The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1673 Mystery Box

"Don't know, is this in the sword?"

Zhang Bin is expecting in his heart and slowly putting the spiritual effort into it.

Then he found that many cars were missing.

These array is too complicated, too ancient, Zhang Bin can't recognize it.

However, the deepest recognition method is still intact.

Zhang Bin's face is surprised, and immediately transport the spirit to the recognition method, let the line of the recognition of the forefront are bright.

Now Zhang Bin's soul is condensed out of 11990 guidelines, plus a contest for energy.

Spirituality is of course very powerful, and has already made the strength of the refining Tiandi Lingbao.

Therefore, only a dozen breathing time.

He refined the sword thoroughly.

Perhaps it is a fault, although this sword can become large, it can enter Dantian, but it can only be large to approximately three meters.

"Three meters? Nor bad, you can cause a certain harm to swallowing the heavens."

Zhang Bin muttered, he had absolutely grasping, the sword is more sharp than the true spirits and flying fairy swords, most importantly, can resist the corrosion of the liquid.

"It seems that there is hope of swallowing the heaven."

The face of Hirai has also been surprised.

Zhang Bin moved quickly and continued to find it.

Soon, he found a match with a matchbox, a good surface in a good surface.

Dark gold, exudes an unsteady, and the breath of Zhang Bin's Hongfeng fan is almost the same.

In addition, this box is very heavy, how can I have 100,000 kilograms.

Perhaps because it is too heavy, I have not been swallowed.

Zhang Bin tried to refine, but unfortunately, mental penetration could not go in, only to let.

He also wants to open the box again, but it is not successful.

"There must be a super good treasure in the box."

Zhang Bin is very expected, remove the sword and cut it hard.

However, even a trace also can't cut it.

"I rely on, what material is used in this box?"

Zhang Bin was stupid, and then thought many ways, even, he also took out Hongfeng fan cut, and did not cut it, any magic is also useless.

He had to give up, and the mysterious box was collected.

He continued to look for it.

The face is full of excitement and expectation.

For him, swallowing the stomach is a treasure room.

"It's a money. This is a kind of teenager."

Hi Wei squatted in his heart.

For a sigh of three days and three nights, Zhang Bin found a lot of treasures.

Half-cut tissue, a sharp gun, and many metal residues, it may be that the heavens and Lingbao are finished, and they are received by Zhang Bin to the central Dantian, accumulated into a large mountain.

These residues are definitely a good material for refilms.

It is a super good treasure.

"Forget it, don't find it, if it is a heavenly spiritual treasure that is born, it is impossible to be swallowed, how can you escape. So, it is difficult to find true Tiandi Lingbao." Zhang Bin faced The color of a faint regret.

However, at this time, there was a hill in front, let Zhang Bin spiritually oscillated.

The mountain is light and red, just like burning the flame.

However, there have also been a lot of corroded gaps.

And the gap is slowly expanded.

It may be several tens or hundreds of years, and this mountain will be thoroughly melted.

"This is a super good refiner material, which is quickly received."

Xi Wei said excitedly.

As a woman, of course, I really like this light red, crystal clear material.

If used to refine a helmet, it will be very beautiful and strong.

Zhang Bin did not get this hill, but the knee sits in front of the mountain.

I feel the knowledge and induce, and observe it.

His body revealed a strange breath.

"He actually enlightened? What can I understand?"

Xi Wei is stunned.

"If Madi is inherited, only only swallowing the ability, then this inheritance is defective." Zhang Bin was thinking in the heart, "But Mu Di is inherited, but it can refine any horror energy, even the sun It can also be refined. Because the sun is also energy. Swallowing the squatting of the planet, including the desolate planet, is essentially because of the nourishment and elements it needs in the planet ... and to get numerions and elements, you must completely digest the planet. This is certainly another kind of ability. Is it digestive abilities? "

Zhang Bin's eyes shot a variety of light. He felt that the phagocation can be more perfect, but he did not have the secret of cultivating digestive abilities in Miti.

Perhaps, the inheritance of Mu Di also involves digestive energy, but is replaced by the mission of the mission.

However, the digestibility of the mission witch is far more than swallowing the heavens.

There must be any hidden secrets.

Perhaps, swallowing Dantian can only digest energy and can't digest hard magic weapon.

It is also necessary to digest the Dantian to cooperate with the attribute.

In this case, Dantian, digestive property, will be together with the swallowing Dantian.

Think of this, Zhang Bin horses up.

Then he found that the swallowing of Dantian is about one of Dantian, and the Dantian on the left is an unsteady attribute, and the attribute of Dantian on the right is unknown.

He began to observe this unknown Dantian.

This Dantian is deep, dark, and the Tantian wall is derived from the strange rumor.

Give people a very dangerous feeling.

"My Dantian, seems to have the same characteristics of the stomach of swallowing, is this Dantian is the so-called digestive attribute Dantian? Tan Na, which is really digested attributes in the world, and the gas of digestion?" Zhang Bin in the heart His face, his face reveals the puzzle and excitement.

Today he has developed 34 Dantian, with 33 Dantian attributes have been determined, and the real gas is cultivated. However, he still does not know the attribute of Dantian.

Although he also knows some special abilities, it may correspond to special attributes of Dantian.

For example, power attributes.

However, he has no way to determine which Dantian is power attribute.

If you can determine the properties of a Dantian, he can slowly understand the characteristics of this property, slowly discover the meridians of the same attribute, thereby creating this attribute.

This is a powerful shortcut.

Today, he seems to have determined a Dantian's property, that is, the digestive property is that you can digest everything, even a huge planet, even the horrible heaven and earth spirit can be digested.

This is a coweration energy of the annexab to bent.

If he can create the practice of digestive attributes, it will certainly be a lot.

Zhang Bin once again incentive, and detachably compared his Dantian and swallowed Dantian.

Even, he also carefully explored the meridians in the body.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to find the meridian of digestive attributes.

That's too hard.

If no one is guided, it may not be possible to find all digestive attribute meridians for hundreds of years.

However, Zhang Bin always felt that there seems to be secretly hidden in the inheritance of Mi Di, and there is a strange connection between the heavens ...

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