The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1652 is changed against the sky

On the next day, Zhang Bin has been working hard in the Jin Gate, using a heart 81, dozens of heart refining Dan, dozens of heart gods cultivation, and some heart gods are feeling the alchemy experience of the drug.

Refined a lot of many medicinal herbs.

Anyway, he got too many herbs from the immortal medicine.

Dan medicine that refines, most of them were sold by the Bay Jinmen disciples, exchanged a large number of medicinal materials, and supplied Zhang Bin to continue to refine.

Susan also arranged four beautiful disciples to assist Zhang Bin refined.

They are responsible for loading Dan medicine into the jade bottle and prepares the medicinal materials of alchemy.

As for three teasing, Jin Xiaohai, Susan, Su Dong, and the people of supervisors are working hard.

They are all rooted, and it is when they can raise quickly, of course, they have to take time to practice.

Zhang Bin also took a time to transfer the moonlight civilized base of the moon.

Try to transform another month with moonlight energy, see if it can be transformed into a time machine, then don't worry that there is no time to practice.

Although his soul has not yet condensed 12,000 guys, but it has already condensed 11990 guidelines, and it is still condensed a god. If it is judged according to the energy of the soul, he is because of refining medicine Ling Tian Fairy soul energy. His soul should be powerful than the months of the former month.

Since the month, thousands of fragrance can transform the time machine, then he should also.

However, Zhang Bin was disappointed.

Because he can't do it.

Not a soul energy is not enough, not a mental strength.

But because he understands the skin of the time law.

There is no way to transform the moon to the time machine.

Even, he can't understand the renovation method of the month.

So, in the current point, he is so powerful, or is alive!

"Bang ..."

In the alchemy room, suddenly sounded a horrible thunder.

The sky has also laminated purple clouds.

"God, this is the purple Thunder robbery, and Bin Ge seems to refine the super anti-day Dan medicine."

Four beautiful disciples with Zhang Bin refined to shout out.

In an instant, Su Dongfun, supervised the old, Jin Xiaohai, Susan, and three teasses were alarmed, and the lightning came to the alchemy room, and glaring in the sky.

Unfortunately, only thunder, there is no thunder.

Obviously, Dan medicine has not been refined successfully.

Zhang Bin's face became unprecedented, he was carefully refined.

Flame flying, the Dan furnace kept shaking.

However, he still failed.

An odor of an odor comes out.

The purple clouds in the sky are unable to dissipate, let Zhang Bin can be eager to swallow.

"Loss is a big thing."

Everyone sighed in my heart, and my face floated.

Zhang Bin stood there, so quietly, looking for the cause of failure.

After a while, he started refining again.

Unfortunately, this time still failed.

Moreover, it has failed 365 times.

Waste too much precious medicinal materials.

People who are watching are numb.

At this time they understand that any kind of anti-Tan medicine will refine it.

If it is a general alchemist, it may be desperate?

However, Zhang Bin did not be discouraged, and it was still refining.

A little way to improve the Danfang and improve the refining method.

The 400th furnace.

Finally succeeded!

The singular fragrance came out from the Dan furnace.

Heartful heart.

Nine-capped green Dan medicine escapes from the Dan furnace and goes to the sky.

But the horrible purple thunder is bounced.

He was caught by Zhang Bin.

"God, finally refining success."

Everyone sent an excitement to the ultimate shout, and the face showed an excited.

"Bin brother, what is this Dan medicine?"

Susan rushed over and asked excitedly with a quiet fragrance.

"That is known as longevity Dan, you should be able to change your father's life."

Zhang Bin said.

"Changshou Dan? My dad is saved!"

Susan is so cry.

The rest of the people are also excited, and if Su Dong is not dead, it will become a super powerful master, and it will become a super power to deal with the black prison.

Even more powerful than the chapter of the fish Wang Betty and other spirits.

Because he is a human monk, and has been cultivating three magical exercises, especially the Tianguo, that is the extreme of terror.

"Dad, how do you take a grain?"

Susan immediately grab a part of the medicine and handed it.

Su Dong was first to thank Zhang Bin, and he took the Dan medicine.

Then he trifacked the knee.

Everyone's eyes are projected on his body, pay attention to it, and their faces are filled with nervous and expectation.

Gradually, Su Dong's body made a touch of green rays.

His skin, his hair is in the country where the strange changes, it is delicate, and it is turned black.

The old breath is also slowly dissipated.

The rich death is also weakening, weakened, and finally there is no.

The rich life is filled out, vitality, .

Even, even his heart beats particularly powerful.

The blood is also flowing like the Yangtze River river in the blood vessel.

"God, success, really changed against the sky, extended life."

Everyone is ecstatic.

You must know that monks, especially Su Dong stream, cultivating the monks of the peaks of the flying, and their life is exhausted, and the true oil is exhausted, the world's tianei spirit, the genetic transformation of the scientific and technological means is not any Effect. Can only go to death.

In the past few years, I don't know how much alchemy is developing Yanshu, but it has never succeeded.

Even the fairy medicine do not develop Dan medicine that extends the life of the monk of the oil.

However, Zhang Bin actually developed and successfully refined.

What great inventions and achievements are this?

"In fact, I have developed Yan Shou Dan is also very difficult." Zhang Bin sighed in his heart, absorbing the two super-powerful alchemic genius in the two super powerful cultience, plus he got the earth, Daze Star, Xiaoxuanwu almost all her herbs and plants have special minerals, but also cultivate many precious medicinal materials in Hong Hao and the heaven and earth aura rich central Dantian, the drug is against the sky, I can create a Dan party, and the refining has also failed 399 times. If it is just a planet, there is no possibility.

Su Dongli opened his eyes, and he tried it. Excited: "Xiao Bin, you are really too powerful, actually refining such a magical medicinal medicine, let me change against the sky, it is estimated that you can extend the life. In this 100 years, I must have a strong more than ten times, it is possible to spend a big success, flying in the fairy ... Shanshan, you are good for me, thank you Xiaobin. "

"You are a family, thank you?" During his old man said, "I still put Xiaobin and Shanshan's marriage."

"During the manager, you are old ..." Susan is ashamed, and it is inexhaustible.

Zhang Bin is a sudden shock of the body, and the face flies on the face, and the cold eyes look at the window!

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