The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1634 Huge harvest

"Hey ... this is unlucky in this fairy medicine."

Many monks who watched the lively launched, and the face floated with a weird expression.

In the past, there is also a lot of fairy pillians in everything.

"Bin brother is going to make a fortune, giggling ..."

Susan and many Jin Golden Diens are laughing in my heart.

"You have you have to compensate? Isn't you compensate you?"

The drug and the drug was seriously ruined.

"Previous compensation is the previous thing, now compensation is the current thing. You have to kill me, I have been made, I wasted some time, of course, I have to give compensation." Zhang Bin said faintly.

"We are not going to kill you, because you swallow the feathering Dan. I want to take back the feathering Dan."

Pharmacist said.

"This is said, you don't want to live, you don't want to live? That line, I will send you to the road."

Zhang Bin's swords in his hand started to kill the medicine.

"I will compensate, compensate, what do you want?"

The medicine is not talking about it.

"I will give all the cultivation methods that you have mastered. Take the treasure of your body, including the space ring." Zhang Bin said lightly.

"I rely on ... This time this time is powerful. The fairy medicine door is missing. But I like it."

All the lively monks are secretly ignorant.

This boy is really can't be provoked, his counterattack is so sharp, this is more uncomfortable than killing them.

What is the most important thing about a martial art? Of course, it is the inheritance method.

As long as the exercises are still there, then this martial art will be strong.

If the exercise is spread, it is got by the enemy. The martial art is equal to the foundation.

Because the hostile martial art has been inherited, it will enroll the genius disciple and the genius.

Geniuses who are suitable for cultivating the property skills are gathered to the hostile martial art.

How hard is it again, how difficult is it?

"Do you actually take all our best practice?"

The medicine is very angry, and I am afraid.

"It's not for capture, but compensation." Zhang Bin said, "Your fairy medicine door masters so many repairs, I want to take the gains, I don't know how many martial arts. Let you compensate, it is the generous people. What is it? "

"Hey, this boy is simply tenders." Many monks smiled, "However, the fairy medicine door did extinguish too much martial art, capture a lot of magical skills, have done a lot of injured days, the teenager said It's okay, is this? Is it a retribution? Is it now in the teenager to win the practice of the fairy medicine? "

"You ... strong words."

The drug said angrily.

"I will answer me soon, is it willing or not? I have no time to mushroom."

Zhang Bin lifted the sword talled, and Zhang Bin also burst into the cold murderous gas.

"I will compensate ..."

The drug is said to teeth.

"Don't think about the ghost, if I find that my skill is not right, and I am different. So, I can only send you to the road, then I personally go to your door."

Zhang Bin warned.

If you kill the fairy medicine door so many giant, the fairy medicine door is even more powerful, but absolutely can't stand against Zhang Bin's attack or sneak.

He really has the possibility of all cultural practice of the fairy medicine door.

Of course, there is a premise, that is, to defeat the fairy medicine door.

The medicine is a face, and the news is sent again.

Then there is a good old old old old old, who is a left-behind, a lot of jade.

Zhang Bin took over and read it in detail.

Again with this 100-lived fluid flow meridians.

It is found that there is no problem with the practice.

His face revealed a satisfactory smile.

There are a total of 36 consecutive methods, and the attributes of many ways are repeated.

However, there are two new attributes, one is the heavy property, the name of the weight, the real gas, the real gas, the emphasis, the ability to practice is the heavy property, as long as the mind is moving, the abilities Outbreak, you can make the enemy to break the horrible to the extreme gravity, and directly become a beach meat sauce.

There is also a death attribute, name is called death, the real gas of cultivation is death attribute, attacking into the enemy body, that can instantly let cells and organs die, and even instantly let the enemy becomes a corpse, the soul of the soul.

It is a super powerful attribute.

Zhang Bin's , there is an attribute that is unsatisfactory attribute.

Now I have got the opposite death attribute.

Can't say that it is a lot of luck and huge gains.

Even, the additional skills also have enlightenment to Zhang Bin.

He can improve the attribute skills you have mastered and improve the efficiency of cultivation.

"Compensated the magic and space rings."

Zhang Bin's heart, lifted the imprisonment of many giant, "If anyone retained a magic weapon, I was isolated, then I can only send him to the road."

Many giant giants in the Immortal Pharmaceutical, including the drug, is anger, but not saying that half is not.

All the space rings and the magic weapon have been held.

They are all super powerful giant.

Everyone has a lot of powerful magic weapons, helmets.

Therefore, Zhang Bin actually got more than a thousand powerful magic weapons, gains huge.

Zhang Bin is very satisfied, swing hands: "You can go, I hope to cooperate next time."

"Next time cooperation? Hey, he is too humorous."

Many monks who watched the lively were once again smiled.

"Ghost is working with you."

The medicine is acknowledged in his heart, "Kid, now let you proud, wait for our old ancestors, you will become a corpse."

" ..."

Many fairy medicine doors are fascinated by the gods.

All are cleaned, and a magic will not have.

"Master, you are really too cattle."

Three invasive shouts were shouting.

Many people watching the lively monks are also crazy.

Here be a joyful ocean.

"All, today and tomorrow, continue to refine Dan after tomorrow, everyone is scattered."

Zhang Bin said his hand.

Wenwu pharmacy practicing room.

Zhang Bin is checking the treasures among many spatial rings.

Materials, heaven and earth, various minerals, a lot of weird items.

Value is huge.

However, the most precious still is some cultivation notes, alchemy notes and experience.

These giants are the top masters of the immortal pharmacy, and they are also super powerful alchemists.

They have rich experience in alchemy, and they are also extraordinary.

Therefore, their alchemy notes have great enlightenment for Zhang Bin.

The alchemy of the old monarch is too high, and Yan Ming is difficult to make quick comprehension.

However, these alchemists notes and experience are a lot, suitable for Zhang Bin to understand.

It can make up for the shortcomings of Zhang Bin's foundation.

"Take these notes finely studied and understood, I will definitely fall in the horizontal level, even if I can't create a Dan attribute, I should be able to refine more magical medicinal herbs, let three skills outside the three definitions. Also broke through the bottleneck. "Zhang Bin picked the joy in his heart.

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