The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1641, Tucheng

"God, strong thirty times?"

The giant huge of the fairy medicine is completely dumbfounded, shocked, and the face is full of money.

It is to know that medicine Ling Tian is a unioneerous genius, and there is no enemy of the world.

I don't know how many times is strong than those who are in the same level.

So, he can spend horror to the extremely big success.

Now cultivating the body of the immortal, it is strongly 30 times.

What is terrible?

Cactus, is it so powerful?

"The immortal, with the heavens and the earth, unless heaven and earth robbery, or if you encounter terror, it will never fall." Pharming Tian said, "Now I and the world are the existence of the same level, this world of heavens It is no longer suppressed. I can do it for what you want. "

"For what you want?"

All the giants of the immortal pharmacies are stunned, and the face is full of doubts. It is difficult to understand this sentence.

"Don't understand? Very good, you will understand it right away."

The face of the medicine is indifferent and cold, his right hand suddenly explored, and the moment it became a large fever.

Drinking on a city outside of thousands of miles away.

Bang ...

A loud noise.

This urbanization became a powder, and millions of people became a meat.

Blood, reddish land.

A clear blood red applause occurs.

One palm destroyed city!

Cactus, horror.

The heart of the cactus is cold?

"The old ancestors have killed millions of people."

All fairy medicine doors are stunned.

Don't this do it? Not afraid of heaven and earth sanctions?

Not afraid to get a fault?

But it seems too cruel?

"The immortal is already a more advanced life. Super off life, jump out of the five lines. This world is a group of ants, or a nest ants. I destroyed a nest of ants, of course I won't get anything wrong. World Will be disappeared. "Pharming Tian said proudly.

"Don't care what morality? Don't worry about what is wrong? It is worthwhile for what you want, the beauty, treasures of this world can be hegented."

The face of many fairy medicine doors is full of envy and look forward, and the eyes are also shot.

"The immortal is, but still come to worship?"

The medicine is suddenly shouting.

I didn't know what fairy law he used, his voice sounded in any of Dawei Star.

Even even the dispatch of the dispatch of the martial art has lost the ability to shield.

"God, the medicine of the fairy medicine door is deserved, turning into a real cactus, just talked about the mortal people. Now let us meet him, will he do we have killed us?"

The face of Most monks of Dawei Face has flooled.

Even, someone is stabbing.

The cactus, even so horrible, one chapter kill millions of people?

Isn't it afraid of Sky?

However, anyone of them dares to say that there is no distinctive, and there is no one dare to go to the fairy medicine.

Therefore, countless monks fly over the past eight squares and hula.

Just ten minutes.

All monks who can Yujian flying on Dawei Star came to the fairy medicine door.

Surrounded by the foot of the fairy medicine door.

Fortunately, the feet of the immortal Mountain is, it is an undeaded plain.

You can stop this tens of millions of monks.

The monks of the Golden Gate have come.

The disciple of the old, Su Dong, many elders and super genius, changed the face of Zhang Bin.

The immortal is too powerful.

I can cover the whole planet instant, let any monks have no shape.

Don't come, I will be perceived by the cactus immediately, and then killed by the immortal.

Just now, the immortal saga has a million people, how is it?

However, they did not worry too much, because the immortal of the fairy medicine did not necessarily knew Zhang Bin's true identity.

The only one who hasn't come, is Ze Tianmen.

Because, the sound of the drug can't invade the large array of Ze Tianmen, even, his love is not enough.

It can be seen that Ze Tianmen is arranged in an incomparable terror.

Therefore, the Ze Tianmen monk is temporarily do not know this.

"The little door of Ze Tianmen has a weird, is it true that the fairy world can reincarnate?" Pharmaco has no expression, in the heart, "How about the fairy world can reincarnate? No cultivation into a fairy soul, nor Maybe my opponent. Don't come to mess up ... "

"This is a cacto? What is the devil?" Susan's fear of fear, the sound said, "Bin brother, he is holding a million mortal, why is it not afraid of the condemnation? Why can you so heart?"

"I don't know. However, this kind of cactus is absolutely not long." Zhang Bin said, "There is no condemn, and some condemn."

At this moment, Zhang Bin has picked the anger.

The heart contains horrible to the extreme murder.

If the immortal is such a virtue, he will kill the fairy without hesitation.

However, he still knows that the immortal should have a good or bad.

Bad cactors are not absorbed to demon, even more horror and extinct humility than magic.

And there is no doubt that the immortal in front of you is a bad fairy.

Zhang Bin began to observe the drug of the proudly suspended void.

The medicine is not a look of the old man who said that Su Dong is said.

It is like a twenty-year-old teenager, the lip red tooth, the face is thin, the eyes are slender, the nose is like a hawk.

Skin is like jade, and even a pore is not.

Do not leaked any breath.

No contact with this world.

His body also exudes a faint white halo, which looks the sacred pole.

His eyes make indifferent light, as if he is watching a group of ants.

That is a gesture that is high, despise everything.

"Nima, it is much stronger than Mo Yi? How is this possible?" Zhang Bin was darkly surprised. "Is it, he is close to the past five thousand years, not repairing the wounds of the soul, but work hard to cultivate? So It's a lot of powerful? I don't know, there is a horrible heaven and earth spiritual treasure? "

"Our old ancestors have cultivated a fairy and fairy soul, become a real fairy. Super off life and death, and day life. Can be for what you want, and the heavens and earth are not going to meet?" Drinking in the world.

"See Ling Tianxian."

All monks are fighting, and they will be salute.

"Hahaha ... Who does anyone dare to disrespect us of our immortal drug?"

The disciples and gigbs of the fairy medicine do be excited, and their faces are full of arrogance and arrogance.

The day before the day was depressed and blamed with Zhang Bin.

" Drinking the medicine.

He quickly scanned Dawei Star, but because Zhang Bin changed his face, he certainly could not be found, so it could only take this way.

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