The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1648, the card, an immortal escape

Seeing that Zhang Bin is to be killed in the true spirits of the medicine Ling Tian, ​​his mouth suddenly spurts out of the four fairy tower, with the murderous murderous bombardment on the sword.


A loud noise of the sky.

The meteorite among the voids has become a powder, the sun and the stars in the sky are rocking quickly.

The shock wave falls to Dawei Star, and it is chemically contained in the horizonal hurricane.

Blow the countless trees to blow.

Many monks are still standing unstable, falling down to the ground.

This momentum is too horrible.

Four fairy tower fly back, there is a touch of scars on the surface.

The true spirits are also high-rebound. However, it is still a sharp man.

"You also have imitation treasures? Who are you?"

The drug is surprised and doubts.

" ..."

Zhang Bin certainly won't talk nonsense.

Rapidly break again.

Of course, it is not an escape. I can't escape. Because the immortal understands the horror of the space law, it can cross the void and easily go to the distant place.

He just brought the drug to the place where Dawei is very distant.

Then that their wars will not affect Dagu Star, they will not hurt innocent.

"Kill kill ..."

The weather is in a hurry, crazy chasing and attacking.

But all were blocked by Zhang Bin's four fairy tower.

Gradually, they went to the depths of void. I can't see Dawei Star. Just use the knowledge, and you should not feel.

"Ling Tian, ​​today we will finally die. Who is it?"

Zhang Bin shakes the body, turned into three six arms.

A four fairy tower is held in a hand, holding a giant knife in a hand, and four other hands holding a sharp sword.

He havurtically, launched the same attack like water in the day.

"Let you lie to me, you will die for me."

The medicine is crazy and dancing, and it has become a huge terrible light ball, hit straight, fierce.

"Dangdang ..."

The magic weapon bombards each other and the sound is shocked.

Spark splash, let the void become bright.

"Hey ..."

Zhang Bin's sword was cut off.

" ... ..."

The other three swords were also cut off.

Only four fairy towers and giant lizards were left.

Zhang Bin is still calm, mind, and the tower of the four fairy tower opens.

Dragon, Phoenix, Peacock, Tianma rushed out, release the horrible magical attack medicine Ling Tian.

However, I can't hurt the medicine to the day, even his hair can't hurt.

As for the space imprisonment, it is even more useful.

"Turkey woooti, ​​I will die."

The medicine is shouting, and the sword in the hand is like a whirlwind, and the dragon, phoenix, peacock, and Tianma will become a fragment.

Strong horror.

The fairy is really not the mortal can resist.

Zhang Bin's two eyes suddenly stunned.


The moon double the sword took out, and wink in the two of the two temples of the drug.

Then he is on his moon palace.

Dangdang ...

The moon is not broken, and there is no trace.

Just quickly shaking.

Let the drug feel a threat of death.

He was so angry, and he was more crazy to attack Zhang Bin. The mouth was also a fierce shout.

Zhang Bin's Day defeated, one is that the power is not as good as each other, two is not as good as each other, and the three is the magic weapon with more powerful.

It turned into three six arms, but there were no six magic weapons to resist the sword.

Only the four fairy tower can drive the sword, the giant lizard has some gaps. If you fight, the giant lizard should be broken.

"You have the strength, dare to pretend to swallow the Tianxian Wang to lie to me, it is simply don't know how to live. I want to make you fragments, I want to refine your soul into virtual."

The heavens and arrogance of the drug, and Zhang Bin is not angry.

"Nima, the immortal is strong. If he is holding the heavens and Lingbao, it will absolutely invincible, and it will be very easy to deal with the black prison star." Zhang Bin shouted in his heart, try to reduce the near-body fight. It has a lot of magic and the other party.

Thunder, flame, light, time, spatial abilities, killing attributes, death attribute ... One by one, it is dazzling.

Unfortunately, Drumsheng Tianshi has been stronger than the immortal, body and soul.

Such an attack can't hurt him.

Even, even the timing is only hysteresis him a moment of negligibility.

More terrible is that Zhang Bin's giant lizard knife is on the medicine sky, and he can't open his defense.

This is a desperate battle!

Soon, Zhang Bin became scarred, bloody.

If he doesn't cultivate the keel to a small, it has already been cut off, and it has already been defeated. The next place, of course, is dead.

" ..."

Zhang Bin became a true dragon, and the lightning fled deeply in the dark.

"You can't escape, don't struggle, go on the road."

Drums Tiantian took the sleeve one, he crossed the void, hurriedly chased it.

However, the front of Zhang Bin suddenly disappeared, and it was replaced by the Wenwu Space Battleship.

Countless black lacquered guns are aligned with the drug.

"Give me ..."

The drug is crazy, and the sword is swayed, and this cosmic warship will be twisted in half.

" ..."

The universe battleship suddenly broke out countless photon shells.

The speed is too fast, too sudden.

The medicine is not too late to break, but he has never thought of breaking, he cultivated into a fairy body, not the attack of the world, but he was worried about Zhang Bin to escape the universe warship.

In an instant, countless photon shells bombarded in the swords and true spirits, and bombarded in the medicine sky.

Bang bang bumps ...

Tianshal crack, sound shock.

The rays are bursting, as if countless atomic bomb explosions.

The hot high temperature is not estimated.

The space collapses.


The drug is screaming.

His body did not melt, but the hot high temperature passed to his moon palace.

The soul suffered heavy.

"Send you to the way."

Zhang Bin shouted with cold smile.

The photovolver of the universe battleship is more crazy.

The photon shellings are continuously reflected in the medicine of the drug.

Among the void, it is continuously rising a huge mushroom cloud that is like a planet.

The hot radiant is completely ignited.

All gas is emptied and exhausted.

Only unzurzible high temperatures, in the madness invading the body, the body and soul of the day.


The drug is eager to escape from the end of the year.

Just joke, in the history, it is equal to the history of eight years later. At that time, Zhang Bin will make a lot more powerful than now, but it is also honestly created by the photon gun of Blanha Cosmobile.

Although Drum Tiantia is a cactus, it is not necessarily larger than Zhang Bin than eight years.

How can he resist the bombardment of the photon gun?

Entering the void is a trap that Zhang Bin is released, and the defeat is defeated.

Now that the drug is still can't bear, starting to escape!

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