The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1647 lie to the ancient fan, the fairy!

"What happened? The drug is turned off?"

"God, Bin brother is too busy, and the medicine is lie to the group, and I ask for money?"


Many monks and Big Jinmen discies are stunned, and their faces are filled with weird expressions.

The giant giant of the fairy medicine is awkward, it is depressed, it is a retreat, the immortal of the noble and powerful immortal is? This is too ridiculous, it's too ridiculous. Today's things are a bit wrong. If this monk says it is true. He does not necessarily be that Xianwang is rebuening. What should I do? But what is it true?

"You kill innocent, sin, how can I save you?"

Zhang Bin shook his head.

"Swallowing Tianwang, I know, you must have a way to save me." Pharming Day pleaded with saying, "I am a bit confused, I have made a big mistake. I will have to change before."

"I can save you, I just want to hide your mortality, I don't report it. However, once the things are disclosed, then I have to be involved, why should I bear this risk?" Zhang Bin said coldly.

"Swallowing Tianwang, you said, what kind of price I have? You are willing to save me?"

The drug is a play, I look forward to ask.

Zhang Bin put out a slate, and sinking for a while, he said: "This time, in addition to supervision of the world, it is to find the ancient fan to the Antarctic Majesty. Of course, there is a more important task Now I can't tell you now. So, you give me the ancient fan, and I am dedicated to the Antarctic Xue Emperor. Then I will tell the truth or conceal the newspaper. In addition, don't fly in the fairy world now, to complete with me Another important task will enhance the crime. That's basics have no problem. However, from today, you must work hard, it is best to get merit, you have a big benefit to you. "

"But, give you the ancient fan, I didn't complete the mission of the Antarctic Xianmi, would you bother to me?" Pharming said hesitate.

"You help me complete the important task together, find ancient fan together. Of course, I have completed the task of my own account." Zhang Bin said, "I can't swallow your credits." I am a fairy. "

The drug is believed, without hesitation, the ancient fan with unwanted properties, respectfully dedicated Zhang Bin.

"Very good, finally deceived this fan of huge secrets." Zhang Bin took place in the heart, "Pharming Tiancheng became a cactus, super powerful, but a bit stupid. Looking for him to deal with him Black arrogance. Then there is much more grasps. "

If the drug Ling Tian knows that Zhang Bin's heart is thinking, it is absolutely inelent to over.

He was sold by Zhang Bin and gave Zhang Bin.

"All, you can go back, if you have an ancient fan that is unsteady, you can get it to me, I will give you a huge benefit." Zhang Bin took the eyes to many sorrowful monks face.

Many monks have a darkness, and this life and death crisis has passed.

This monk didn't know what secretaries used this monks to take the medicine.

They are going to leave.

However, the immortal pharmacies suddenly occurred.

The tallest statue in the ancestral hall suddenly broke enough to shoot a strong golden rays.

Then flew out.

Zhang Bin's face changed, and the moon double sword suddenly broke out.


Like the same speed.

Instantly on the head of the statue.

Bang ...

The head of the statue is chemical.

However, a sense of condensation is a brain of the medicine, "You are idiot, he is not a fairy world to reincarnate, not the supervisory person sent by the fairy, kill him, grab it back to the ancient fan, then fly right away Xianyin ... "

"What? Fake? He liered my fairy medicine? Then I also cheated my ancient fan? I even lied to me to do something else? Nima, where is this old?" Ling Tian got a bite of old blood, and he was angry to the extreme, which made his face lost, but he gave each other.

"Bet, I want to take your bones out, I want to put you a piece of fragment."

Drums Day sent anger to the extreme shout, and his body was also blaming the murderous murderous, and the sharp pressure and suffocation of horror.

It seems to be a cacto, and it is the devil who is eating people.

"Medicine Ling Tian, ​​you are idiot, now I am awake, there is a fart. Can you let me?"

Zhang Bin laughed, and the lightning is like a high altitude.

"Where to escape?"

The medicine is red, and there is a sharp to the ultimate sword in his hand.

When I turned up, the sword in my hand was crazy.

"Hey ..."

The swords are exploded, and they cross themselves, and they are completely shrouded.

The murderous ice is cold, let the monks who watch the war are shaking.

The face is pale.

"God, it seems to be the heaven and earth spirit of the medicinal herbs!"

There is a monk shouting shouted.

The medicine ancestral medicine is the opening of the Fairy Pharmaceutical Door, the super giant and Tianjiao in millions of years ago.

He is in the world, and the refining drug is invincible.

Refining too many magical medicinal herbs, let himself go to an incredible point.

He kicked a heaven and earth spirit - the sword in the depths of Dawei Star.

With such a heaven and earth, he did not have an enemy in the world, truly crushed an era.

After that he flew to the fairy world.

The statue of the show is of course the statue of thousands of drugs.

"No, it is the imitation of the medicine protprint before the fairy world, and the imitation treasure that is refining is based on his phantom sword. I have been invincible. This sword is rarely used, basically no one knows. "There is a great monk to press the sound interpretation.

"Then, even the imitation treasure, it is not bad, it can be said that it is the most powerful magic weapon under the Tiandi Lingbao. You can kill everything."

"The fairy took the imitation spirit, how terrible, the unknown monk couldn't resist."

"What should I do? If he is defeated, we have no living road."


Many monks have become extremely nervous, and the face is full of fear.

Of course, the tension is the disciple of the Golden Gate, they are in their hearts, if Zhang Bin has a deception of the drug, do not use the deception, and directly kill the other party.

Unfortunately, I was originally, I was liered by Zhang Bin to a fool, but it was a bad thing that was being protected by a herd.

Loss of luck.

They all put out the knowledge of love, nervously paying attention to the horror war in the void.

Seeing that the horrible sharp sword net will take Zhang Bin to a fragment.

Zhang Bin became a real dragon that only had embroidered needles.

Snail armor appeared on the body.

I escaped from the sword net gap in the dense Ma Ma, went to the very high void.

"it is good……"

All monks are shouting crazy.

Of course, there is no monk of the fairy medicine door.

"You can't escape. You are dead."

Drug Ling, smiled and shouted, showing horrible spatial abilities.

Take the wind royal sword, the speed exceeds the speed.

Blinking Zhang Bin, the sword in his hand came crazy.

The sword has skyrocketed millions, and the murder is broken!

Zhang Bin, dangerous.

(Guiqiu recommended ticket.)

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