The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1672, there is a treasure in the stomach, magical sword!

" ..."

Zhang Bin took the fastest speed to avoid the opening with the fastest speed.

And that planet naturally smashed on the sea.

"Bang ..."

The sound of the ceiling spurs.

The sea is stirred out of the waves and splashes.

But immediately reflow, and put this huge terrible planet.

Even, Zhang Bin also saw the bustling city on the planet and heard the extreme scream.

However, just a moment, the scrape stopped.

All organisms were thoroughly melted.

Even the planet is also rapidly melting.

I will disappear soon.

Obviously, swallowing, because Zhang Bin, the sneakers and the blood vessels, and Xi Wei, I thought it was a good luck, and I was jumping in the starry sky, and I started to swallow the green planet.


Zhang Bin was angry, his eyes became red.

He flies to the sky and fly to the edge of the sea.

In front of me, the stomach arm of towering is a rough gully, dark gray, and a uncomfortable breath.


Zhang Bin made the merits, he stood on the object.

Then crazy sword.

Sword breaks the sky!

Because of anger, he also broke through a small realm.

Therefore, the sword broke through him, there is no difficulty.


The sharp swords took the fire, with the murder of the sky, squat on the stomach wall.

"Hey ..."

The indestructible stomach arms have been broken, and there is a huge crack of a few tens of meters.

Blood flocking.

Like a river.

"God, Zhang Bin is so strong? This sword is definitely not the monk of all the monks, it is to spend the big and full of flying promotion." Shi Wei shocked Exaicable, your face is full of confidence.


The swallowing of the heavenly screams.

The sea is soaring, and it is covered.

Nothing space.

Painted Zhang Bin in the blink of an eye.

However, Zhang Bin made the temple package to wrap himself.

This horrible digestive liquid is not in contact with him.

However, the situation is also a little unsatisfactory, because, swallowing, knowing that Zhang Bin is dead, still in its belly.

Therefore, no matter which direction of Zhang Bin, it is a horrible digestible liquid.

And as long as the liquid is flooded, Zhang Bin also does not show the sword to break the sky.

"Hey ..."

The swallowing is still being screaming, then Zhang Bin also felt that it seems to be swallowed again and again, and it seems to return to the black ocean again.

"Nima, the wisdom of swallowing is certainly high. He returned to the black ocean, not just want to kill me, but also prevented I used the transfer array to escape." Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, floating on his face Have a jealousy color.

He first encountered such a horrible cruelty starry behem.

"I don't believe it, I can't die."

Zhang Bin was acknowledged in his heart.

He quickly sinks with the situation that has been induced before.

Regardless of the change of gravity, he is still unshaking, regardless of the wave of waves.

This digestion liquid is a terrible point.

So, you can easily shatterize the planet.

In the depths of the liquid, the pressure naturally becomes very large.

However, Zhang Bin's body is super powerful, plus the snail armor, or can withstand.

I haven't known how long, Zhang Bin finally sinked the sea.

A darkness, I can't see it.

Zhang Bin made the sky to make a touch of golden light, and he can stand around.

Perhaps it is at the bottom, and the sea here is very quiet.

The ground is equipped with a rough gully, and the stomach arm of the previous Zhang Bin attack is the same.

"It is still not attacking the swallowing, because it can't be in the sky, even the sword should be corrupted by liquid." Zhang Bin muttered.

"Now I can implement it according to your plan, we all strive to practice, cultivate into Da Luo Jinxian, and then go out to swallow the heavens." Hihu said.

"Hey ..." Zhang Bin smiled, this woman will also say humor?

"You can always support this, if you can, we will enter the space magic tribe. Let me go out." Xi Wei said.

"Wait for a while."

Zhang Bin finished, driving the sky quickly moved in the sea.

"Bastard, you won't want to find the channel to the intestine, want to escape? I tell you that you must take the swallowing you can go." Xi Wei warned, "I didn't see it just now? Swallowing the sky I swallowed a green planet, I don't know how much life died. So, we can't go out, stay here, fly from time to time, give swallowing the sword. "

"This woman is as just as I am."

Zhang Bin floated on a brilliant smile.

While talking to Hi Wei, he quickly moved quickly, it seems to be looking for channels.

"Do you want to enter the intestine of swallowing, attack the intestine? That may be a way."

The eyes of Hiram light.

"In fact, I am looking for a powerful weapon. If I can find it, I can kill the possibility of swallowing the heavens." Zhang Bin explained.

"Weapon? How can it be?" Xi Wei is stunned, "it is melted? No melting, it should also be drained."

"Swallowing the sky, swallowing so many green planets and desolate planets, maybe there is a heaven and earth treasure in gestation, then it will not be melted, is it excreted, then I don't know, I have to look at our Luck. "Zhang Bin said.

"You have reasonable."

The eyes of Hirai have ranked the rays of hope.

It is also found for a long time.

Suddenly, Zhang Bin's eyes lit because he saw a rusty sword lying on the ground.

The swords and swords have been corroded, and they have seen a miserable.

"Ha ha ha ... Sure enough, with my speculation, there is no melted treasure, this sword is likely to have a heavenly Lingbao, which is going to be born. Unfortunately, it has been corrupted." Zhang Bin laughed.

"It is estimated that it is not used?"

Hihu said.

"Not always."

Zhang Bin horses gave the temple to expand, and the package was wrapped in this sword, and then slowly slipped from the gap.

This sword is about three feet long, but it is like being smashed by the worm, too much gap.

Zhang Bin took out a keel, and he gently used the sword.

Silent, keel is broken, and the incision is particularly smooth.

"Good sword!"

Zhang Bin praised.

He took out a broken sword to do test.

This is the sword is that he is getting from the happiness of the happiness, especially sharp, can be more than half a dayland Lingbao.

However, it is more than the imitation spirit.

Because the array of broken swords is missing.

This resilience is sharp and terrible, and it is easy to make the broken sword into two.

Zhang Bin also took out the big cow forced to do the test.

Even the big cow is forced to resist the cutting of the rust.

If he uses the true gas, you can even cut the big burr.

"My God, what is this sword? Is it so sharp to this way? Is this sword, is it possible to kill the swallow?" Zhang Bin shocked to the extreme.

However, he will soon give up such a fantasy because it is almost impossible.

If this sword is in good condition, it may be possible.

Because you can become big, you can get out of the huge wound, and you will be swallowed.

Otherwise, such a short sword attack is swallowing, but just like a mosquito bites, why?

"Nima, I am going to swallow the blood in the sword!"

Zhang Bin looked in his heart.

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