, I have never thought about killing you. Even, I am willing to compensate so many treasures. But you swallowed our medicinal medicine, I can only counterattack "

"I am very pleasant." Zhang Bin said, "Don't keep talk, do it."

"God, that is, now, the teenager has not yet yet, he will fight with the other party."

All the lively monk faces are full of cards.

You know, now Zhang Bin's body is 100 million times, where is the fight?

"You will lying down! A boxing!"

The medicine is smiling and shouting. Step by step to Zhang Bin, a mad man in the face of Zhang Bin.


Space crashes, black holes appear.

Hurricane roaring, murderous.

The horror is that his fist has floated a glimpse of the monster.

It seems that it is extraordinarily clear.

"The soul of the planet? He actually refined the soul of the planet?"

There was a monk made a shout.

Planet is also a life, but also a soul.

The star soul is of course very powerful.

However, the drug is actually drawn from the soul of a planet? Concentrate on his fist?

How will this fist horror?

Zhang Bin's right hand lifted up, it seems to be a little effort.

However, he still slammed his fist.


Double boxing, splitting a loud noise, as if two planets impact.

Pharmacou felt a weird self-impact on his fist, defeating the soul of the planet, then act on his fist, broke out a power of Pei Ruo, more troublesome Zhang Bin's fist almost also brought him his fist and the power was huge.

The fist of the drug was suddenly opened, and blood dripped. His people are also a dozen steps after being drunk. It is completely stable.

Anti-view Zhang Bin, still standing there as a mountain, and even shake it.

At this battle, Zhang Bin took a punch in the array of 100 billion times, and he contained the top giant pills on the Grand Sunday.

Expose the fierce and terrorist power.

Everyone shocked, a fattle.

The monk of the immortal medicine is a face of a face, depressed and wrote.

Now, even their head is defeated by the other party.

The fairy medicine door lost his face.

Even if you use the array, it is difficult to save the reputation of the fairy medicine.

Of course, the most depressed and gentle or the drug is the old man. He wanted to crush Zhang Bin, to return to the reputation of the immortal medicine, but he was crushed by Zhang Bin, became the biggest joke.

To know, the other party is still over 100 million times.

"Give me, refine him."

The medicine is completely ashaped to be angry, nor does it take care of the face.

"Pharmaceutical Dining Fairy, Dan Road endless ..."

Many fairy medicine doors giant are in the same way, the pharmaceutical Ding of the humanoid combination is also moving toward Zhang Bin, to swallow Zhang Bin and then refine.

The refining fairy is in combination with gravity, is the most horrible attack.

It is the immortal that it may not escape.


Pharmaceutical is not close to Zhang Bin, and there are many flames in many giant.

Collect together, changed the color and became a black flame.

Excorps the murderous murder.

"God, this is the most horrible fairy, more powerful than the purple flame. The boy is finished, and it is necessary to become ashes soon."

Watch the lively monk exclaimed.

After all, Zhang Bin suffered more than 100 million gravity, it is estimated that it can't move, can it still have a good end?

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