The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1645 is condensed with God, the battle begins

"I am swallowed ..."

Zhang Bin shouted crazy.

I swallowed the sky again.

However, the robbery comes again.

This time is three ways to break through.

Three yuan fly outside the body and fuse with the body.

"What is going on? Does he cultivate a variety of exercises? Do you cultivate multiple yuan infants?"

Many monks completely dumbly, stayed with wooden chickens.

The color of the drug became iron green, and the eyes were shot, and his body was also exploded into the ultimate murder.

Because he felt, he was deceived.

This is not a row will be the old head of the wooden, but a super genius! The other party just lied to his fairyan.

"The old ancestors, the situation is not right, this bastard seems to be the teenager alchemist."

The drug is carefully called.

"That is impossible, he can't be so talented."

Drum Tiantian said.

"Old ancestors, no matter whether he is not him, let's take it first, he is obviously a liar, lie to your fairy medicine. Now he reaches the purpose, first start to be strong." Pharmacist said.

"He is robbing him, I kill him, it is to interfere, I may give me a punishment of the robbery. Although it is just possible, but I can't take risks." Drums said, "because I am a cacto, punitive day Robbery may be able to destroy the labeling of cactus, I don't have to resist it. "

"What should I do? Wat to break through him?"

The drug is in an anger, anger to the extreme.

You know, this part of the drug is originally his, and the old ancestors will give him before going to the fairy world.

Now I am defrauding by the monks in front of you.

"Nothing, he is talented again, and it is impossible to practice dozens of skills." The color of the medicine floats, "It is estimated that he is a genius disciple of Ze Tianmen. The same genius as Wujie, may cultivate 11 kinds of practice. Don't say that he only breaks through the meaning, it is broken through the flying miseranship, I can easily crush him, let him die is not comparative, and I have to ask him to practice at the same time. The secret of the practice. I look at me, but I finally gave me the benefits. "

"The old ancestors. Countless nobles."

The pain of the drug has floated the color of greed, and if you can get the secrets of the multi-practice method, the fairy medicine door will be strong, and the real Qianqiu Million, a Dagze Star.

Xian Dan's medicine is really horrible.

Let Zhang Bin continue to break through.

The bottlenecks of many exercises have been broken, and many yuan babies fly out of Dantian, continue to integrate with the body.

He is crazy to swallow the talents, refining the medicine of the robbery.

His body has become rapidly, and his soul is also stronger, and numerous points are madly engraving energy. Even 6,000 points that have been stopped from phagocytic energy and drug efforts have also been woke up, continue to phagocytic energy.

"I rely on, can you secondly engrave energy? It seems that it is very difficult to condense 12,000 ordinary guidelines.

Finally, 11 yuan baby and body are integrated.

That is to say, Zhang Bin's 11 kinds of contributions have also broken through the initial period of the fit.

"Now, it is time when I kill you."

The pain of Ling Tian is full of smiling.

However, laughing will become a crying.

Because, the robbery appears again, and it is more horrible.

This time, Zhang Bin's five yuan babies flew out of Dantian and fused with his body.

Improve five times the powerful robbery, of course, you can destroy everything.

However, I can't hurt Zhang Bin.

His emperor is easy to integrate with the body, and the momentum of the body has skyrocketed.

Then he swallowed the sky.

It's just that it is like a tiger!

"Heaven, he also cultivates 16 kinds of practice, now cultivating the beginning of the advice, he is a super powerful cultivation genius." Many monks shouted shouted.

Their face is full of envy and jealous.

However, the robbery once again.

Crazy bombardment.

Because Zhang Bin broke through again.

Yuan Ying is a flying, and the body is fused.

It seems that there will never be the same.

Soon, 20 Yuan Ying and the body were integrated, and Zhang Bin's momentum has skyrocketed.

It seems to be airtatious cold.

The color of the medicine Ling Tian also became iron, and the body was shaking.

The disciples of the fairy medicine doors are also angry, depressed, wrist.

Their old ancestors are cacto, but they are actually dressed as a super genius monk to deceive it?

"Boom ..."

The robbery appeared again.

Because Zhang Bin continues to break through.

One further.

Unsatisfied attributes, unwanted properties, and unhappy attributes have also broken.

Finally, the spatial properties and time attributes are applied to the ambitious skills and death attribute exercises in the Yuan Baby Great.

The 29th context will break through.

29 yuan boy and his body integrate, his body is powerful, don't know how many times.

His bones shine, blasting white rays.

Long bones!

The muscles of defense have also been greatly improved, and it contains horrible to the extreme power.

His soul is also swallowing to too many days of robbery energy and medication.

The 11990 guidelines are full, and they can no longer be swallowed.

Just like 11990 pieces of gems, inlaid in all parts of the soul body.

Connected into a singular network.

Even Zhang Bin also began to condense the first God.

The first God is the hundred session of the soul.

Unfortunately, energy and medicine are still not enough, the first God is not condensed.

Only a light red dot appeared.

However, Zhang Bin's soul is still a lot.

"Very good, now my strength is raised to an unprecedented peak, you can fight for the medicine." Zhang Bin shouted in his heart, his face floated confident.

"Kid, you dare to lie to me, give me death."

The medicine is angry, and his right hand suddenly raised, and it turned into the sky. Then shot Zhang Bin, and took Zhang Bin as a meat sauce.

"I have done it, I finally started, can Xiaobai be able to resist it?"

Su Dongli and the old face are full of worry and nervous.

Countless monks are also nervous, because they know that their life and death decide among the horrible battle.

If Zhang Bin is victory, they can live.

Otherwise, they must be exted.

"One punch is broken ..."

Zhang Bin shouted, his right fist took advantage of the momentum of destroying the earth in the palm of the medicine.

"Bang ..."

A loud noise of the sky.

The sky is shaking, the ground collapses, and the whole planet is shaking.

The drug is highly rebounded in the palm of the palm of the medicine.

And Zhang Bin is also nailed as a nail.

Make up a deep cavern.

However, in the blink of an eye, Zhang Bin took out as the same arrow, and said proudly.

The face is filled with a laugh, and the body is burst into the sky.

The audience shocked, the Chinese script was silent.

This monk is only cultivated to the early stage of the advice, and it can resist the cactus.

How can this be?

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