The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1670 Hinyi is crazy

Zhang Bin stood up and felt the terrorist power in the body, but the face was floating.

Temple is really not easy, step by step is absolutely impossible.

This time, I got the blood and meat that swallowed the heaven, this is a super treasure that surpasses the blood of the Dragon, plus so many precious Tiandi demon drugs from Hihuai, and refining the super magical Dan Dan .

Let yourself break through a small bottleneck.

However, , ,,,

"It's so easy to cultivate it.

Three invasive feelings that also touched Dan Dan were completely different, excited excited to the extreme.

Even Susan and Golden Sea are also extremely excited because they also cultivate the Golden Tianshi to the mid-fit.

"Xi Wei, I will go out, do you stay here?"

Zhang Bin said.

"No, I have to go out, face everything with you. I! General, you are a small soldier, this time, you must listen to my order." Hi Wei said Yan.

It seems that she came up what to escape.


Zhang Bin became a three-armed arm, and he couldn't live in two hands.

The horses have a faint redness on the face, which is beautiful and not square.

However, she did not refuse, and she didn't struggle, and I hugged Zhang Bin's tiger waist.

The blood too horrible of the swallowing of the heavens, they are not careful, they will be turned off.

Once it is separated, it will be more difficult to get together.

If one is alone in the blood vessels, that scene, think about it.

Of course, it is a horrible blood river, wide and boundless.

They continue to rapidly drifting in the blood river.

"Zhang Bin, do you have any way to escape?"

Hiyun said.

"I have no problem, I'm not too difficult."

Zhang Bin said.

"Now, I ordered you, don't get escape. We must kill the swallowing, can we leave. Otherwise, swallowing the sky, I don't know how many planets to be swallowed, swallow how much life." This time, " A good opportunity for a thousand repairs. Because we entered the blood vessels that swallow the heaven. There is a possibility of killing it. "

"How do you change your mind?

Zhang Bin said.

"I am a commander, naturally adjust the combat plan at any time." Hihu said.

"Easy to escape, kill hard, do you really consider it?" Zhang Bin has a singular expression on his face. "Don't consider your life and death?"

"If you can kill the swallow, sacrifice me, I have no regrets."

Hihu said.

"What sacrifices you? It is sacrificed to be sacrificed."

Zhang Bin said that he did not say good.

"We die together, in exchange for the safety of the Milky Way. Is it worthwhile?"

Xi Yan justice said.

"It is worth it. It is of course worth it, and the beautiful hi- will die together, it is something that countless men dream of?" Zhang Bin said.

"I see you is afraid of death." Xi Wei said, "Don't say ridiculous."

"Do you have any plans?" Zhang Bin asked.

"My plan is very simple. That is directly to caves in the blood vessel, then enter the muscles again, then dig deep, we should still swallow the head of the heavens, so soon, you can dig your brains. I will find a way to break the brain, enter the head, crazy down, and you will die. "He said.

"What do you mean, we enter the blood vessels is wrong?"

Zhang Bin said.

"You can't say this. Enter blood vessels, then caves from the blood vessels, the poisons outside, we can't help our holes, and the efficiency is much better." Xi Wei said.

"Your plan is very naive. Can't succeed at all." Zhang Bin said, "Because, the brain is the most hard part of any wisdom, indestructible. It is extremely difficult to cut blood vessels and muscles, cutting brain bones. Even if it can be broken, it may also take hundreds of years, and even for thousands of years, you can take it into your brain. I can don't have this time here. "

"This is the best way." Xi Wei roared, "Do you still have another way?"

"Of course, there is. However, I don't tell you." Zhang Bin said.


Hi Wei is almost vomiting blood, she has never encountered a warrior who did not listen to the order.

Yes, in her eyes, since Zhang Bin also joined the team of attacking the swallowing, even her soldier.

However, this soldier not only does not listen to orders, but also dare to tune her generals?

It's too much too much.

However, let her depressed and gentle, this soldier is very special, although the realm is not high, but it is much stronger than her, and she has no way to press him.

She is hard to prevent the anger in my heart, and smiled and said: "Mo, your plan is to enter the heart of the swallowing heart, then attack the heart of the heart? This is a stupid plan. You think swallowed Tianzi is a fool? Of course, we know that we have entered its blood vessels, but it is possible to control blood flow, which will always flow in an unimportant blood vessel, and may even flow into unimportant Location, then cut it out of it. Even if you can enter the heart, it will be huge like a planet, and you will slowly cave, can you make it? It can fix the heart quickly. You ruined it. "

"Swallowing the sky, there is no such stupid." Zhang Bin said, "It will find a way to guide us into its stomach, digest us into bowel movements."

"Then you don't hurry to execute my command?"

He is screaming, and he yelled anxiously.

"I follow my plan."

Zhang Bin said.

"What plan is it? Say it quickly?"

Xi Wei is inexplicably feeling a crisis of death because time has been more than 20 days.

The blood flow rate of swallowing the sky is fast, it may be close to the stomach.

Once entering, it will be undoubtedly, and the most horrible abilities of swallowing the heavens can be swallowed everything. The stomach can digest any substances.

Although they are strong, they are absolutely unable to resist.

"I can say it, but, you should not be angry, you don't have a temper."

Zhang Bin said.

"Say, hurry."

Hi Wei slammed his shoulders.

"My plan is very simple, just enhance your strength, then swallow the heavens." Zhang Bin said.

"What is your dog?"

The eyes of Hi Wei have grown up and almost spit out a blood.

The power of swallowing the heavens, it is not a monk to catch up. Even if he spent the flying misery, he encountered a swallowing, and it was still dead.

In this case, the improvement is fart.

What's more, now where have time improved strength?

Waiting for the stomach to swallowing the heaven and turned into a stool.

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