The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1669 Alchemy Breakthrough, the late period!

Zhang Bin took out the Dan furnace and many special medicinal materials, with the blood and meat that swallowed the heavens, and began to try to refine.

But a breath has failed more than 100 times.

That is to say, the refining does not come out of a furnace.

"There should be no problem in the Danfang, but the blood and meat of the swallowed, too typer, need a special heaven and earth medicine and drug resistance, but I don't have such a medicinal material ..." Zhang Bin muttered, His eyes are fixed on the hi-shakh face that is closed, "Does you have such a medicinal material?"

"I am going crazy, have you not escaping the way?"

Hi Wei opened his eyes and said that he was so angry.

"The most important thing now is to enjoy life. Now we have a good thing. Here is a super good cultivation, all monks have dreamed of." Zhang Bin said.


Xi Wei really wants to be mad, turn it, and the drums will no longer pay attention to Zhang Bin.

"Urgently use it. Now the best way is to wait." Zhang Bin said, "Now swallowing the sky is quiet, it is sleeping in the sea. But it encloses muscles and blood vessels, we can't go. Because It is necessary to make a hole, and the hole is to be alarm it. I guess that it will go to the Milky Way to swallow the planet, because the green planet of the Milky Way is much more beneficial. As long as it enters the Milky Way, we can transfer it. "

"You crow mouth. Then I would rather die, I don't want to transfer back."

The face of Hirai has changed.

The meaning of the words is that I don't want to swallow the heavens and then go to the Milky Way.

"In this case, we must live in peace, such as trying to cultivate, and have a reproduce."

Zhang Bin said.

"Betting ... If you dare to say eight, I will welcome you."

Hi Wei is angry, this is this? And there is a mood to play her?

"It's good, don't say, don't you say. You take it out of the world of Tiandi, give me a look?" Zhang Bin said, "If you refine the super cow, we will fly directly, Can you get rid of danger? "

"It's a big ghost on the day."

Hui Wei was white and Zhang Bin.

However, she still took out a space magic weapon like a shell, opened the entrance, did not say anything, "I went in."

Zhang Bin rushed in.

The space is not very large, about 50,000 mu of land.

Planted thousands of heaven and earth spirits.

It is obviously a very precious Tiandi demon.

Of course, this space has a small sun.

That is the sun who is cultivated by Hi.

"Hi Wei, you are definitely Wangfu's woman, knowing you, it is so good."

Zhang Bin has a strong surprise on his face, and a hot rays are shot among the eyes.

Because these thousands of tianei demonstrations, most of them have not seen.

It's still a very precious type.

He got a few planets of the heavens and the earth, and the precious Tiandi demon has also a lot, but the species is still far from the precious medicinal materials here.

What is a step?

This is.

One of the purposes of the starry sky is to find a lot of heaven and earth, trying to refine the magical medicinal herbs, enrich the experience of ourselves, and become strong, and then create a Dan attribute.

Now I have got so many precious Tiandi demon, this purpose is easy to achieve, and there are more basic.

"If you still say alone, give me out."

Hiwei is like an airy lion.

She is the big master of the Galaxy Empire, super powerful giant.

The high weight, where is anyone dare to tune her?

"Heili ship is long, the heaven and earth medicine here is you spend vigorous collection and cultivation?"

Zhang Bin no longer tomb, and asked seriously.

"We have 9 green planets in our Galaxy, and the precious Tiandi demonstration on these planets, I have transplanted some here." Xi Wei explained faintly, but the face was proud and proud.

"It turned out, it turned out."

Zhang Bin smiled, he was busy detecing the medicinality of many heaven and earth.

After the test is complete, he started to refine.

It failed ten times, and finally successfully.

He refined a strange medicinal medicine, the surface was densely filled, and he turned down to the horrible blue Thunder.

Hi Wei saw it stunned, and his face was full of colors that did not dare to confuse.

The mouth is also shocked: "You are a super powerful alchemist?"

"I am also amateur hobbies, the level is still very low, this time may be a big shipping, actually refining the Dan I wanted!"

Zhang Bin said.

Federal space.

Zhang Bin directly took Xianbei in his hand. "What is the one who is not worth mentioning for you?"


Hi Wei is almost jumped, this is a heaven and earth spirit that she is hard to cultivate.

What this bastard is going to occupy?

"If we can get rid of you, you go back to the Galaxy Empire, you can naturally cultivate the heaven and earth, if you can't escape, naturally, you will fall with me. This fairy is in his hands, there is no difference."

Zhang Bin said, and directly erased the record of Xianbei's recognition.

I received my own central Dantian.

"I doubt that you are stars."

Hi Wei is angry.

"Don't be angry, since you have sent my business trill, I will definitely send back."

Zhang Bin said with a smile, sitting on the knee, and took Dan medicine to cultivate.

"What kind of teenagers are this? No log, dosage, but very strong, very talented, courage is also terrible, still love to take a small cheap." Hiki is drumping, it is a bit depressed, A little helpless.

Now she doesn't understand, I am lucky, still a disaster.

Without him, maybe she has fallen, many soldiers may also fall.

Even if there is no, the task has failed.

All the planets of the Galaxy Empire will be swallowed.

But now you are in swallowing the sky with him.

Look at him, it is a place to be a place in peacetime, and intends to have children here.

It is from him, or refuses?

Perhaps, strive to practice, and break through the flying contest.

Whether it is flying or falling, it is relieved.

However, to cultivate into that step, it also needs a long time.

Maybe a hundred years may be a millennium.

Lonely male widow, so long, can you still do something?

"Hey, ..."

This time the refining, the super cow, Zhang Bin took two, and started to break through.

Many banned bottlenecks quickly crushed.

The stagnation is also rapidly improved.

His body and soul seem to wake up from sleeping, began to fiercely devocy to swallow the property of Dantian's nutrients and Central Dantian's Hongmeng Zi and aura.

They are quickly become stronger.

The power of terror is in his body, the quality of the gas is also rapidly improved.

Soul also has a singular change.

That God made a red light like a maturity.

The moon double sword in the two eyes became sharper and hard.

Even the congenital spirit trees in Zhang Bin, Dantian, grew up, tall ten meters.

The champion on the blade becomes more complex and mysterious.

It took this hard to practice half a month.

Dozens of truth, including several skills, it all broke through the late stage, and cultivated to the peak, even the moving and power also cultivated to the middle-aged peak of the big witch. peak. Educate the exercise of attributes, but also cultivated to the Liquefaction!

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