Everyone is stunned, the disciple of Big Jinmen is also secretly thrown.

After a long time, no one speaks.

"You don't want to say it, still don't know?"

The eyes of the medicine Lingtian were squinted, and the radiance like a knife was blamed.

"We don't know, don't know."

Everyone was shouting, I was afraid that this cactus was mad, and they patted them into drums.

"Zhang Bin, I know, you are hidden in these monks, have you been very arrogant and arrogant? How can I not show now?" The medicine wanted to drink, "You best, you come out Don't be tired of others. "

However, there is still no reaction.

How can Zhang Bin go out silly?

The immortals in front of me are much stronger than the magic, and he does not have any parties to defeat each other.

. Report with a super good treasure, let him break through a bottleneck. If there is no ancient fan, then I can't afford it, I can only kill you all, a group of waste, waste my time. "

There is more than 10,000 monks here, he is going to kill all?

What kind of virus is this?

What is a spicy?

All monks' faces have a strong fear, and the angry flames have emerged.

"Ling Tianxian, how have you been? We can help find the ancient fan. But if you can't find it, don't you kill people?" A monk who looks raw right.

He is just a righteous door or fear.

Constructing to the peak of the flying, is a super powerful giant.

A pair of iron is indestructible, and there is no enemy of the world.

Punish evil, famous earth.

"You come out, say loudly."

Drug Lingtian put it on the face of the fearful face.

There is no fear of fear, and he stepped out step out, standing in an empty place, repeating the words just now.

"I will send this antique to the road now, everyone looks carefully, how can I kill him."

The drug said coldly.

"God, is this this is to kill the chicken monkeys?"

Many monks have secretly fear.

"Want to kill me? You have to pay a huge price."

The face of the fearful fear, and there is a sharp machete in his hand, and the brown shot of the cold. The body is also a sharp pressure and momentum of a horrible.

"Anti, I want you to die, you have to die, I don't even have the point."

Drums said.


There is no fear, and it is crazy.

The knife in the hand becomes large, and it is covered, like a mountain.

Then he lifted his knife high, and slammed a knife to the medicine Lingtian.


The space is broken, the black hole appears, the hurricane roar, the mountains and the hill collapsed.

The big river is postponed, and the sea has a lot of waves.

This momentum is really awkward.

The strength of righteousness is too terrible.

Absolutely stronger than the drug.

This is a half-time, a big arrogance, a full-time arrival.

No wonder him dare to go.

Such a horrible knife, you can really destroy the earth.

However, the medicine Lingtian did not have a flash, and there was no blockade.

He continued to stand in the void.

In an instant, this knife is in his forehead.


A loud sound, spark splash.


The righteousness is no fear, and his tiger has split, the knife inch in the hand is broken.

Human retreat, five sense bleeding.

A sad bloody.

Drinking the medicine Lingtian, or the silk is not hung, even the hair is not trembled.

As if, it is not a knife, but hit by a mosquito.

"God, this is too powerful? Is this the strength of the cacto? No wonder he said that we are anthrace."

"It's too horrible, it's too scary."


Many monks exclaimed.

Even Su Dongshi and the Director were stunned, and his face was full of fear and worry.

Is this powerful medicine Ling Tian, ​​Can Zhang Bin deal with it?

The medicine is still a double-eyed, and the cold says: "Yisheng is fearful, you should commit suicide immediately!"

Everyone is stunned, let the righteousness are not afraid of suicide? How can this be?

However, the horror thing happened.

The fear is not hesitant to raise the palm, slap in his own head.

Bang ...

A loud noise, his head is as broken as a hitting watermelon.

His soul is also flying out of the moon, and his mouth shouted angrily: "I am not willing, I am not willing ..."

Then, his soul began to be annihilated, and it has become a faint black smoke, dissipating among the heavens and the earth.

Thorough topography.

"How is this possible? One sentence let so powerful righteousness, no fearful? Even the soul is self-annihilating?"

"This is terrible, is the cacto is so poisonous? If you can't kill? One sentence can be suicide?"


All monks are amazed.

It is too terrible to defeat a monk to kill a monk.

However, just a sentence, it is too kind, it is terrible.

"Zhang Bin, don't impulse."

Susan and Su Dong stream have almost simultaneously grabbed Zhang Bin's arm.

At the same time.

Because they all feel Zhang Bin's anger and murderous.

Zhang Bin is in the edge of the outbreak.

However, the immortals in front of them are too strong, Zhang Bin is equal to the death.

The best way is to spend the time before you have, and you will be strong, and the cultivation has become powerful.

"Take out your ancient fan, hurry, don't waste my old ancestors."

The drug is highly jealous and is shouting.

"Yes Yes Yes."

Many monks almost scared, and they didn't turn down the shape of the fan in the spatial ring. Extended a seam in the ground.

Which fan is a fan of the medicine to look for, but it is unknown.


Pharaoan spurted the purple flame in the mouth, instantly fell on the mountain.

Crazy caught.

Just a few breathing time.

Almost all the fans become ashes, melted into slag.

Just only have a fan, or safe.

Even the flames even make a light color.

Zhang Bin's pupil contracted, the face was surprised.

Because the fan is exactly the same as the ancient fan he has, it is not the same as that of the fusion.

He got two ancient gaps, named the Tu Magu, and finally integrated into a one.

Purple flames cannot be burned.

Now there is a third one?

Do you have a super treasure that is looking for in this three fans?

It is also a treasure that is very eager to get in the fairy world?

(Brothers, feel wonderful, please vote for it.)

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