The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1638 Tiantian, Ten God

"God, Bin brother's momentum is horrible."

Numerous Golden Golden Disciples exclaimed.

Many beautiful women are more selling and dancing.

"The enchanting of the sky, death ..."

A majesty voice came out from the void.

Then, layered blue clouds appeared in Zhang Bin's moon palace, released a blue thunder, crazy hit Zhang Bin's soul.

"Hahaha ... Sure enough as I speculate. Different planets, different worlds."

Zhang Bin laughed in his heart, he didn't have any hesitation, the soul of the horror swallowed.

In an instant, all blue Thunder and Tiaber robs are swallowed in.

Transforming into special energy and drug, quickly condense the soul.

"Anti-God enchanting, find dead ..."

The void sounded an angry to the ultimate sound.

This is really a sound from the sky.

Vast, majestic.

"Come, come, come to attack me, can you hurt me a hair?"

Zhang Bin looked up, looked at the sky, and a bad color.

He actually challenged!

All the monks of all the Golden Gate are dumbfounded, and the face is full of cards.

You know, any monks are robbed, they are awe, and they don't dare to provoke.

Because it is similar to that life.


The sky is really angry with Zhang Bin.

The blue cloud begins to rotate crazy.

Have a deep black hole.

Then, the horrible blue Thunder bombarded the body and Yuan Ying on Zhang Bin like the rain.

However, this can not hurt Zhang Bin.

Instead, Zhang Bin's Yuanying quickly integrates into the body.

Zhang Bin's momentum is again enhanced.

More horrible is that Zhang Bin's mouth suddenly opened, crazy.

Just swallow the clouds in the sky.

"Enchanting, next time, you must kill you."

Among the voids, the sound of the world is very unhappy.

"That's just that the meeting is full of affection?"

The disciples of the Golden Gate are all stupid, watching Zhang Bin like the monster.

Zhang Bin's fitness is not a yellow sky robbery, but a horrible to the ultimate blue sky robbery.

And the body and soul are also robbed.

But it is so fast and easy to spend.

If there is another monk, it is not easy to spend the fit.

Yuan Ying is bombarded by the robbery, and it is difficult to integrate into the body, three days or five days.

Zhang Bin sat again and sat down again and crazy.

Let the body and soul quickly refine the medicine and energy of the robbery.

At the same time, it is also rapidly absorbed the drug's drug for previously taking the medicinal medicine.

"The energy of blue sky robbery is too powerful, and I actually let my soul condense five hundred points, now I have reached 11420. The soul is strong, the body is strong because of the integration of Yuan Ying, is also strong One of 30 sides. It is not easy to improve a little bit. "Zhang Bin squatted in his heart," No, I have to continue to break through. Otherwise, may not resist the fairy terror attack. "

He took out the numerous medicinal herbs refining this month and took it.

Crazy cultivation and refining.

"Do we want to dance? Bin brother has broken."

Many beautiful women jump, I want to stop and rest.

"I can only rest for ten minutes, then continue to jump, this is that Bin brother will tell."

Three teases looked at these beautiful women with obsession, Ma Rufei said seriously.

So, the dancing continues, the song is still.

Three hours later.

It is also a rumor ringing in the heart of Zhang Bin.

He broke through again.

Of course, the breakthrough is to move the day.

The moving is very special, and the cultivation is the body and soul.

Zhang Bin swallowed the energy of the robbery energy and the soul, and the moving skills naturally became the flying, and it was a successful cultivation to Zhongwitch.

Just cultivated to the fit, the body and the soul are strong, and there is a huge benefit for the breakthrough of moving the day.

Now take many medicinal herbs, speed up the process.

I finally broke through the early days of the big witch.

"Bang ..."

Heaven and Zhang Bin's moon palace once again appeared.

However, this time the cloud is not blue, but purple.

It is equal to the highest level of robbery.

It is the monk cultivated to the flying context.

The horrible purple thunder is covered with Zhangbin body and soul.

"Heaven, Bin Ge is in the sky, after the past, will not fly to the fairy world?"

Numerous Jinmen disciples shocked to the extreme.

Even Su Dongfu and Director are also lost.

Of course, they are also a bit worried because the big is full of horror.

It is almost ten dead.

Zhang Bin shakes the body, turned into a giant of up to 10,000 meters.

It is crazy about the clouds in the sky.

Hey ...

The flueled purple clouds are madly rotated, just like the Yangtze River river.

Of course, the same situation is also the same.

Since Zhang Bin has a lot of power, his mission is also bigger, it becomes more ferocious.

As for the Tians who belong to Mu Di, it also recovers more power.

The speed of digestion has improved a lot.

Purple Tianjob is not simple, the clouds in the sky seem to endless, how can they swallow their dissolve.

Moreover, in the process of being swallowed, there is a purple Thunder crazy bombardment.

I have been issued a terrorist voice in Zhang Bin's moon and Dantian.

However, Zhang Bin seems to become a black hole, which can always be swallowed.

His soul is in the fast gathering.

Gradually, the number of reached 11990.

Just 10 can reach 12,000.

However, the quirky thing happened.

Putting in Zhang Bin Central Dantian, the book, I am coming open.

Running a mysterious scripture again.

"The talents, the soul of the soul 12000, such as the stars, all over the weeks. Tiantiao peers, can be associated with ten gods, imitation is like a black hole, swallowing the land, and endless ..."

"I rely, what is going on, I have already cultivated the Tianguo's book, there is no new content, how come there is new content again?"

Zhang Bin is stupid.

Inspiring, he will understand that the original Tianguo is really different from the people 's tachips, and its own talents beyond the past, so now, now read the contents of the Ten God.

His hearts have been excited and ecstatic, continue to listen, and comprehend.

Then he is applied according to law.

There is no one, and the last ten points have been condensed again.

Instead, I started to give 5,890 guidelines with new secrets.

This 5,890 points are like hungry and dead, starting crazy phagocytosis energy and medication.

Zhang Bin, of course, is still crazy to swallow the clouds, and a sighted is swallowed for more than three hours.

The purple robbery in the sky and the moon is finally being swallowed.

Nothing at all.

Zhang Bin is still safe, arrogant, like a unbearable God.

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