The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1671, in the stomach, horror world

"The genius plan is always not recognized." Zhang Bin said.

"Soldier Zhang Bin, I ordered you with the name of the Galaxy Empire, immediately stopped, attacking blood vessels, entered the muscles." Hi Wei shouted seriously.

However, Zhang Bin as he did not hear, continued to flow in the blood.

The speed is also getting faster and faster.

"You ... bounce, your plan is to enhance your strength, you must find a safe place. Instead of entering the stomach of the swallowing." He Wei shouted angrily.

"There is a word, the most dangerous place is the safest. So, the stomach is our only way to have." Zhang Bin said.

Hi Wei is angry, crazy struggling.

However, she suddenly felt that the body was numb, and she could not move.

Because Zhang Bin used secret law.

She can only be angry in Zhang Binhuai, looking at Zhang Bin with desperate eyes.

At this time, she suddenly felt that the teenager in front of him was a madman, but he did his burial.

It also drifted three days and three nights.

Finally, arrived at the destination.

A hole suddenly broke a hole on the vascular wall, and a power of swallowing the world was issued.

The role is on Zhang Bin and Hiwei.

They have no time to react, they are swallowed in.

"Goodbye, my loved ones, goodbye, my Galaxy Empire!"

Hi Wei shouted in his heart.

When they were swallowed, the entrance was closed.

At the same time, the horror sound sounded. Just like the tsunami.

The black wave wavy is covered.

Four-sided eight parties, all black waves, even a gap is not.

The horrible and terrible gravity is also role in two people.

Press them into the seabed.

Zhang Bin's heart was once, and he received his heritage into the dragon pool.

Then he appeared on a green shroud.

Block all the black waves are blocked.

However, the horrible gravity is like a planet, but he can't resist him.

Like the meteorite, fall into the dark liquid deep, and always don't have the end.

Terror is that gravity constantly changing the direction.

Let Zhang Bin can only fly in the black liquid.

Zhang Bin's shroud couldn't resist it, and only on Zhang Bin was attached tightly.

Huge pressure is rolled through the shroud in Zhang Bin.

His snail armor issued a sound.

A pair of horse is going to break.

" ..."

The black liquid here is not the same, which is different from the venom.

Let Zhang Bin's green shroud rapidly melt.

Zhang Bin took out a sword of his old refining, explored the shroud and tested the horror power of this liquid.

Just one and black liquid contact, this rust-free sword arranged in many secondary defensive array, branched, only a few breathing time, thoroughly melted, no longer existed.

There is only one sword.

He took out a swallowed meat and explored the shroud.

However, this meat is also rapidly melting and chemically forms a liquid.

No longer existence.

"It can melt all things, and even the meat that swallowed himself can be digested. Perhaps, only heaven and earth spirit can resist the corrosion of this digestible liquid." Zhang Bin is dark and dark.

At this time, he finally found the secret of swallowing the heavens and digesting everything.

Undoubtedly, here is the stomach that swallowed the heavens, filled with digestible liquids.

Moreover, there is also a serious gravity, change the direction at any time, so that the entrant can only be swim in the liquid.

The huge planet enters, and it is also necessary to crash under the role of terrorism and the terrorist digestive liquid, and then melts.

As for the organism into it, it is of course melted into a liquid.

"Zhang Bin, you are a bastard, big fool, is there any regret not to listen to my order?"

Xi Wei shouted in Zhang Bin's dragon pool.

She received a dragon pool, Zhang Bin lifted her imprisonment, and let the dragon pool channel open, let her use the knowledge to induce everything.

"Don't be nervous, my brother can't die, as for you, it will not die."

Zhang Bin finished, his mouth opened, the mission witch flew from his mouth.

It turned into a huge rumor.

Then Zhang Bin puzzled together.

He boldly put the cover of the congenital spirit tree.

Excorps the knowledge of the god induced.

"Boom ..."

Black waves are crazy, just like countless mountains, they are on the rumor.

The horrible black liquid is also crazy corrosion.

However, in the same way as eternal, it is safe.

It is also not possible to melt.

However, Zhang Bin still felt that the black waves were madly torn.

The rumor issued a unbearable sound.

The mission is also the ability to digest any energy, but the hardness is not awkward.

"Are you your own? There is a fart, it's not only to stick to a moment, or you have to die miserable.

"Heavy ship is long, you are glad to optimize, brother's magical means!"

Zhang Bin smiled slightly, and the heart is moving.

Moreover, it is squeezed out from the gap of the life.

Replaced Zhang Bin's mission, the package was wrapped in Zhang Bin.

This time is big, regardless of the change of gravity, regardless of how the black liquid is impacted, torn, crushing, and the characters are also safe, there is no signs of crushing or melting.

"What is that? How is it so powerful?"

Xi Wei is stunned, and the heart is full of shock.

The anger on the face is also completely disappeared.

"Looks like my mission, but actually gaps are infinite ... this is a problem. Maybe it is a problem, maybe ..." Zhang Bin has no expression for a while, he Excorps the situation in which the knowledge is detachable.

The black liquid is horrible to the extreme, and even Zhang Bin's knowledge can melt.

Therefore, it is impossible to induce the situation outside.

Zhang Bin's slightly, I took the sky to quickly forward it.

Yes, it is a magical ability, which can resist the serious gravity.

As if, gravity acts on the sky, the effect is the same.

Also, the sky is originally a tree.

However, it is the leaves of Mi Di, which records the inheritance of Mi Di.

I want to have no weight.

Finally, the sky was wrapped in Zhang Bin, and the black liquid was floated.

Floating on the sea.

Zhang Bin's love finally induced clearly.

Here is a worldwide world.

Can't see any margins.

The sea is kept rotively rotated, stirring, rolling, sweeping the world.


The singular voice sounded, this world's sky, suddenly cracking a huge hole.

Then, a huge planet wrapped in the horrible momentum and smashed the pen to Zhang Bin!

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