The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1644 Decaling Fairy, Crazy Breakthrough

"Yeah, yeah, that is, who is bragging, who is believed."

"The empty gloves white wolf, there is no reason to give it, is this a cacto?"


Some bold monks once again stated whispered.

Although they don't know Zhang Bin's intention, they know that this can be delayed.

That or the martial arts will come over to grab the treasure fan.

Then they may have a chance to escape.

"Joke, I don't have Xian Dan? I am a grandpacquet! Why is my martial art called an immortal medicine door, of course, because there is a fairy medicine, there is an immortal medicine to refine the fairy Dan! However, there is only a fairy to be able to refine Come out. "Drug Ling Tian said," As long as you dedicate it to anyone who has an unwanted property, I can give you a fairyan. Let you break through a bottleneck. Even the life is exhausted It can also break through. "

Many monks' faces have an excitement and exciting color, and the eyes are also shot.

Zhang Bin is a color of punishment.

The eyes of the medicine Shengtian flashed the cold murder, pointed to Zhang Bin, said: "Now make a trial, you see, this old man will be on the wood, the body is filled with a dead breath, he only has a maximum life. Dan medicine in all years is absolutely can't break through. Now I will give him a fairy. After taking it, you can break through. "

After that, he took out a jade bottle and threw it to Zhang Bin.

This is the last level of the remaining furnace of the furnace that he refines.

He just took eight grains and transformed the body and soul into a fairy body and fairy soul.

This part of the medicinal herbs is of course very precious, magical ability, although it can't be flying during the day, but it is to extend the life of the people, but also help people break through the bottleneck, better than any precious medicinal medicine.

However, for him, it is nothing to use.

Because he is going to the fairy world.

In the fairy world, Xianling Dan is also a very ordinary medicinal medicine.

He was originally intended to give this Dan medicine to the drug, and the probability of flying in the future will be a lot.

However, now I have a life expectancy, but the old man who is too fans, so that he has to take it out to prove that he has Xian Dan. It is good to let everyone feel willing to take more ancient fans with unwanted properties.

He is not worried about the old man who will be on the old man in front of him.

The consequence of lie to him is to kill by him.

Of course, the old man and all monks in front of you are already dead in his eyes.

It is necessary to be exted by him.

Zhang Bin horses open the jade bottle.

Pour the one fairyland out.

Dan medicine has a faint white mist, it looks like a fairy.

I heard a bite, Zhang Bin fluttered.

Zhang Binhua understands that this is the real fairyan.

If you cultivate the peak of the flying, then take this part of the Dan medicine, you can break through the big success, then fly to the fairy world.

Zhang Bin took it on the horse.

Magical things happened.

In the abdomen of Dan Medicine, it has become a strange hot flow, which is quickly integrated into his muscles and blood.

His body and soul have gained benefits.

It seems that there are more than something.

What happened in nature, but what did it change, Zhang Bin can't say it.

Then Zhang Bin felt that his bottleneck was banned to break.


Bottleneck breakage of Ray property.

Dan Tian's Yuanying seems to have got a strong power. When you are crazy, you will swallow Dantian's true gas, and Yuan Ying has become bigger.

Then his Yuan Ying fly out of the body.

Quickly integrate with Zhang Bin's body.

"God, it is a fairy, it will break it so soon. There is still a fairyan in the world, and the cactus is magical." Many monks have completely earthquake, the face is eager and expected.

Even Su Dongshu is also eager to the ultimate, if he can get a fairyan, he will not fall, he can even break through the big success, then fly to the fairy.


Almost at the same time, there was a purple cloud of dense magne in the moon palace of Heaven and Zhang Bin.

Distribute an incomparable death atmosphere.

Then, the purple Thunder bombarded in the body of Zhang Bin like the rain, and there was a soul.

Zhang Bin's Yuanying quickly melted, rapidly integrated into Zhang Bin's body.

"What is going on? It turned out to be a purple Thunder robbery? And the body and the soul are also robbed?"

All monks are completely dumbfounded.

Even, even the medicine Ling Tian is also awkward, and his face is full of doubts.

"It's amazing, this fairy is too magical, but it is a cross-level robbery. But can't hurt my body and soul, is this going to make me fairy?"

Zhang Bin put out a stupid look and shouted excitedly.

"Could it really because Xian Dan is too counter-sky, the first time is used in all years, so there is a flying misery, but also the soul and the body. There is a pharmacter's body of the fairy, causing him to hurt him. ? "

Not only many monks, even the medicine Ling Tian is a face, but it is thinking about it.

There is still no worries in Mi Lingtian.

Even if this old is good for the world, he can easily kill.

Because, he is a real cactus, where the world is invincible.

Therefore, the situation is still in his hand.

Zhang Bin's three clear mouth broke through the best, and once made Yuan Ying and the body blended once, it was very experienced.

This time, the fit is extraordinary.

Just a dozen breathing time.

His Yuan Ying is finished with the body.

"Ah ... a good medicine, I can't control it, I want to swallow the heaven ..."

Zhang Bin put out a blush-in-faced look and shouted.

His mouth is also suddenly opened.

Swallowing the sky.

The robbery of the sky flows into Zhang Bin's mouth like the Yangtze River, which is completely swallowed.

In his moon palace, of course, the same situation, his soul is also swallowed.

"I rely, this fairy is too horrible, let him break through, and also robs purple to the sky? It turned out to be safe?"

Many monks shouted crazy.

Of course, the most shouting is the big golden gates, they are taking Zhang Bin.

"The situation is a bit wrong, my Xianling Dan is magical, and it is impossible to make people have the ability to swallow the sky."

Pharmacoici is less confused.

But I haven't thought about what happened.

Heaven and Zhang Bin's moon palace once again appeared a laminated purple cloud, and the purple Thunder bombarded again.

And it is more intensive and fierce than the last.

Because Zhang Bin broke through, this time, two skills were broken at the same time.

That is the Golden Tianshi and the God of Control.

Two Yuan Ying almost flew out Zhang Bin's Dantian and quickly fused.

It is so fierce that the sky robbery is so fierce.

Blink is done!

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