The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1646 Swallowing Tianxianwang

"God, Bin brother is really too powerful, is he invincible?"

Susan, Jin Xiahai, etc. disciples are shocked, and the face is full of worship.

"It turned out, after the foundation, will it be so powerful? It turns out that Zhang Bin's Tianshui is much better than us, he cultivates more than 30 kinds of exercises, it is because there are more than 30 Dantian ..."

Su Dongli and the Director of the Director were shocked, and the face showed the ecstasy.

Not only for life, but they have already been built, and they are expected to fly.

Of course, Su Dongshu also has to wait for Zhang Bin to make Yan Shou Dan to have the opportunity.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, how can you resist me?"

Drums day, I didn't bother.

At this time, he had to admit that this time really was deceived, and made a foolish thing. If Zhang Bin did not break through, it was absolutely impossible to be his opponent.

However, now Zhang Bin, but it is powerful too much, you have to kill him, not so easy.

"Is it impossible? Is it impossible? Do you know why?"

Zhang Bin has a bite to rush to the throat of the throat, and talk to it.

"Don't you are the Shamen Lord of Ze Tianmen? Your soul from the fairyland?"

The medicine is in the middle of the medicine.

"Hey ..." Zhang Bin was arrogant laugh. "I am not a Ze Tianmen young door, but my soul is indeed from the fairy boundary. I am swallowing Tianxian Wangbiu."

"What? Swallowing Tianwang Bowmun?"

All monks have a wooden chicken.

The teenager in front of me is actually the fairy world, but also the fairy king?

God, this is a real big person.

Such a big figure, actually reincarnation in Dawei Star?

They have no doubts, because if they are not immortal, Zhang Bin can't be so strong. He can justify the immortal only in the early stages of the symptom.

This day is too horrible.

"Swallowing the fairy king bow, the alchemist of the single roll of our fairy medicine may be this person.

The disciples of the immortal pharmaceutical doors are lost, and the face is changed.

"Swallowing Tianwang, you are you thinking about Dawei Xing in Dawei?"

The color of the medicine Ling Tian also changed, and the jungle beads were thrown on the head.

Although he is also a cactus now, it is the lowest level of cactors, even, now he doesn't know what the fairy is in the end, and I don't know how the realm is divided.

However, the fairy king is also highly high, high is on top.

It is always the giant of the fairy.

Such giant is turned off to reborn in Dawei, and he did not know his existence at all.

Now he is sinned this giant.

How to do?

"What do I think?" Zhang Bin's body burst into a sharp pressure, "I want to ask, what do you want to do? A low-level immortal in the district, dare to kill millions of people? And dare to grab The ancient fan of this fairy is looking for? Even, you still want to kill these million monks? Do you think you can do whatever? I tell you, once you go to the fairy, you will be killed, become a body. "

"It is impossible, absolutely impossible." The pain of the drug floated on the face, "I got the instructions of the ancestor statue, the ancestral statue said, as long as I got the ancient fan, dedicated to the Antarctic Emperor, I will It's a great job. You can get a very thick reward, I can get a step. Antarctic fairy is not possible to punish me. "

"It turned out to be the Antarctic Xian Di in the ghost."

Zhang Bin is in the heart, and the Antarctic Xian Di has more powerful, but he is basically known, because he has received the top heritage of the Antarctic Xianmi, and the reason why he can practice so powerful, the inheritance of the Antarctic Emperor has been crucial. effect.

"Of course, I know this." Zhang Bin said coldly. "Antarctic is looking for ancient fan, but you have not let you kill so many mortals and monks. You have committed a big mistake. Your Majesty is worried What surprises, I am also worried that the ancient fan is obtained by the magic and the other opposite head. So let me turn back to the world, come to Dawei Star to find ancient fan. "

"What? You are also the Antarctic Emperor to send it?" Pharmaco is stunned, "Then we are all doing things to the Antarctic Xian Di, you should work together, not confrontation. Why do you deal with our fairy? Fairy medicine? "

"I will not be too late to go." Zhang Bin said, "Andrsen," And I have told me, let me contact you. What other things you may not believe me. However, you have not seen, I have been in your hand? Almost no disciple of your immortal medicine, kill a few people who have a profitable person. I have a palm of you. I will know that your cultivation is problematic, it is equal to the magic. I will kill. The world is a spirit. So, I have to cheat your fairy medicine, quickly break through the bottleneck, improve the strength, then I have the ability to stop you. "

"You speak alone, how can my cultivation possible?"

Drums are angry.

"Remind, in addition to improving strength, but also morality, it is also gain merit. But you never succulent, just relying on Dan medicine to break through the bottleneck, this itself has a problem." Zhang Bin said, "kill millions of people I still want to kill more than 10,000 monks. This is a great crime. Even the South Pole will not keep you, you must know that the fairy is more than the Antarctic Xian Di, there are many fairy emperors. Common supervision of the fairyland and all the world, all the people There is a cactota that is sent by the fairy world, so your sin will be clearly known. You entered the fairy world, the opportunity to live is not big. "

"Don't my cultivation really have problems? Don't I kill millions of people, really make a big mistake?"

The color of the medicine is cloudy, and the cold sweat is rolling.

The sound said: "If I don't go to the fairy world?"

"That will not have a living road, and the immortal of the Dynasty will kill you. The immortal must go to the fairy world. Can not be idle in the world." Zhang Bin said coldly.

"This is this ... Swallowing Tianwang, do you have any way to save me?"

Drug Shengtian felt a rich death crisis, and it was a bit bubble.

"The truth and you said, I am the immortal of the Xianjie to supervise Dawu Star." Zhang Bin said coldly, "So, in the past, all monks didn't know me. However, I suddenly felt, you may I walked into the magic, I had to throw the head, got the heaven and earth, and improve the strength. "

"But you just said that you are the Antarctic Xue Emperor?"

The medicine is asked.

"Yes, I am also the next Aldest Emperor, and I have close relationship with the Antarctic Xianmie." Zhang Bin said, "The immortal of the world is all the arrangements of many Xian Emperors. This is not contradictory local."

"Please also swallow the king to save me?"

Drum Tiantian was thoroughly believed,

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