The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1650, the immortal is a treasure

"I have not promised to put you, just say possible. However, I want to want to go, I feel like you have such a monk, I will become a magic, I will only kill in the cradle." Zhang Bin said, His moon double sword will take out again, and he is in the true spirits.

He also considered the soul controlled drug Lingtian, let him go to the black prison.

However, the soul of the drug is a fairy soul. He is very likely that he can't control, and even the medicine is pretended to be controlled by the soul.

Of course, you can also use additional methods to control him, but it is not insurance.

Even, Zhang Bin worried that when dealing with the black prison warship, the drug suddenly turned back, put into the embrace of the magic, that is miserable.

Such a monuished monk, no humanity, is the super genius of the demons.

So, still kill insurance.

"Ah ... you have a liar, I will not let you do it."

The drug is shouting that is incomparable.

"You have no chance to make ghosts."

Zhang Bin did not stop, and he continued to kill the moon double sword.

Gradually, the scream of Drums Day became low.

Finally, it is completely silent.

Strong terrible cactia medicine Lingtian, falling!

Perhaps, Drug Shengtian is the most sad immortal, and has not went to the fairy world. It was killed by Zhang Bin with the universe warship.

In an instant, the rich merits Jin Lang emerged from the void.

Inject into Zhang Bin's merits goldprint.

Gongde Jinyin quickly condensed three gold dragons.

The total number reached 60.

"Although the drug is cultivated into a cactus, it has not been eliminated. So, I kill him, I can get so much merits Jinguang. This bastard, this life does not know how much hurt the world. It turned out, worship It can also cultivate into a fairy. It is a martial medicine. "Zhang Bin muttered.

At this moment, he has more understanding and sentiment on cultivation.

He picked up the true spirits, and his heart was joy.

Finally got a good sword, with this sword, the war has been multifresses.

If you have such a sharp sword before you have, then you will be so hard.

Zhang Bin immediately refined the true spiritual sword.

The true spirits are really special, in the center area of ​​the sword holder, inlaid a grabable bead.

There is a small room in the beads.

No entity items cannot be placed, but the soul can enter, and Yu Jian is far away from the enemy.

Although the soul of the medicine Ling Tian is smashed, but it is just a wise.

The soul energy remains in the true spirit space.

The soul of the drug is the soul, so the energy is very advanced.

Zhang Bin faced a surprise, immediately let his own soul go to the true spirit space, and the energy of all souls is swallowed. Then through the digestion and transformation of the nature, the soul of any medicine is erased, converted into energy suitable for the absorption of Zhang Bin's soul.

If Zhang Bin has no cultivation, his soul is definitely no way to refine such a senior soul energy.

"God, condense ..."

Zhang Bin shouted.

The Hundreds of Conference of the Soul have a singular change, crazy phagocytosis energy.

Just like a black hole that has nothing, how can I fill out?

Therefore, only a few breathing time, all energy is swallowed by this guidelines.

However, the speed of this guocolar energy is still not slowed down.

It is obvious that it has not been completely completely successfully.

"My God, God is so horrible, condense is so difficult? This is the soul energy of a fairy soul?" Zhang Bin slam.

He is so good to look forward to his heart. In this case, if you condense the top ten gods, it will certainly be a lot. Obtaining hanging to terror, it may be much more grasping.

"As long as the talent is good, the Tiangu Magic's book is complete, it will be very powerful."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

" ..."

Zhang Binfei arrived in front of the corpse of the drug.

Search in detail.

Soon, he found a few magic weapons from the Dantian of Mi Lingtian.

They are all very powerful.

Then, Zhang Bin has been a treasure from the Dragon Pool of Miyutian.

That is a few jade pupils.

Among them, in the jade , it records the experience and experience of the drug Ling Tianzhi. This is of course a treasure that is extremely precious. It is not an expensive value. I am fault, but he can still practice into a fairy, because he has a magical alchemy talent, relying on Dan medicine to make up for everything.

It can be said that the talent of the drug is not in the original Old Jun.

This is a huge enlightenment of Zhang Bin's alchemy.

Perhaps he can create a Dan attribute skill faster.

In addition, several jade is the cultivation of drugs.

This is also a treasure that is extremely precious, and the experience of a cactus is really not the same.

There is also a lot of enlightenment to Zhang Bin's cultivation.

Although Zhang Bin got too late to be the old man, the month is thousands of incense, the big days have passed, but they did not cultivate into a fairy and fairy soul, and they went to the fairy.

However, after the Taoism, after the day of robbery, he stayed for five thousand years.

For these five thousand years of sentiment, for any monks, they are valuable wealth.

The practice of druging days is the killing attribute, named killing the god class.

Therefore, he murdered like hemp, and his life was a mustard.

"Killing the gods is better than the killing book of my cultivation. In the future, I will bind these two skills." Zhang Bin muttered, "However, it is necessary to build a foundation to allow cultivation, otherwise , Cultivate such a practice, it is easy to lose its nature and become a devil. "

In the face of Zhang Bin, "Not bad, good, this time although the thrill is very honest, it has passed a few times, but my gain is also very huge. Lifen a fairyland, improved Strength, I also got the imitation of the treasure truth spirit sword, killing the gods, Xianling Dan's Danfang, and the cultivation of the medicine Lingtian. Even, I also got an immortal. "

Although the body of the drug turned into coke.

However, there is still a cell in vivo dead.

Now actually swallow the energy of the world, I am repairing it.

If it is completely recovered, it is the body of the fairy.

Maybe anything is not necessarily.

At least, the fairy body is much more powerful than the defense of Zhang Bin now.

"The immortal is a treasure."

Zhang Bin lamented.

He immediately got into the Central Dantian, the aura and Hongmeng Ziqi, which allowed to recover quickly.

"Right, I also got an ancient fan."

Zhang Bin also took a forehead.

He immediately took it out and took out his own fan.

Two fans broke the colorful rays and glow each other.

Then, like the magnet, it is soon fused soon ...

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