The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1661, Galaxy Empire, Starry

" ..."

Wenwu is in the universe.

Reach thousands of light speed.

However, because the universe is too wide, it is boundless.

Sailing in the void, but also feels the same.

"Bin brother, this universe warship is really useful to transform your moon palace? Thousand times speed, can you jump in space?" Susan looked at the void scenery outside the cabin with exciting eyes and asked.

"Bin brother, you are amazing, talk about your story?"

Jin Xiahai also shouted excitedly.

"I want to know the story of our master, ask us."

Ma Rufei, Chen Chao Yue, Zhang Navy, excited, and praise Zhang Bin's magical experience in nearly three years.

"What, Bin brother cultivates three years?"

"God, so horrible Qi Men?"


Jin Xiahai and Susan have sent an excitement from time to time.

Zhang Bin's eyes focused on the image on the display, of course, the literary voice detected.

"Hey, what is this?"

Zhang Bin suddenly issued a surprised voice.

Because he saw a dark point, swallowing near the nearby star.

"The master, it seems to be a black hole."

A beautiful woman with a light energy machine is charming.

"Black hole? There is a black hole in the universe. Here is the Galaxy Department, there is a black hole, this is not a good thing, sooner or later, this black hole will swallow the Galaxy system." Zhang Bin shocked the voice.

"I rely on, black hole?"

Three teasings, Susan and Golden Sea have rushed, and glaring on the screen, and the face was full of curiosity and shock.

"Fast, bypass."

Zhang Bin shouted.

The Wen Dao is quickly around the black hole.

The Wenwu number is Zhang Bin's moon, Zhang Bin, is of course the highest commander of the warship, and the command of the civil and teach, such as the arm means.

Of course, numerous energy beauty can also replace Zhang Bin to drive the universe warship.

That is when Zhang Bin is cultivating, or Zhang Bin is not in the Cosm Cosmine.

Bypass the black hole, sailing for a while, and hit a huge terrible cosmine.

With a thousand kilometers, it is five hundred kilometers wide, and it is 500 kilometers high.

Just like a small planet.

Zhang Bin and others were stunned, and the face was filled with curiosity.

This is still their first time to see the Alien Cosmine Watcher in the universe navigation.

And it is still such a huge universe battleship.

Therefore, Zhang Bin horses will let the literary news stopped.

And the universe warship also saw the literary news, and stopped.

Then, a bright ray is projected.

The image of a majestic female captain is shot in the void.

She is wearing a blue military uniform, waist, and wearing a military hat.

Too tap, comfortable as Snow lotus, beautiful and cold.

Her eyes are like a sword, look at Zhang Bin's Wenwu number, and a strange voice has been issued.

Obviously, calls with Wenwu.

"Translator starts ..."

Zhang Bin shouted.

Then, the female call, they can understand.

"I am the Yinhe Imperial Galaxy Captain, I am implementing important military affairs. Warning you, has invaded the starry sky of our Galaxy Empire."

"Galaxy Empire? This name is very domineering."

Zhang Bin is very excited and excited, and his face is full of expectations.

If the Military Empire's technology super cow, maybe you can get help at the Galaxy Empire, create a high-tech interference, interfere with the black prison cosmine ...

Now, Mada and the cold ice clouds fully develop the interference device in the mysterious, although the progress is fast, but because of the science and technology of Black, even if the interference is developed, it may not play.

"God, a beautiful beauty, the Galaxy Empire is definitely a place where the beauty is, and it is not to be missed. The master quickly booked to her, letting us take us to the Galaxy Empire."

"I want to die, there is such a beautiful beauty ..."


Three invasive and golden sea shouted excitedly.

"Is she really beautiful?"

Susan did not agree, she gave a chest, her face floated on her face.

She believes that she is the first beauty of the Milky Way! Where is the opposite woman?

"We also come from the Galaxy - Earth, which is exploring the starry sky, eager to exchange your Galaxy Empire, we are a very friendly human beings." Zhang Bin's heart was a moving, and the Wenwu No. Head will receive the Central Dantian.

His Yushu suspended the void, and his face was filled with a friendly smile.

Of course, he also guards the opponent's attack, there is a helmet, and it is imitation treasure armor.

He read most of the memory of Ze Shuo, which has the memory of refining imitation treasure armor.

Therefore, he replaces the snail helmet and arranges the defensive array of imitation treasures.

The material of the snail armor is of course very cattle, so the array of layers will not collapse.

It is a real imitation treasure.

In addition, he also used spatial abilities, and the space stacked between the two.

Of course, Zhang Bin's hand holds a translator and translated his language into the language of the Galaxy Empire.

"Earth people? Actually do we grow exactly?" The female captain's face showed a surprised color. "Do you want to visit our Galaxy Empire?"

"For right." Zhang Bin said.

"From this direction, there is a green planet of our Galaxy Empire - silver satellite, you go there, some people will receive you ... We have to perform military administration. Goodbye."

The female ship said.

"Executive military? Is there a war?"

Zhang Bin's face floated the color, worried is a black prison star.

"That is to deal with the horrible starry beast - swallowing the sky, it swallowed too many planets, gradually approaching our Galaxy Empire, threatening huge. So, to kill, or hit, to not Drink away. "Hihu said.

"Starry Brae - Swallowing the Heaven? Edge Too many planets?"

Zhang Bin is a bit, it is a bit difficult to understand the other party's meaning.

However, his mind has suddenly flashed a inspiration.

Will not swallowing a black hole you have seen before?

Isn't it a black hole, but a starry beast - swallowing ?

"Yes, it is a horrible starry behem, strong, horror, long and horror, swallowing the planet, huge harm." Hihu said.

"I still heard such a starry beast, can I go to hunt to swallow the heavens?" Zhang Bin said.

"How many masters do your space warship? What kind of realm is cultivated?"

Hui Wei got on the bottom and down.

"We are six people. I am the highest in their realm."

Zhang Bin said.

"That is still, you will go, here is very dangerous. Waiting for the horrible war, you may also spread you, let your blood stars!"

Hi Wei said, her image disappeared.

Then the huge spaceship warship started, and quickly went to the direction of the black hole.

Zhang Bin did not hesitate, and he was able to control the text of the literary news.

How can such a starry war?

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