The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1678 Devil into the

"Hahaha ..."

The swallowing magic king, the heaven, his name, scared the genius monk in front of him, and he smiled mad, and he raised the magic ax that exuded a murder. He stepped to Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin climbed up, and slammed a sword cut on the wall of the moon.


The sound of the iron, sparks splashes.

There is no march on the wall.

"The moon palace in the sky is hard to soland? Even the sharp to the ultimate disabled is not a way to break. It is the devourous king of the devil, it is a heartbend."

Zhang Bin lamented in his heart.

"Into, my moon is also what the antity you can do? You still think about it?" He said that he smiled, "Standing, I want a pl to catch your head!"

He killed people still stood well, and it was an arrogant to the extreme.

"You don't kill me, I have a magical treasure, that is two kinds of fans who have an unwanted property, even super powerful purple flames can't be burned, the purple Thunder can not be damaged, the fan, there must be big Secret. I brought a piece on my body, and I was hidden in a very secret place. You can't find it. "Zhang Bin looked very nervous, sweat flowed out.

"The two do not destroy attributes?" The eyes of the heaven looked up the light, "I took it out to show me?"

"I put it in the spaceship, I have to take it out ..."

Zhang Bin said, I took it out of the Wenwu area.

However, it has changed the appearance, no longer the appearance of the universe warship, no black hole, it seems to be a beautiful spacecraft.

Of course, I am worried that the vigilance of is.

"This stupid soldier, what is the ghost?"

Hi Wei squatted in his heart, her face was full of doubts.

"Give me ..."

He smiled in the sky, and he was in the Ward.

Of course, I will intend to break the spaceship, and then find out the fan.


The literary number shakes crazy, but there is no broken, even a trace does not appear.

"How can there be such a strong spacecraft in the world?"

Wuzhizhen, and his face is full of not a letter.

The Wenwu number is Zhang Bin's moon. Due to the transformation, it has the ability to defend the soul attack.

The rituals are now the soul, and the ax is actually a combination of soul, his attack, of course, is a very powerful soul attack, but not enough to break Zhang Bin's moon.

"The devil's adults, this spaceship is very strong, you can say it is a good treasure, I will give you it. You don't force it. I will take the fan first to show you?"

Zhang Bin said sincerely.


Rhenestly smiled and agreed.

Although he said, he has a way to build Zhang Bin, then search the soul, but the soul can not read all memories. So, or first get two fans to say.

Zhang Bin's heart, the cabin of the Wenwu number opened, he quickly went in.

" ..."

Almost at the same time, the rivers rushed into the hatch.

How can he be a sly magic, how can Zhang Bin entered a spaceship with such a powerful defense? That Bin didn't come out, between the time, he also couldn't attack it, let alone, he is also worried that this spacecraft can make a terrorist attack.

He entered, then don't worry.


He has entered, and the spacecraft's hatch is automatically closed.

Even a gap is not that it has become a nunish.

" ... it is a bit wrong."

Amazed sound was sent in the mouth of the heaven.

Because he suddenly found out that his soul seems to have left his own moon, you can't support the support of the moon.

Moreover, in this world, he felt very depressed, as if entered the moon palace of others.

However, how can a spacecraft, how can be a moon?

"The devil, this is the magical treasure I found, you see?"

Zhang Bin took a fan from the bride of the wall, and the purple flame was blocked in his hand. He cracked the fan, but of course, he could not burn whit, and he stepped forward to swallow.

"Stand to me, throw the fan, otherwise, I am smashed with you."

The brightest face of the ritual, the ax in the hand is also high, and the murderous looks.

"Swallowing the devil's adults, this unique, have dealive a lot of horror giant, you are the most vigilant, the smartest one." Zhang Bin stopped and said, "But you are too suspicious, you are so powerful, I don't dare to do it anyway. I can only give you a treasure, then bring you to find another fan. However, you must guarantee that I don't kill me afterwards. "

Zhang Bin really admired him, this guy is too delicate, too sinister, too alert, just if he enters, then he enters, you can control the Wenwu number to send a horrible photon gun, crazy attack The soul and moon palace, the soul of the heaven is absolutely smoking, even, the moon will also collapse. And he should not worry about attacks from the sky.

However, rites have entered, then there are many troubles, but it is also asked the devil to enter the , because here is Zhang Bin's moon palace, becoming the fight on his site, he occupies the land, and the moon can suppress the heavens Soul.

Don't look at this small change, it may be the difference between life and death.

"Hey ... Loss of life."

Xi Wei is full of chest in Zhang Bin's dragon pool, depressed to the extreme.

Starting her also admire Zhang Bin's mind, she can think of such a good turn plan.

But now she understands that the road is high.

"How many years are you going?"

The ritynthesisted the hot eyes looked at Zhang Bin's fan, but the mouth asked faintly.

Obviously, he also felt that he met a super powerful opponent.

If you are still so reckless, today he may hide the ship.

And now, he is at the bottom of Zhang Bin.

"I was in the past three years." Zhang Bin's face floated the color, "I am 23 years old, there is no son."

"Nima ... I am three years? 23 years old? Is this bastard?"

The weather was almost vomiting blood. The eyes were shot in the eyes of the extreme fierce light, proudly said: "This magic king cultivated 45 billion years, killing countless strong enemies, spent countless crises. Kid, I know you this universe There is a problem with the spacecraft, but it is also a trap. However, this magic does not know how much trap. I hope you don't be so ignorant, dare to calculate me, the magic king seized you, will put your soul, show the most horrible torture, torture You will be completely annihilated. At that time, you will regret it to this world. Now, put the fan to come, then I will consider letting you have a way. "

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