The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1651 Fan's Magical Change

The fan is fused, and the pattern on the fan has a special change.

There is a whispered woman, just a touch of back.

Willow, hip, black hair fluttering air.

Her arms are explored, pointed to the side of the palace.

The Dongfu is still very embarrassed, there are several words above the Dongfu, which exudes horrible to the extreme domineering.

Unfortunately, Zhang Bin can't recognize what is what words, because I can't tell the stroke.

"This is the magical treasure of the Dawei Di and the Antarctic Xianmie. I actually got three ancient fans, and all integrated together. Is it, is it going to be discovered?"

Zhang Bin's heart beats.

Even the fairy emperor is a treasure that is crazy, it will be extremely precious, perhaps you can give him a huge benefit.

Zhang Bin began to study this mysterious ancient fan fine.

However, no matter how he studies, it is still a secret.

Can't refine, I can't enter the Dongfu.

However, he still has a new discovery.

That is, the woman who is a woman can make a strange light.

The Ufa will release a touch of black light, and the purple skirt will release the purple light.

Snow white skin will also release white light.

The most amazing thing is that there is a touch of faint fragrance from the women's repair.

People are fascinating.

"This should be a magical technology, to the place where you live." Zhang Bin muttered, "One day I want to unlock this fan secret, then find this beautiful woman repair, and She is always together. "

"The master, you lost, wake up."

The voice of the rabbit suddenly sounded in Zhang Bin's mind.

When Zhang Bin suddenly shocked, hurry to move his attention from the back of the woman.

Face is also bigger.

I was really lost, I said that.

This is just a picture, there is such a magical magic?

You must know that now your soul is very strong, no quarantine, but also can't resist the temptation of a picture?

Zhang Bin took the fan and rid of the Wenwu number.

Before the mountain gate of the fairy medicine, many monks still stood there.

One face is full of tension.

The disciple of immortal medicine is of course a high toe and full of confidence.

If the liar is really strong, don't escape to the empty.

"Bin brother, how are you doing now?"

Susan shouted in his heart, tears in his face.

Many beautiful disciples are the same.

Even the golden sea, Su Dong, and the Director is also facial and tears.

Obviously, they all have a bad feeling, Zhang Bin may be worse.

"You don't worry, I have already killed the medicine in Ling. However, I don't want to appear again. You pretend to know, go back to the mountain." Zhang Bin's voice suddenly in Susan Su Dong and the old man The ear is ringing in the ear.

"I have an illusion, I seem to hear his voice ..."

Four people are doubtful, ask each other, they know that it is true.

"God, Bin brother actually kills the medicine Ling Tian, ​​this is incredible, is it, is he really omnipotent?"

They all shocked to the extreme, joy is also full of fullness, and happy is almost yelling.

"I haven't come back so long, maybe it is lost in the void, or it may be equivalent to the same." Su Dongzhi muttered, "Why do we stay here?"

"Yeah, why bother is here? If it is a cactus, we are here, it is a dead road. If you are winning, we will be safe. No matter what, there is no need to wait here." The elder is also said.

"Waiting here, I don't do it. We are now, find a place to hide, maybe you can escape."

"Go, go, the immortal has not come back, we have the possibility of escape."


The rest of the monks also spoke.

Then, more than 10 million monks flew to the sky, flying all over the sky.

"Good bile, dare to go? You must be killed by our old ancestors."

The medicine is very angry and threatened.

However, no one will pay attention to him, blinking, more than 10 million monks disappeared.

After that, only the disciples of the fairy medicine door are waiting for the medicine to return.

However, the drug is no longer coming back.

The drug is dead, it is alive, it has become the biggest mystery of Dagu Star.

Big Golden Gate, a hall.

Su Dongli, the director of the old, Susan, Jin Xiahai, the four people are around Zhang Bin, their faces are full of excitement and excitement, Susan also rushed to Zhang Binhuai, pinched on Zhang Bin's arm , I touched the chest, "Bin brother, really you? You kill the immortal medicine Ling Tian?"

Zhang Bin did not answer, just a heart, there was a true spirit in his hand.

"It's a magic weapon of the drug."

Four guys were shocked, and the face was full of ecstasy.

At this moment, they dared to believe that Zhang Bin really killed the drug.

"In the future, you will not happen if you do anything, don't let anyone know, I am the old man." Zhang Bin said seriously, "Is it serious, remember?"

When they nod, Zhang Bin said: "The door, this time, maybe you can't stand it, because I got the experience of the drug and many Danfang."

"You get the Dan side of Xianling Dan? Can you refine the fairyland?"

Su Dongli's face revealed the ecstasy, and the eyes shot in the eyes.

He cultivated to the peak of the flying, and was founded by Zhang Bin, there were 11 Dantian.

In addition, it has been suffering from the migram.

Even now he also reads the , learned more the soul of the soul suitable for him.

If you can extend your life, he is very hoped to spend the horrible greatness, and fly to the fairy.

"The Xianling Dan Dan is indeed, but the Xianling Dan does not have a way to refine, because there is too many precious medicinal materials. Especially one of the medicinal materials, the name is only the fairyland. It is because there is a flying fairy grass, but only one fairy medicine door. But only one plant has been used by medicine to use ... "Zhang Bin's face floated," But, wait for me Absorbing the medicine Ling Tian's alchemy experience, it is possible to refine the extended life Dan. "

"Bin brother, you are omnipotent, you must refine the extended life."

Susan looked at Zhang Bin with the eyes of worship.

"I am afraid that time is not enough ..." Zhang Bin sighed in his heart.

When I returned to Dagu, he felt a horrible crisis.

Let him have a creepy feel.

Where is this crisis?

He can't induce.

However, it is very likely to come from Blany Star Magic.

Therefore, absorbing and understanding the experience of medicine Lingtian's alchemy, refining the more magical medicinal medicine, breaking through the bottleneck, and stronger, is imminent!

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