The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1640 Gold Civilization, the alarm bell Changming

At that time, approximately 100,000 people in gold in the universe, with the Skymaster, and the book left the earth.

The book is left in the earth.

However, there is no great impact, because some people have basically fully comprehend the book.

After arriving in Golden Star, they are there.

This time, they learned the lesson.

Never destroy the environment.

And built a huge science and technology base at the heart.

There are many, fine, eggs in it.

That once a disaster, life is extinct in the surface.

Casual disasters have been in the past, and the surface is suitable for human survival, and the robot will use human beings in the use, fine and eggs.

Therefore, in the past few billions, Golden Stars have appeared countless disasters.

Sometimes even because of the changing of the sun, but frozen hundreds of millions of years, the inheritance of gold civilization has not been disconnected.

However, at 300,000 years ago, the most horrible disaster came.

The Magic was driven by a space warship that was transformed with Tiandi Lingbao, invaded the golden star.

The golden nearsers at the time were very powerful, and the powerful giant ratio was all.

The strongest is that Su Jiasi is the ancestor of Su Dong.

Just through the big success, cross the empty look for the earth, want to find the talents.

But there is no wish, just find the bigze star with a strong monk.

A transfer array is arranged on two planets.

Magic invasion, Su Nei stabilized with many masters.

That is really a big bloody battle.

The Black Safe Cosmo is horrible to the extreme, and it will not break at all.

However, it was trapped by Su Xing Star.

See you to win.

However, the universe warship suddenly opened.

The source is endless, all of the magic, all powerful to the terrible point.

There are tens of thousands of quantities.

Among them, there is also a horror magic of the big success.

It is even more than the burger.

Su Ji Star quickly killed.

All human beings were killed, and even the underground science and technology base was also destroyed.

Finally, only a few geniors, with the Tianguo Bookmaking, there is a jade jade that is the content of the Tianguo, and fled to Dawei Star through the transfer array.

After that, I found a Golden Gate in Dawei Star. It has been inherited to today, and Su Dongli and the Director are always a gold civilization, and it can be said to be a planet, because their ancestors come from the Earth.

"What about the book?" Zhang Bin asked.

"The book falls into the magic." Su Dongshu said angry and apologized, "We ancest the ancestors unobstructed, lost your treasure you won in the hands of the magic."

"You can't blame your ancestors, it is too confused." Zhang Bin said, "However, they got the book, it is useless. There is no news, that is, it can't practice, I will kill the black prison." , Ignore the magic, find the following. "

"The Tiandu

"The Tiandu , finally gathered again." Zhang Bin's face, I immediately asked: "The immortal of the fairy medicine door, the reincarnation of Ze Tianmen, they look for an ancient fan, then Is it your ancestor? "

"Hey ..." The Director is old and sigh. "My ancestors did bring an ancient fan from Golden Star. It is said to be an antique from the earth, with an endless character. But at the time, a few ancestors have just fled to the big Zexing, the repair is not high, there is no way to get cultivated resources, will sell it. After, I don't know the fall of the fan. I don't know if they are looking for. "

"The fan is really related to the earth, it is likely to be the treasure of the magic and fairy world. When I got too old, the old jun and the ancient reincarnation reborn in the earth, not only in order to deal with the black prison, there may be one Purpose. That is to find the ancient fan. "Zhang Bin analyzed in the heart.

"Xiao Bin, just, you said, magic repairs and invades the earth ... how are you going to meet?"

Su Dong asked seriously.

"Original Blanha, the moon, early development, have developed a star conveyor, 300,000 years ago, invading the golden star, is to reverse the battle with the transfer array, from the black prison, there is too much powerful magic. So, not only Due to their universe warships, but also to deal with countless powerful magic, how to deal with, it must be researched and deployed. However, now I still want to improve our strength, only more powerful, there is a revenge. "Zhang Bin Sink.

In fact, Zhang Bin also had a very confused place. Since the Black Prison Star Magic has developed an interstellar transfer array, and there is a black prison star to arrive at the earth, why not pass the magic repair? Instead, I have to wait for the magic repair in the black prisoner to wake up from the sleep?

"Revenation, revenge, killing magic ..."

Su Dongli and the Director of the End of the eyes, shouting crazy.

At that time, their ancestors had more than 100 billion people, but they were killed by magic, and they had fallen to the Sau Stars that had been awarded the big robbery.

Can they not want to revenge?

Inspiring, Zhang Bin gave them two giant, Susan, Jin Xiaohai, and three teasing. Of course, it is the water that has just been obtained. And eight water wits have only one, of course, the purple elf. It was also taken from Zhang Bin, and Zhang Bin signed a host servant contract.

Now Zhang Bin also realized that this Dagu Star estimate will become a terrorist battlefield.

Since there is a big world to reincarnate, there is still a fairy that is not flying in the fairy, and it is looking for that fan in Dawei.

Then the Devil World Tiandu Emperor is also likely to know this news.

After all, they are all versatilers, with magical power.

Even, now there may be magic hidden on Dawei Star.

Therefore, you must cultivate your forces quickly.

Soviet, Susan, Golden Haikoji, which is a thousand-tech relations, Susan, and Golden Haiko, which are giving and Earth.

After the foundation, the seven people's Dantian appeared 11 areas, which were very extraordinary.

Zhang Bin is darkly happy, teaching their many cultural practice.

The next day, the seven people who are rooted are hard to cultivate, and Zhang Bin is cultivating, of course, trying to refine Yanhou Dan and more advanced Breakthrough bottlenecks.

"Ha ha ha ... My body and soul finally turned, I am a real cacto."

Two days later, the drug is broken, flying over the void, arrogant, and burst into the power and momentum of the world.

He spent the flying and promoting the big robbery, did not enter the fairy, but with a magical medicinal medicine, it turned out into a fairy and the first soul, turned into a real cactus.

This is a great miracle.

After all, after the big success, although the promotion has become a more advanced life, it has a longer life.

However, there is no to go to the higher world, you can't get the magical energy and medicine to change the body and soul, it is just mortal, it is not a fairy.

"Congratulations to the old ancestors, He Xi Laozu ..."

The medicine is also a surprise flying to the air, shouting excitedly.

The giant giant of many fairy medicine is flying over the air, and the face is full of ecstasy, and rush to congratulate.

"Now, I have just a big success than just a lot of robbery. I tried this world, why people can resist me? That powerful boy is alive, and I am more than me, that is, the antique!" Feel the terrorist power like the sea, your face is full of pride and arrogance.

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