
Zhang Bin did not fear, turned into a three-arm, holding six swords in his hand.

They are all imitation treasures, of course, the materials of the five swords do not have to persist too long.

Then he was forgotten to kill the land and the Shuifeng.

I have dizzy and dark, the sun and the moon are light, and the space is collapsed.

Ze Lifeng is not a rebirth of Xianjun, which is too horrible.

Zhang Bin made a decimal number, using all the cards, but still falling in the wind.

Section is defeated.

"Hahaha ... Susan, although you are the immortal king, your realm is too low, just cultivate into the medium term. It is impossible to be my opponent." Ze Li smiled and said, more Crazy attack.

His 36 Dantian also puts light at the same time, the power of horror, all of the magical efforts.

The swords in the hands have risen rose, and the swords are cross-interlaced, densely numb, and chemically become a Tianluo.

Crazy kill.

Star fall, meteorite is a powder.

Void is cracking quickly.

This is the power, this strength is much better than the immortal medicine!

In fact, the quantity of the practice of Zeman is not more than Zhang Bin, and even more. Plus his realm is a lot more than Zhang Bin, and it is also a great experience in Xianjun.

Zhang Bin and the gap of Ze Li are too big.

Fortunately, it is not only to get too much old, the big day, Lei Xia and other super giant hits, but also hearing the Dragon Emperor, Mi Emperor, Antarctic Emperor, Jianzheng. Even he also got the inheritance of the moon and mastered the most magical time.

These inheritance is very strong.

Let him have a terrible strength, let the Ze Lifeng have misunderstand Zhang Bin is the immortal of Xianwang.

Therefore, Zhang Bin is so low in the realm, can be so unbeated with the Singer who is going to the world.

"Hey ..."

The two are crazy fight, the sword is sharp, and the heavens and the earth.

At the same time, they also show many horrible roadwork attacks.

Light, Thunder, Space, Ice, Hurricane, Metal ...

However, they are wearing a super powerful armor, the body is also very powerful.

Ignore the other party's road law attack.

The sword gas and sword can really hurt each other.

" ..."

Zhang Bin became a true dragon, it became only so much embroidered needle.

With a murder of the sky, pass through the secretly Ma Ma's swordsmanship, and attacked Ze Lifeng.

"Good, zoom can, narrow ..."

Ze stayed and smiled and shouted. He turned into a small person who had only a big bean, raised his flying sword, greeted it.

"Dangdang ..."

The magic weapon bombards each other, and the sword is tearing long.

It is a few minutes, and Zhang Bin can't resist.

A scar of cross-interlaced scars appeared.

He began to retreat, put the tail, and show the magical space law, blinking.

"Ha ha ha ... You can't escape, you will be killed by me."

Ze stayed, laughed, hurriedly chased it. After Zhang Bin, let Zhang Bin took out the universe battleship. Because I was worried that the universe warship was broken.

Suddenly, a huge desolate planet appeared in front.

Zhang Bin drilled into this planet with a flash.

Show the earth and disappear.

"Give me."

Ze stayed proudly, the sword in his hand was crazy.

The sharp swords are in this huge planet.

... ...

The planet is like cutting watermelon, crashes.

Countless fragments switched to all sides.

Smoke is filled, heaven and earth shakes, horrible to the extreme.

The gods of Ze Life are searched.

In an instant, I induced Zhang Bin's existence.

He chased the fastest speed.

However, Zhang Bin didn't see, and it was an universe waself.

Explosive photon artillery shells.

Instantly bombards in Ze.


Ray is criticized, and the universe varies.

The hot high temperature embeds the many soils into ashes and dissipates in the void.

"you wanna die……"

Ze Lifeng angry to the extreme, rapidly moved, avoiding the bombardment of photon shells, and waited to attack the universe warship.

"Give me ..."

Zhang Bin rushed to the universe battleship and quickly retreat, while continuing to crazy out of the photon shell.


Countless photon shells bombarded in Ze.

His armor began melting.

Even the imitation treasure can resist high temperatures so horrible.

"Tell a sword ..."

Ze stayed with a full face, he was much better than the drug, and there were more experience.

Once he was, it would be in the universe battleship.

I don't know how many universe warships.

I have encountered such a powerful cosmine, absolutely can't escape, because it will be chased.

Last death or yourself.

The only way is to attack, crazy attacks.

Until the universe battleship broke.

All his Dantian is in the light, there is a nutritious vain, universe, starry sky, sea, strange tree, monster, raptor ...

All attributes are thrown into the flying sword.

The flying fairy sword has risen sharply, the sword is shot, and the cold light is tattoo.

Then he slammed his sword.


Sword gas tears long, torn space.

With the breath of death to the universe warship.

"Photon cannon, shoot me ..."

Zhang Bin shouted seriously, and countless shells were shot, all bombarded in the horror of the sword.


The sound is shocked, and the light is like a blazing.

Mushroom clouds.

The horrible destroyed sword is also annihilated.

They are two ways to kill them.

Murderous, diffuse the universe.

There are countless big stars fall, burst.

Countless mushroom clouds rise, spread.

The sword is like, the photon cannon elastic is like a rain.


"Hey ..."

The sound was shocked.


Ze Li sent a scream, because his armor finally melted, and hot high temperatures began melting his body. Pain is extremely, so that he is unbearable.

"You are the moonlight of the moon, I must kill you ..."

Ze Lifeng's mind flashed the inspiration, such a powerful universe warship, it is clearly transformed with the moon palace, in the fairy, only the moonlight, the moon, the magical ability, can transform the moon to a horror. , Vertical and horizontal world, .

In this case, this girl in front of him is, it is, it is a month of thousands of fragrance.

"My Master did the fairy king in the fairyland?"

Zhang Bin is darkly happy, but there is no delay, continue to control the universe battleship, and attack the Ze Lifeng with electronic gun.

"Qiankun loan, the man is boundless ..."

Ze Suited suddenly shouting wildly.

The void begins to distort, there are countless colored spot collection, let his body make up the same color light, and the momentum has risen by 100 times.

Then his sword in his hands came crazy.

In an instant, the sword was taken, and the sword has skyrocketed millions.

Dedicated like fishing nets.

Zhang Bin's heart is thrilling, there is no way to control the universe battleship to avoid it.

Can only be returned quickly.

However, the speed of the sword is too fast.

There are still a few swords in the Cosmic Battleship.

"Hey ..."

The shroud is broken, and the universe battleship has been chopped.

"Kill kill ..."

Ze stayed crazy and shouted more crazy.

The sword gas is like a rain, and the universe warship has become countless fragments.

Fortunately, Zhang Bin horses turned into a high-spirited truth, quickly avoided, there was no sword with such a horrible. Otherwise, Zhang Bin may also be like a fragment like a literary issue!

Xianjun invokes the attack of heaven and earth, horror, Rys!

"Susan, send you to the road!"

Ze stayed and smiled and shouted, and the sword killed Zhang Bin!

The situation is critical, thousands of hair!

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