The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1639 Tuning Water Elf

"My God, he actually swallowed the big success?"

The disciples of the Bajinmen were scared, and they were sitting on the ground.

The dance can't get out, and the song can't sing.

Even Su Dongshi and the Director are also full of worship.

The eye is shot in the eyes.

Because, he spent a lot of robbery, it means that Zhang Bin will definitely fly to the fairy world.

This is a cactus.

However, their ideas are wrong.

The immortal must cultivate the body into a fairy and cultivate the soul into a fairy soul.

Otherwise, that is, the monks of all the monks.

"Scared the baby ... What is the strong man? When, Dawu went out such a talented monk?" A water elf who watched the beauty dance in the sea showed a shocking voice.

"Walking, we have traveled with him in the future, waiting for him to cultivate him to the flying promotion, we will go to him. Go to the fairy with him." The sound of another water cooky sounded.

" ..."

Eight powerful water cookies fly out of the sea.

Be careful to be close to Zhang Bin, but it is still a distance of about a few kilometers.

"Human, what is your name? What martial arts? In the future, if you cultivate to the flying promotion, can you take us to the fairyland?" The most powerful purple water elf said.

This is a beautiful purple monster.

The additional elves are all blue.

They are very powerful water cookies.

"Ha ha ha ... My plan is finally successful."

Zhang Bin sent an excitement to the extreme laugh in his heart.

He chooses the small island to rob in the center of the sea.

Moreover, many beautiful women sing here, it is to attract the elves to come and watch.

Then they can certainly see the purple Thunder.

Maybe it will come to him.

"God, eight powerful water ?? Take the initiative to find Zhang Bin?"

All disciples of the Bolden Golden Gate are shocked, and the face is full of mad, and the hot light is shot.

"My name is Zhang Bin ... You are not as good as I follow me now? Why do you want to wait for me to fly a fairy?" Zhang Bin asked.

"We have to take care of your child, otherwise, they may be caught by your human beings. How miserable?" Purple Water Elf said, "Let you, you don't necessarily practice to the flying promotion. Just It is very possible. "

"Why do you say this?"

Zhang Bin slowly moved, and asked in his mouth.

Eight elves are very alert, but also slowly retreat, purple water wizard also warned: "You don't close, otherwise we will go right away."

When Zhang Bin stopped, it explained: "You are talented too late. It's too big. The so-called Tianzhu Tale. Your robust will be more than the other monks, too much. More than just the robbery, There is also a horrible person robbery, or other robbery. The possibility of you fall is too big. We follow you, and may even fall in terror, so we hope that after you have a big success, With you."

"You don't want to pay at all, but I want to go to the fairy with me, don't you feel a bit ridiculous?"

Zhang Bin's face is getting cold.

"Hey ... You are a super genius, we can't help you." Purple Water Spirit smiled, "But we also have treasures to send you."

Said, its mouth opened, spit out a dozen water spirits.

It is blue and purple.

With such a high-level water, Zhang Bin, will certainly go into the air.

It can be said that this is a super good treasure.

"Swallowing the sky ..."

Zhang Bin's mouth suddenly opened, crazy.


A vortex immediately appeared.

The magical power acts on eight water elf.

It is necessary to swallow eight water ejaches.

"Hey, you can't catch us, we are the magical water spirit."

The purple water elf whispered.

They simultaneously shake the body, and they will become a rain.

Moreover, there is a rainy rain in the sky.

Just like a hole in the sky.

"Space imprisonment, time pause."

Zhang Bin shouted with cold smile.

The rain is solidified.

Eight elves have escaped to the sea, but they are suddenly can't move.

Then, under the horror power of swallowing, fly quickly, and put it in Zhang Bin.

"God, Zhang Bin actually grabbed eight such a powerful water ?"

The branch disciple and three teasing are shocked to the extreme.

Big Golden Gate, a secret room.

Zhang Bin, Su Dong, who has just come back, sitting in the old man.

"The door, the director is old, you must be confused, is I am not a branch disciple? It is also very doubtful, how did I not think about it in silence?" Zhang Bin asked.

"Yeah, can you explain it?"

At the same time, two giant nodded, they didn't dare to ask this doubt, and they are afraid that Zhang Bin is not their branches, then they have no relationship with this talent.

"In fact, I am really not a Jin Gate disciple."

Zhang Bin said the sky said.

"Sure enough, it is not."

Two giant gods giant earthquake, the face became pale.

During his old man said: "However, now you have cultivated our Golden Gate, it is already our branches, you may not be able to do."

"Yes, even if you are not, but now it is true of our disciples."

Su Dongshui also said nervously.

"I really cultivate the Tianguo, and I also cultivate the Golden Tianshan, and even cultivate the treasure of my body. However, I am not learning from the Golden Gate." Zhang Bin's hand appeared in the sky, "there is this This book testifies. "

"Tianguo book? You actually have a heaven or a book? Where did you come from?"

Su Dongli and the Director of the Lao Shao jumped at the same time, and his face was full of colors.

"I am coming to vain."

Zhang Bin said.

"You are not Dawei Stars? Is it a planet?"

Su Dongshu is talking.

"Yes. I am from the earth." Zhang Bin said, "I went to Golden Star first, I found the transfer array, after fixing, I sent it here again."

"Are you coming to find a book and book?"

Su Dongshu asked again.

"You can say this." Zhang Bin said, "

"How is this possible? That is a few billion years ago."

Su Dong was stunned.

Zhang Bin took the grievances of the earth and the black prison, with him to help the Bige Wars Magic with the help of the Viberous War.

"It turns out that this is the case. The origin of the Tianguo is like this. Now I finally know, I finally know where to kill our ancestors ..."

Su Dongshu suddenly realized that the hatred of the bones on his face.

He began to tell everything that the golden civilization leaving the earth.

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