The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1656 Wars Xianjun

Su Dong's sword is not simple, or it can be said to be imitation treasure. He studied Zhang Bin's true spirits, and then licking scoop in a sword embryo. Refine.

Of course, because the material is not yet, his sword has not been supported, and it will collapse.

However, it is now showing Herch.

He stepped on the head of Zhaotang Tianzhi, and he kill himself: "Who dares to do it, I will kill Ze Tiantian!"

Such a change, it is really unsailed.

Also made the giant giant of Ze Tianmen were shocked.

Zedang Tian is so powerful, and it turned out that it was defeated by Su Dong, and was cut down?

What exactly is going on?

Isn't it said that Su Dong's strength is not?

Isn't it said that Su Dong's life is exhausted?

They pursted patterns, there were many strong masters, and they didn't dare to attack.

"Hey ... is a group of stupid."

"Two goods, I can pinch you when I will."

"Intercourse, what is your door to the door?"

Ma Rufei laughed three temporary people.

It is not afraid of fear of fear.

Although Ze Tianmen is powerful, the strongest is Ze Tiantian and Ze Li.

Now I have been under the head, and another is introduced by Zhang Bin into the depths of the universe. It is estimated to be killed by Zhang Bin.

What is terrible?

If Zhang Bin knows, it will stop sweating.

Because the strength of Ze Tianmen is currently dozens of times or more than the Golden Gate.

Those who are elders, deputy doors, are rooted.

This is also Zhang Bin who does not kill four hands, because it is a horror war.

Then, even if he has his help, the Golden Gate can't be gone, and it may even be all destroyed.

And he comes to the big Sund, but it is not to kill people, but to find the Tianguo and improve the strength.

"Blend ..."

Ze Tianmen's giant masonry is crazy.

Five young grandparents leaving the cloud electric shot out, the sound of the sound kills the sword, drink: "Out of one, and I am single."

During the old man, the old and sneered, the moon double sword flew out, and the five young men were turned down.

The head is also cut down.

Then he was imprisoned by him.

Everyone shocked, completely dumbfounded.

God, the Bolden Gate has such a terrorist power?

The giant giant of Ze Tianmen is gimmicking blood, almost almost bite the teeth.

"Come, continue to come to sing."

During the old man threw the top of the five young men to Jin Xiahai, arrogant.

"You will die for me."

The seven young grandparents left the murderous land, but it was instantly being killed in the old moon double sword, and then kill the soul. Directly fell to the ground and became a body!


All the giants of Ze Tianmen have pumped a cold, and the face floated on the face.

The moon of the moon is so powerful?

Can you attack twice in a row?

Is it a teachings from Susan?

Thinking of this, they retired after connecting, did not dare to rush.

In fact, if they have yet, the supervisor and the Soviet Union will not resist.

Their moon double sword is far from being able to be with Zhang Binby.

However, Ze Tianmen's giant is scared.

And the Golden Gate, from this moment, truly began to rise.

However, based on Zhang Bin can defeat the Ze Lifeng, otherwise, the rise is still a dream!

Escape to the void of Dawei Star, Zhang Bin is suddenly stopped, and turned to prepare!

He holds the true sword, wearing snail, and the armor has a touch of green light, which is of course the cover of the congenlined tree.

In the last, Zhang Bin and the medicine Ling Tian fight, just broke through the early days of the affection, the realm is unstable, and the real gas of Dantian did not have the limit. The cover of the congenital spirit tree is not particularly very powerful, so, kill the drug Ling Tian It is very difficult.

Nowadays, he breaks through the middle of the affection, and even stabilizes in this realm.

The strength is greatly improved.

He has a bottom gas and Ze Lidai.

"Hahaha ... Chick, you finally don't run, this is awkward, you can't escape." Ze Li blinkped in front of Zhang Bin, his face floated, "Just now you dare to lie to me, I have to grab you, do you. "


How can Zhang Bin may have nonsense with the other party, he yelled, the sword in his hand stabbed.

The swallowing of the squid swords.

This sword can be just soft and power can change at any time, which is the best move to try the enemy's strength.

"See my flying fairy."

Ze Li is proud to yell, and the flying fairy in his hand has passed a wonderful trajectory, and he is in Zhang Bin's sword.


A super loud sound, spark splash.

Zhang Bin felt that a strong force came, and he had to use all the strength to resist.

The power of swallowing is walked.

However, he couldn't resist, and he took a few steps.

The Shu Lifeng is only after retreating three steps, and it can be seen that the Swings of the peak to the peak of the flying peak is much better than Zhang Binqiang.

After all, he is a rebirth of Xianjun, and I wake up in three years old.

After 24 years, his strength is of course very horrible.

Today, he is absolutely much better than the drug.

If the drug is in the sky and his fight, it is estimated that he will not hold three strokes.

However, the face of Ze Life is a surprised color, excitedly laughing, "Hahaha ... hahaha ... this time, I really make a fortune, I am Hong Fuqi, because you are definitely the fairy king Reincarnate! Otherwise, you can't be so strong in the middle of the symptoms. After all, I am far from the realm of you, I can't reach your current power. "

"I am not the immortal king."

Zhang Bin looked at the oysters of the idiot.

"You don't deny that the sword in your hand is like a spiritual treasure. It is definitely what you refine. Otherwise, you can't resist my sword, it is a fairy king, I can refine the imitation treasure in the fit. If you cultivate into the flying genre, it will certainly refine the imitation fairy. "Ze stayed greedily looked at Zhang Bin," Now, you will hand inherit the inheritance, I promise you not to kill you, just the soul control you. " Everything in the future belongs to me. "


Zhang Bin shouted, rushed over the past, and the swords in the hands were tatched.



The singular voice sounded.

Zhang Bin's thorns of the sword turned 36, stabbed to the whole body of Ze.

"Flying Fairy Sword of the Sword."

The face of Ze Lifeng became serious, and the sword in his hand was rapidly waved.

The sharp swords have skyrocketed, just like the cold light, and like the bomb explosion, shoot the horrible shock wave.

I bombarded the 36 swords of Zhang Bin's thorn.

"Dangdang ..."

The sound of the iron is ringing, and the 36 sword is blocked.

Then Ze Lifeng is on, and Zhang Bin has launched the same attack like a water silver diarrhea.

It is simply fierce!

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