The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1660 swallowing the soul, becoming again!

It took about a day, Zhang Bincai talented treatment.

Fixed the moon double sword.

Then start repairing the copy of the text.

The Wenwu Space Watcher is his moon palace, and the moon is broken. It is a way to repair. If you use the dragon blood, you can repair it. Let's more, and Haoyu also taught Zhang Bin's secret law.

He first transferred to the Earth Dragon Palace, fixed the moonboard, transferred to the moon base, and used the energy to transform the moon to the universe battleship.

I only transferred back to the Golden Gate and started to refine the soul energy of the real dragon space.

"Hey ..."

The first God of the soul, swallow the soul energy in the madness, really like a bottomless black hole.

It is the same as filled.

Soon, all soul energy is swallowed.

Zhang Bin felt that his soul had some strange changes, it seems to be strong, the body is tough, and there are some changes, but it is impossible to say.

Even, even his moon double sword also has a wonderful change, more tough, and more sharp.

After all, the moon double sword is now hidden in the two eyes of the soul, equal to part of the soul, can become stronger as the soul is so strong.

Zhang Bin's face floated a splendid smile, and he began to cultivate three new attributes.

Wind attribute, destruction attribute, estimate.

Soon, Zhang Bin found that he has a good talent to the wind attribute and destruction attribute, progress, but for the calculation of attribute skills, there is no talent, and the cultivation is slow.

He touched many medicinal herbs to help cultivate.

Three days later, destruction attributes and wind attributes cultivated to the early days of Yuan Ying.

However, the calculation attribute method is only cultivated to the early stage of the liquefaction.

"It seems that the attribute skills can only be taken slowly with a long time."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

He stopped cultivating, flying over the empty, proudly suspended.

His body exudes the power and momentum of the world.

His hand has a flying sword, high high place.

All Dantian glow, all attributes are influent into the flying sword.

The sword is blaming, and the light is eye-catching!

Zhang Bin has now developed 35 Dantian, which is swallowed, gold, wood, water, fire, soil, thunder, space, time, ice, no death, union, zoom, ruthless, more, soft, sharp, light, thick, Speed, hard, not old, deceived, purification, array, sound, killing, bundling, change, death, heavy, estimate, wind, destruction attribute, plus central Dantian.

33 of the attributes are 33.

Among them, there are super cow's properties, such as unsteading, immortal, time, space, front, destruction, death, killing, purification, array ...


Zhang Bin shouted, the sword in his hand was slammed out, and he was in a huge desolate planet.


The planet cracks from the middle and turns half.

The smoke is trunked, it has become a huge mushroom cloud.

A sword is smashing. Horist.

"Gravity abilities, soil properties, start ..."

Zhang Bin shouted.

That became two half of the planets fused together under the action of mysterious gravity and soil attribute.

It has been restored, and there is no difference before.

"If it is now the same as Ze, I don't use the photon gun of the universe warship, I can kill him." Zhang Bin's face floated the color.

Inspiring, Zhang Bin tried to practice the sword to break the sky, but unfortunately, he could not be free to pick up this trick.

That is a stronger strength and stronger soul.

He is currently not reached.

The reason why it can be cut out because it is due to the results of life and death and the outbreak.

However, picking out that sword, he almost oils the lights. It is very dangerous. If the enemy has the power of counterattack, or there are more powerful enemies. Then he is going to tragedy, almost no effort.

"Although my strength has been greatly improved, it is not enough to sweep the world, not enough to deal with the black arrogance of the sea prison, and there is an inexplicable crisis is coming. I must be more powerful." Zhang Bin's face became serious.

Although the crisis of Dawei Star was relieved, two terrorist masters were dealt with, and they also got a lot of people's books and many benefits.

However, he once again relying on the feelings of heaven, I predict that there is a more horrible crisis approach.

Let him have a creepy feel.

"This crisis is not from Dawei Star, which seems to come from the earth, and it seems to come from void ..."

Zhang Bin muttered.

In the garden, under the moonlight.

Susanra's hand is walking.

Suddenly, Susan stopped and grateful to: "Bin brother, thank you for saving my dad, saving the Golden Gate."

"You and I have you polite?"

"I will be 18 years old. You can talk about boyfriend."

"That is talking."


Susan nodded, boldly snuggled into Zhang Binhuai, grabbed Zhang Bin's neck, said with fire: "I want to think, I don't know how to thank you." Just do it. "

After finishing, she punched the beautiful red lips on Zhang Bin, and touched a few times.

She escaped from Zhang Binhuai, the wind is like far away, but the voice is far away, "From today, you are my Susan man, I will definitely be better to you."

Zhang Bin was united.

The first time I encountered Susan so hot and bold girls.

Speak is also quirky, not to say his woman, but he is her man.

A repairing two-generation domineering is coming.

"It's time to leave, I can't let me improve in Dawei Star."

Zhang Bin's face floated.

Just a month in Dawei Star, but he is a home of his home.

This is a beautiful planet.

Have an arrogant and beautiful girl, so it is difficult to forget.

"What? Are you going? Want to go to the starry sky? Improve yourself?"

Su Dongliu, the Director, Golden Hai is completely stupid.

"Don't take you ..."

Susan, who heard the news, grabbed Zhang Bin's hand, said that it was ruined, "How can you abandon me?"

"What to abandon you? Isn't we doing a couple?"

Zhang Bin screamed, but it is impossible to say that this is hurt, and the crisis of a crisis is imminent, and then said the horror of the magic, insistence.

"I want to go with you, go to the magic repair, deal with the crisis."

Susan hugged Zhang Bin's arm did not let it.

"I have to go, I have to fly the starry sky, improve my strength, deal with the magic, and revenge for the ancestors."

Golden Sea is also excited.

"Xiao Bin, you will take them, there is your pointing, they can make it more quickly, and the magic must be dealive, and I will help it."

"There is a golden gate of my main town, you can rest assured that you will not have any questions. The fairy medicine door is also good, Ze Tianmen will not be paid to us. We will work hard, powerful, will Cultivate disciples, will take some powerful giant, and go to the earth to deal with the magic. "

Su Dongshui and the Director have said.

The father of the supervisor is gold, Jin Xiahai is his future generation.

He, of course, I look forward to Jin Xiahai to follow Zhang Bin.

That is the peerless cow man who kills the cactus, follow Zhang Bin, and the future is big.

Zhang Bin Shen, I promised, I promised, in the Golden Gate arranged a star conveyor, convenient to return to Susan, and Jin Xiahai, there are three teasing, driving the literary and the blank.

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