The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1659 Search Soul, Harvest Huge

" ..."

Zhang Bin landed with a strong bloody breath.

Let the ground shake it.

He is standing unstable, with swords to support it, no fall.

However, he exudes a power, and he is not inviolable.

Although Ze Tianmen has a lot of giant, it is very powerful, but they will not only attack Zhang Bin, but after the end of the continuous retreat, the body is not stabbed.

They have been scared by Zhang Bin.

Just now, the sword of the leadership, can't be said that it is not terrible, it is the taboos of the immortal.

However, Zhang Bin's sword sword broke through the sky, and it easily defeated the swordscent of Ze Shu, and then kills the Sear.

Such a horrible master, even if it is hit hard, it is very difficult to kill him.

"Swings, don't kill, give me out."

Zhang Bin smiled and said.

" ..."

The soul of Zefore flew out from the body.

Looking carefully, you can see a red line on his soul, spread down, even, and back.

Like the part of the body.

"Who are you? Not only put my body in half, but also put my soul than two?"

Ze Lifeng's complarge of grievances.

"I didn't get to his moon, but I actually inexplicably bleached his soul. The sword broke through the sky," Zhang Bin himself secretly shocked, but the face was not moved, cold and cold: "Ze Leave, hand over your inheritance. Maybe I will spare you. "

"You don't want to fake, my soul is annihilated, you have already got a poisonous hand, I can't live it. You give me waiting, I must give me a revenge." Ze stayed with grievances.

Zhang Bin is no longer embarrassed, and the right hand explores, and I grasp the head of Zemu Shou Soul, and the soul Dafa recorded on the Tiandou will start reading the memory of Zemai.

"Ah ... I am not willing, I am not willing, I am leaving Junjun, I can't fall! Susan, you are absolutely not good!"

The soul of Ze Life is hit by heavy, there is no resistance.

Just sending a scream of the extreme.

It reveals a lot of secrets in the fairyland.

However, because Zhang Bin Shi Shi Shi Space Secrets is banned.

All monks have no way to hear.

Otherwise, that is, it is a big disaster.

"Susan is in searching for Soul? Zemei is dead. Even the practice of cultivation and the secret can't keep it."

Many monks who watched the lively were secretly shocked.

The monk of Ze Tianmen is of course anger to the extreme, wrogging to the extreme.

However, they don't dare to attack, still retreat quickly.

Gradually, the sound of the Shuifeng became low, and finally was unscrupulous.

I look idorted.

Zhang Bin took the hand back, and his face floated the singular expression, it seems to be happy, it seems to be regret.

I don't know whether the soul of Zemu is hit by Zhang Bin's horrible sword, or something else.

Anyway, Zhang Bin did not read any secrets on the fairy world.

Just reading the memory of the Lifeng in Dawei Star.

Reading 30 kinds of practice practices, there are six kinds of not read.

The properties of most of the skills are the same as those of Zhang Bin.

However, there are three new attributes: countless rolls, hurricane books, destroyed.

They are estimated attributes, wind properties, destruction properties.

Zeifeng is because cultivating the magical rolls, cultivating the abilities, in order to calculate the huge price, the Hong Kong fan will appear in the probably time point of Dawei Star.

Therefore, he is reincarnating to rehab it to Dagu, and I look forward to what gains.

Even if you don't get Hongfeng fan, you may also kill a master of the fairy world to reincarnate, get the inheritance of each other.

However, he is a result of can't stand his life and death, and he is killed by Zhang Bin and is completely fallen.

Even, his own inheritance was obtained by Zhang Bin.

The inheritance of Ze Life is actually destroyed.

This method is too horrible and sharp, and the attribute is destroyed and dying.

The real gas power of the destruction attribute is very powerful, can invade the magic weapon, can invade the enemy's intake body and the soul of the unsteady, let it completely annihilate.

Zhang Bin has been repaired by , there is an unsteady attribute, cultivation to the ultimate, the body and the soul can not die, eternal existence.

The destruction attribute is opposite to an informal property.

It can be seen that the power of this practice!

"Get three new attributes, I can have a lot more. It is more sure to deal with the black prison. It is also more sure to deal with." Zhang Bin jealous in his heart.

He immediately applied a double sword, and wiped the soul of the Sear.

Put his soul into the true spirit space.

Ze Lifeng is a fascination of Xianjun, the energy of soul is very advanced, better than the soul of the medicine.

There is a big benefit to Zhang Bin's cultivation.

Refining the soul energy of the evil, to make yourself, benefiting the world, Zhang Bin has no psychological burden.

Zhang Bin received the flying sword of Ze Shuo, and immediately refined.

The flying fairy sword is imitation spirit, super hard, and super sharp.

It is the imitation treasure that Zhang Bin's refinement cannot match.

He became three-headed and six arms, and six sharp magic weapons were required.

Now, I finally got two sharp swords - the true sword and flying swords.


Zhang Bin spurted the flame and put the somaties of the Ze to the ashes.

The body of the Sear is not a fairy body, Zhang Bin naturally does not put it in the eyes.

What's more, this body has lost his life and destroyed by his horrible sword.

"Susan, you are so powerful, too talented."

The many disciples of the Golden Gate are surrounded, and the three teasings are also surrounded, and the face is full of fanatics, and the hot rays are shot among the eyes.

"The Golden Gate, thoroughly rising, can be said to be the strongest first-class martial art."

Many monks who look at the lively are also envious of the heart.

Zhang Bin did not go to the chasing of the Ze Tianmen monk who escaped, but the first time returned to the Golden Gate.

Enter the secret room and start healing.

At this time, he is unclear, even even his moon is scarred.

Because Ze Lifeng also mastered the secret of attacking the soul, he can only use the broken moon double sword.

While healing, the loss of this bloody battle is summarized.

Gradually, after his face floats, the Ze Lifeng is the immortal of Xianjun. It is much better than the drug, but fortunately, I use the most appropriate fight, first to try out the true strength of the out of the release. , Then use the universe warship's photon gun to attack him, destroy the defensive armor of Ze Shuo, and then leave the strength of the taboo, crushing the universe warship, consumes too much, and the power is reduced.

Otherwise, he is not possible to fight for three days and three nights. If there is no time to comprehend the first three days of three days, I will take the third stroke of the Xingjian, in the end, I can't send the sword, the fall is my own. .

On the road, it is slightly inadvertent, then it will fall.

On the road, in addition to powerful war, you need to use wisdom ...

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