The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1680, the biggest base card, scare the devil


Zhang Bin gone, turned into three arm six arms.

Six hands took six swords, real spirit swords, swords, flying fairy swords, and three treasures that were arranged two-stage array, continue to fight and kill themselves.

"Dangdang ..."

The magic weapon bombards each other and the sound is shocked.

Kill the rolling, cover the sky.

The two killed difficulties have been difficult to understand, and they have become two blurred black shadows, and people's eyes are unclear.

"Dynasty Top Ax, send you to the way."

The two hands of the heaven raised the ax in the high ground, and the momentum was boomed.

Then his ax lightned to Zhang Bin.

This is actually a trick, and I will cut out ten ax.

It makes a horrible to the ultimate large array.

Form a cage.

The black magic is also smashed from the ax edge, and it has become a strong smoke.

This is not a soul energy, but evil energy.

You can make people magic, or you can turn people into a madman.

It can even give up the resistance.

So, just a moment.

Zhang Bin's moon palace became a black.

And the ax is there, it seems to be a part of Zhang Bin.

It seems that even Zhang Bin has an ax to kill.

How to resist this? How to defense?

"Others, this devil is too strong, Zhang Bin is dead."

Xi Wei sent a sigh in his heart, and her face was filled with sadness.

Seeing Zhang Bin's tragedy.

A golden light suddenly broke out from Zhang Bin's Huguo.

It is merits Jin Guang, which is the same as the same golden light.

In an instant, the darkness is scattered and the magic is dispelled.

The trajectory of the ax is clearly displayed.


Zhang Bin shouted, the sword in his hand became 300, and he was in the ax.

"Dangdang ..."

A mess, spark splash.


The ritual shouting of the sky, and it took five steps.

And Zhang Bin is only five steps only.

This trick actually turned to the enemy. Nothing.

"It's impossible, absolutely impossible, how can you condense 58 Jinlong's merits Jinjin?"

The weather was in a hurry.

And Hi Wei is also shocked, but his face is showing ecstasy.

Since Zhang Bin is bonded to the good merits Jinjin, it is the magic of the knock, should have a power to fight with the sky, is it, can you escape today?

"Can we talk about transactions?"

Zhang Bin said faintly.

"Kid, 58 Jinlong's merits Jinlong, what? This devil has killed the fairy king that condensed 10,000 Jinlong." The face of the heaven floated and scornful.

"Perhaps, you have had a brilliant history, but it is a bleak now." Zhang Bin did not move, "You are reissue, there is no powerful. The most important thing is, now you are a soul, but not To the body support. I really want to die, I may not be able to live, but you are likely to fall. "

The oppordered the face of the heavens, I went to a moment, I was smiled and said: "You are the inheritor of the Moonlight Fairy King Moon?" Could you also redeem the immortal? "

This is of course the strength and origin of Zhang Bin in the test, testing Zhang Bin.

He makes the right response strategy.

"You don't care what I have, you just know, now your situation is not wonderful. Don't pay the price, you can't live alive." Zhang Bin dripped from answering.

"Hey, kid, you expose the fox tail, you must come from the fairy world, no wonder the realm is so low, but the strength is so strong. However, I want to kill you, just like kill a dog." Laugh, "Now send you to the road, the soul knife, give me!"

His two eyes were angry, two blood red knives took the murder of the sky from the borders.

Huminated blood red lightning. Duan Zhang Bin's head.

Soul attack!

This is the biggest topic of the ritual day.

He is swallowing the magic king to rebirth, the soul is of course incomparably, even more than the fairy king.

Although the strength of the soul is now not recovered, the soul attack is also extremely horrible.

Perhaps you can't break the spacecraft that Zhang Bin's moon is transformed.

But breaking Zhang Bin, another month, the soul of killing Zhang Bin can be done.


Zhang Bin's creepy, yelling, two dark golden swords took out from the eyes, and they were squatting on the soul knife.

"Dangdang ..."

Two loud noises.

Zhang Bin's moon double sword collapsed, fly back.

And the soul knife is safe, with a murderous murderous, killing on Zhang Bin's temple.

Easily through snail helmet, hard flesh defense, on Zhang Bin's moon palace.

"Hey ..."

The hard moon palace becomes half.


Zhang Bin made a scream, and Yang Tian fell to the ground.

The five senses bleed, and it didn't move.

It seems that his soul is killed.

"Hey ... idiot, fight with me, you are still far away."

The rituals of the sky have made a lot of arrogance and proud laugh, a pair of different appearances.

"Zhang Bin ..."

He is sad, the tears fall like the disc beads.

Just knowing Zhang Bin is less than January, but it has established a deep fighting friendship.

They died in their same life.

However, now Zhang Bin was killed, the closest comrades left.

Only she left.

She must be alone in the face of such a horrible devil.

"Let me see how many treasures do you have? In addition to Hongfeng, what else?"

Wuzhisheng twisted to Zhang Bin, reached out to take the space ring on Zhang Bin.

However, he suddenly felt a flower, a monk flew out from Zhang Bin, a madness, a sword to his neck.

It is the body of the medicine, this is the body of the fairy!

Of course, it is Zhang Bin's soul into the resident, suddenly flying out, making the most horrible sword!

Sword breaks the sky!


The sword has skyrocketed, swordsselves, between the heavens and the earth, only this sword light.

This sword, let the world have lost color, and there is no light in the sun and the moon.

"Waving the sky and ax ..."

The heaven is a super powerful devil, a deceived, experienced.

It's rapidly back, the ax in your hands is also crazy on the sword.

"Hey ..."

The ax of the heavens were turned in an instant, then completely collapsed, turned into the energy of the sky, and then this sword was in the neck of the heaven.


The harsh to the extreme sound.

The armor of the rituals appeared a deep trace.

Almost being broken!


Right of the bare is scared to death, just like the frightened rabbit.

Touching the sword mark on your neck, I am afraid behind my face.

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