"God, 4.5 billion years of trolls, real devils, Demon Emperor's outside. It is too horrible, it seems that it is not born in ten deaths today." He Wei shouted in his heart.

"Take you is a devil, or an emperor, I have to do it today."

Zhang Bin was acknowledged in his heart, putting a pair of disgusting, throwing the Tuchano fan.

Wu Heaven is happy and excited, and you can grasp the fan.

However, the fan suddenly blasted a lot of sharp to the ultimate fan, like countless shards, with richness to the ultimate death.

" ..."

The rituals did not dare to see, because this is a magic weapon that even the purple flame can also burn.

He danced crazy and turned into a bright aperture.

"Dangdang ..."

Many fan bones are blocked.

However, there is still a fan of a bones on his calf.


Wear the past.


Just like a balloon leaking.

Suddenly spray a rich black fume.

In fact, it is the energy of the soul.

If you are in the moon palace in the Rhey, he asks for his heart, his soul energy will return to the soul again, and any physical attack does not hurt him.

However, now is not his moon palace here, but Zhang Bin's moon.

That is not the same.


Zhang Bin's soul suddenly drilled half of his head. He took the mouth, and swallowed the soul of

"God, my soldier seems to be very busy, even if the devil is dedicated, it accounts for a small cheap." Hikan's face is full of shocking color.


Rhimen has sent a shocking roar, and the heart is always moving. The wound of his calf is completely healing. He dances the ax, and the murder will attack Zhang Bin, "Give me death."


Zhang Bin has no fear, yelling, the fan bones of the Tu Magou will break out.

At the same time, he raised the sword at high places, and his full sword was on the ax of the heaven.


A loud noise of the sky.

Zhang Bin has retired a few steps.

The rituals were also retired three steps, and once again, they were wearing a few holes in the cave in the body.

However, this time, there is no soul energy escape.

It is blinking.

This is simply the ability to fight against the sky.

If it is another monk's soul being worn, how can I escape some soul energy?

That will become more weak.

"Just now, do you hide the strength?" Hey, "But, in my eyes, you are still an ants. Today, you will die undoubtedly."

"Baby, come out."

Zhang Bin did not panic, yelling.

Many eiversities flew out of Zhang Bin, put the flame, Thunder, Light, rope, golden arrow, water droplets, array lines, all exploded.

It turned off and drowned in an instant.

"More than a dozen elves? And is it such a powerful elf?"

The Hirang's face showed the ecstasy, excitedly shouted, "I will make me go out, I want to fight with you."

"Don't come out now, have a lot of cards, where is it easy to deal with? I am trying to try his strength. The real big battle has not started."

Zhang Bin's voice sounded in the dragon pool.

"Ha ha ha ... a monk in the district, actually can take so many elves, and it is a big miracle, but I want to use the elf to deal with this devil? That is a dream."

A soul armor appeared in the soul of the ritual, which seems to be composed of singularity.

End your indestructible breath.

Block all the attacks of all the wizards.

As for the rope of the elf, I can't stop him at all. He is like illusory, let the rope bundle an empty.

"What armor is you? How is it so powerful?"

Zhang Bin was very envious and asked.

He is really envious, because he has accepted so much inheritance, and he never condensed the secret law of the soul armor. Even the magic of the magic is not recorded, perhaps, there is a record in the book, but it is, Zhang Bin is not a cultivation of the book, and cannot read the contents of the book.

Once the soul has helmet defense, it will be safe.

"This is my magical secret method of me - the soul of the sky. That is what the monks like you are never getting into contact." Wu Zhao said.

"Dynasty soul, listening is good. Is there a way to deceive the coacerous method of Dawuki? If you can, it's cool, it will be safe to deal with." Zhang Bin squatting in his heart His face floating on the color of the expectation and thinking.

If you know what Zhang Bin is thinking, it will be unco-like.

This is simply not putting him in the eyes. He is the magical king, super powerful, super, let countless fairy borders talk about the power of tiger color change, is known as the most exciting and most sophisticated and spicy devil, but also the most difficult to deal with the devil.

An all monks, dare to see him so much?

"Kid, now you will make the fan, and then say the drop of another fan. Otherwise, I will make you born to die." The face of the heaven is full of deceased and greed.

"Wu Heaven, is not as good as we do? I tell you another drop of fans, tell me about the combination of Dawukiki? Then we take all ways?" Zhang Bin said.

"Breast, you are looking for death! I dare to fight the idea of ​​the soul."

The rhenite is angry, rushing through the lightning, and the ax in the hand is crazy.


The space collapsed, black light, with a rich and extremely dead breath.

Murderous ice, make people creepy.


Zhang Bin did not vague, and the sword hurriedly stabbed.

The shadow of the Xingxing Sword Method.

The moment turned into a fifty sword.

Parallel, formulated into Jianlin, at the same time, at the same time, at the same time, the ax of the Nakah.


The loud noise, spark splash.

At the same time, the two will retreat, but Zhang Bin has to retreat a few steps.


Almost at the same time, they fierce.

Crazy fight together.

The axial ax of the rites is sharp, fierce, and in the past, murderous weather, the momentum is like a big sea, a wave is still a wave, there is no stop.

It's too terrible.

Such a ferocious magic king, really is powerful to be extremely horrible.

Zhang Bin made a decision, swallowed, and killed the serial, but he couldn't resist.

Decided in the section.

You know, here is in Zhang Bin's moon palace, suppressed the strength of the soul of the soul.

If it is in the ritual moon palace, the Bin will inevitably be much miserable!

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