The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1635, the fairy world is reincarnation

Zhang Bin is in the room in the room, and the three teasing is a monk in the pharmacy living room.

"Do you really have the disciple of our Master?" Ma Qifei asked.

"Of course it is true. Zhang Bin is a son-in-law."

Su Dong stream said.

"Dad, what are you talking?"

Susan is shameful, and it is delicate.

"It turned out to be a scorpion, disrespectful and disrespect ..."

The three tence faces have floated, and the heart is also secretly admired. The master brother is too big. I just came to Dawei Star to get such a beautiful girl.

I'm really working hard.

Then they three began to warmly treat them.

Soon and many genius beautiful women, they are even, they and golden sea t / hook, saying that the brothers, it is really a temper with Jin Xiahai.

Finally, Zhang Bin came out of the cultivation room and came to the living room.

"Bin brother, you are so powerful, I am good to worship you."

Susan and many beautiful disciples have greeted, and the face is full of worship.

It looks like a big rose that is unique.

It's so beautiful to be too charming.

For a while, Zhang Bin talked to Soviet and Soviet.

"The door, the director is old, are you coming to the fairy medicine city vacation?"

Zhang Bin asked curiously.

"Holiday? Do we have a holiday?"

Su Dongli and the Director of the Director have been dizzy, this is how big the nerve.

"We are coming for you, I heard that you have conflicted with the immortal medicine ..." Su Dongshu said, "I didn't think that you were so powerful, not only put us all the past, but also put the fairy medicine door Rolling it. However, you still return to the school immediately, don't stay in the Immortal Medicine, the immortal of the fairy medicine may be customized at any time ... "

"Zhang Bin, go back with us, we will give you and Shanshan immediately."

During his old man said.

Zhang Bin was united.

Susan is shameful, covering his face, daring to see Zhang Bin.

"I can't go back, I have to continue to refine the medicinal medicine, this is a special practice. I don't understand you." Zhang Bin said.

"However, the fairy medicine door will not let you go, the immortal of the fairy medicine will soon be dispatched. Are you getting awkward?" Su Dong said anxiously.

"Yeah, yeah, Bin brother, you still go back with us."

Susan also said anxiously.

"You don't have to worry, I have my own way to respond."

Zhang Bin said.

Everyone faces each other.

"What do you want to refine Dam? Back to the door, can you practice Dan?"

Su Dong was asked in confusion.

"You can indeed refining, but progress is slow." Zhang Bin said, "Then you may be fallen."

"What? Do you practice, what is the relationship with me?"

Su Dong was stunned.

"I want to refine a magical medicinal medicine that extended life, enhance your life, extend your life, so that you have more time to practice, then you will have a big success, the current strength is too Weak, it is not in the past. "Zhang Bin said.

At this moment, the Su Dong stream moved to an unexpected point.

During the old man, Susan, Jin Xiaohai, and many genius disciples, they also moved to the extreme.

It turns out that Zhang Bin is not going to the cloud, but looking for a way to save Su Dong.

And the immortal pharmachouses have happened such a horrible conflict. He is still unwilling to go back, and he will be alive here.

He silently resolved the mandatory crisis of the Golden Gate and silently saved Su Dong.

What a great teenager?

No wonder, he can get so much merits, condense the merits goldprint.

"If he is willing to marry me, I will do his woman!"

Susan said in his heart.

"Xiao Bin, you are the future of the Golden Gate. You don't take it to me, I am old. If I am tired to you, I have to be lifelong." Su Dong said seriously. "You have practice. Time, first avoid the wind, anyway, you are in the fight, there is no secret law in Jinmen. They will not know your true identity. "

"Yeah, Xiao Bin, first go back to the mountain gate to get married, then find ways to refine Dan practice."

The Director is always anxiously.

"I really don't worry. I want to kill me, not that easy."

Zhang Bin said.

"Xiao Bin, although it is very powerful, you have two super powerful enemies, they are likely to deal with you. You may not be able to save." Su Dong was anxiously said.

"Two super powerful enemies? Isn't only one?"

Zhang Bin asked Surprisingly.

"Yes, two. One is the immortal medicine of the fairy medicine door, and spent five thousand years ago. Four thousand years ago ... Five thousand years, the trauma of his soul should be healed, the horror, It is not that we can be tuned. The other is the small door of Ze Tianmen. He is looking for the peak of the peak of the flying. "

Su Dongshu said, "They have a badge to deal with you because of the fairy medicine door, one because you fake Susan, defeating the Sanyate masters, will come to retaliate. I think that you can again, it is impossible At the same time, deal with two such powerful enemies, dealing with one is very reluctant. You still go back to the mountain. Concentrate on Fuze Tianmen. "

"Shuifeng? Is it very powerful? Even if he cultivates the peak of the flying, can you go?"

Zhang Bin didn't think about it. He just defeated the peak of the peak.

"Xiao Bin, you are wrong, Zemu is still terrible in Lingtian, who is better than the fairy medicine door." During his old plot said, "Because, we suspect that he is a great reincarnation."

"What? The fairy world can reach the rebirth?"

Zhang Bin's eyes were wide, and the face was full of not a letter.

"Ze Tianmen is originally a second-class mart, his brothers are not super genius, but because he, they all become horror gains, they can cultivate a variety of exercises, and even, Jianzang also became Horror to the ultimate master, if he is not a big world, how can it be? "Said the director.

"Do you have such a thing? There is a big world to reincarnate in Dawei Star, is it significant thing in Dawei? This great thing is the mysterious ancient fan?" Zhang Bin secretly shocked, After a while, I said: "Whether it is a fairy world to reincarnate, there is still no fairy cactus. I have a way to deal with it. You don't worry. I have returned now. I will continue to practice, it will also want to improve the way. The strength of our Golden Gate, becomes a first-class martial art. "

"Heaven, what kind of genius did he be in the end? It is not afraid that the immortal and fairy world can reincarnate? What kind of teenage is this?"

The monks of the Golden Gate shouted in your heart.

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