The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1643 is forced to shoot

"Hahaha ... I found it, I finally found it. I completed the task."

The drug is shouting, and his face is also showing ecstasy.

He suddenly waited, and the fan flew to his hand.

He watched in detail and played.

However, he certainly can't see any mystery.

"Ling Tianxian, this fan is originally mine, now I am dedicated to you. Please ask Ling Tianxian to enjoy the Dan medicine, help me break through." A monk flew out, looking forward to yelling.

He cultivated to the unique border, but it could not break through the flying misery.

Now his fan can certainly can't keep it, it is good to go to a bunch of bottlenecks.

After all, the previous drug Ling Tian promise.

"You go to hell breakthrough."

The medicine Ling Tian smiled and took this monk as a meatlo.

Blood reddish a large area.

The poor monk did not only show the fan, but also sent it.

"Devil, this is a devil! Where is a fairy?"

Almost at the same time, all monks are angry to the extreme.

However, they dare to worry.

The immortals in front of you are too powerful, not they can deal with.

"The treasure fan is in the hands, the night is more dreams, you must immediately fly to the fairy, put the treasure fan ..."

The medicine is in the heart, and his face is laughing. His palm is high, and it will become a big place in an instant. It is intended to kill all monks.

Not only just to kill the teenagers, but also to kill people.

After all, this treasure is too precious, according to the old ancestral statue, it is the command of the Antarctic Xian Di.

There is another immortal to see a fan, and even the magic is also looking for a few billion years.

"Food, finished, he wants to kill people, we must be killed by him."

Many monks are not a fool, of course, I know what I think in the heart of Tiantian.

Their face floats desperate and grief.

They have begun to resist, and they must be desperately desperate with drugs.

However, they suddenly discovered that they were banned, and the space became solid.

They can't move.

Now they are like fish on the chop.

Ren people slaughtered.

At this crisis, Zhang Bin shouted: "Ling Tianxian, I also have such a fan, the purple flame can not be burned. However, there is no way to bring it, so I have no way to take it out."

"What? Do you have such a fan?"

The medicine is stunned, and the high-raised hand slowly put down.

The murder of terror is also converge.

Because two purple flames can't be burned, then he just got this, it is not necessarily that the Antarctic Xianmie needs.

Perhaps it is another one. Also maybe two are not.

The murder is too early.

These monks have to make these monks have also handed over the fans hiding home.

Otherwise, you can only refine the Dawei Star into ashes, or you may find that fan.

However, it is too big.

Moreover, Ze Tianmen still has a fairy world to reincarnate.

He put his gaze to Zhang Bin's face, and said with a unquestionable tone: "You will take the fan right away."

"Then you will kill me and all monks?" Zhang Bin said angry.

"Hu said eight." The medicine is said, "" The reason why he kill him is because this fan is not him. But this monk. "

After finishing, he took a monk to him.

This is simply a horse.

This monk is almost scared, I nodded, and said: "To the right, this fan is actually mine. Not that idiot. That idiot can kill."

"Give him a medicinal medicine, let him break through the Yuan Baby."

The drug is again faint again.

This monk cultivated to the golden Danjing, to break through a bottleneck, and for the fairy gates who are good at alchemy, certain can be done.

The drug will immediately take a very precious medicinal medicine, hand it over to the monk, and said to say: "You take it, you can break through the Yuan Baby in half an hour."

"thanks, thanks."

This monk shouted excitedly.

"Go, as long as you take the fan, I will also reward a magical medicine, let you break through a bottleneck." The medicine Lingtian looked at Zhang Bin, and the laughter did not laugh. "

"You gave me the bottleneck of medicinal medicine, let me break through the best. After I broke through, I went to take the fan, because I didn't believe there is such a magical medicine in the world. I am worried that you are lie to me. Zhang Bin said, "My card is in this bottleneck for three thousand years, and there is no way to break through. Life is also going to do."

Yes, Zhang Bin came out from the Bajin Gate, it turned into the old head. He closed most of the Dantian, only opened the Raytarian Dantian.

Therefore, the realm of revealing is the success of the Yuan Baby.

Moreover, he also launched the death attribute, let his body exude a dead breath, looks like a monk that is going to live immediately.

"What is Bin Ge? Is it doing? Is it necessary to deceive this vicious fairy? If the other party is angry, what do he take directly?" Zhongjinmen all secretly pinched a sweat for Zhang Bin.

It is really that the drug is too strong, the real cactus, in the world is invincible.

Although Zhang Bin geniuses, he has not yet grown.

So far, Zhang Bin has only two skills to cultivate into the initial period.

It is the three cleansing and moving the day.

The rest of the exercises are all cultivated to the Yuan Baby.

"You are good!"

The pain of the medicine is anger, and the eyes are shot in the eyes, and the momentum of the destruction of the earth is also emitted, and all the monks are completely flooded.

"The left and right is a dead, I am afraid of what." Zhang Bin said, "I see your purpose is likely to get all the treasures, kill people. In this case, why should we go back to take out the treasure fans who have an imperminant feature? ? "

"Yeah, yeah, it is necessary to be killed by him, and the fan I hide will never take it."

Many monks also felt the life and death crisis, so they immediately cooperated with Zhang Bin and sent an angry voice.

"Hahaha ..."

The medicine is laughing. "You are more, I just get a treasure fan, I will never kill people. How do you have many mortals on the planet, there are many mortals, they still know Everything. I can't I eliminate the Dawei Star more than 100 million people? The inheritance of the Tianjiao in the fairy world is broken. I have to be guilty of guilty. "

"Though the truth, but you just blow the foot, say as long as you give a fans, you will give breakthrough bottlenecks. Unless it is a fairy, it can make me exhausted monk breakthrough. However, you still Didn't go to the fairy world, how can I have Xian Dan? "Zhang Bin said.

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