The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1681 Dog Jumping Wall

Zhang Bin took the opportunity to pick up his body. The mouth suddenly opened, crazy, the energy of the soul of the ax was swallowed in, gave the soul, let the soul absorb and refine and continued to condense That first God.

"come back……"

The weather is in a hurry, shouting crazy, want to recover those soul energy.

Unfortunately, here is Zhang Bin's moon, equivalent to Zhang Bin's home, and anything at home is the wealth of Zhang Bin.

So, in the sky, I can only watch so many soul energy from Zhang Bin.

At this moment, he really regretted it. He should not let Zhang Bin have the opportunity to enter the spaceship.

You should kill Zhang Bin at the beginning.

"Hey, the devil is adult, now I am coming to kill you."

Zhang Bin laughed.

"Do you have a fairy body?"

The rituals finally understood it, and he shouted in an emergency.

"You have a powerful base card, I also have. Don't be a big strange."

Zhang Bin shrugged.

"God, it's really Zhang Bin. He is still dead, his soul settled in a fairy body ..."

The hi's face revealed the ecstasy, and the crystal tears will still stop.

"What is the fairy body? It is just a lowest level of cactus. I kill you like killing the dog." Wu Zhenzhen set up, smiling and shouting, he used the soul knife again.

However, this time is not good, his soul knife does not break the moon palace of the immortal.


It is to know that Zhang Bin has checked it in detail from the immortal body, and after the complete recovery, he found that the immortal body is very hard, especially the monthly palace, but also hard. And he also said the secrets of the Time Magic to transform the moon palace of the medicine, enhanced the defense ability.

Sure enough, there is no problem.

It has played a vital role today.

Otherwise, Zhang Bin can only use his body, fight with the soul of the Heaven.

His moon palace has been destroyed, the soul can only hide the central Dantian.

However, the soul is in the Central Dantian, and there is not so natural and wishfulness in the command of the body.

The possibility of falling is great.

"How can this be?"

Rhenever, he sent a big shout, anger to the extreme.


Zhang Bin did not hesitate, rushed over, two hands took the resilience and flying sword.

The same attack like a water silver diarrhea was launched.

"Give me ..."

The rituals once again condensed a sharp ax, crazy and Zhang Binpeng killed.

"Dangdang ..."

The magic weapon bombards each other.

Send a distinguished voice like rain barbame.

However, this time, he is the sky in the sky, the festival is defeated, and the resistance can not be restored.

And Zhang Bin is an immersion, crazy chasing.

Because Zhang Bin uses a fairy body, it is very powerful, and he uses the infuriating of the drug.

The real gas of the cactus is of course unprypricted, and it is the real gas.

With the super cow, the swordsman, swallow, and killed.

That is really sharp to the extreme.

A sword stab, instantly became a sixty sword.

And it is two swords to change in this way.

What horror is this, what kind of fierce?

At this time, Zhang Bin also understood that as long as the realm is high, the soul is strong, even if only cultivates a practice, it is very powerful.

High levels of realm, giving a monk on the realm, have a huge advantage.

"Breast, you can't kill me, I am not destroyed." The heavenly angryly, "Today, I must have you."

"Dangdang ..."

How does Zhang Bin will pay attention to him? Continue to attack crazy.

From time to time, he bisted the heaven.

The helmet is very energetic, how can it be broken.

However, ritual is still to bear the power of terror, continuously retreat, steps.

Even from time to time fall, roll up.

It looks like a wolf like a dog.

Where is the pre-priority of the great devil?

Now he has gone to the hometown of mountains, because he stepped into Zhang Bin's trap, and missed Zhang Bin's moon, only his soul, he could not support the body's support, the magic weapon on his body, can't come in.

His magic was shaped by Zhang Bin's merits.

His horrible soul attack, the soul knife does not break the fairy moon.

Although his soul is strong, but it is fighting with a cactus.

His reliance only - hello soul.

However, there is no fight in the world.


Zhang Bin was suddenly paused, and then crazy sword.

Sword breaks the sky!

The sword is sword light, and the murder is covered.

Let the rites can't avoid it.

He can only go all the best.

Unfortunately, his ax can not stand.

Two halves were embraced, and the energy of the soul was sacrificed.

"Soldier Zhang Bin, do well."

The horses shouted excitedly.

At this time, she understood that Zhang Bin's wisdom and calculations were how horrible.

In the power, Zhang Bin and the heaven are more than one, it is a flat place. The former is a monk, only cultivated to the mid-term, but the latter is the devourous king of the devil. After the rebirth of the rebirth, it is also cultivated to a powerful point. It is estimated that it has been cultivated to the peak of the flying.

However, Zhang Bin uses wisdom, one step by step, and finally, even he also lie to his spaceship, in fact, his moon, laid the foundation, and then hit, Weakened the strength of the other party, accounting for absolute advantages.

"Dog hasty, break the rules, kill ..."

The magic swallowing suddenly smiled and shouted, and did not know any secret law.

After the ghosts appeared in Zhang Bin, I was all on Zhang Bin's neck.


Zhang Bin's snail armor has floated, and the absolute defense shield is also floating.

Responsible for such a horrible trick.

But it still fell forward.

"Kill kill ..."

The magic domain once again showing the magic of the dog, the soul can cross the void, and there is always around Zhang Bin around Zhang Bin, and the "Zhang Bin launched a fierce to the ultimate attack.

Zhang Bin did not even did the defense, and he was in the middle.

Immediately falling on the wind.

In jeopardy.

If it is Zhang Bin's own body, he can become three-headed and six arms, easily resist such an attack.

However, this is the body of the drug, but there is no cultivation of cultivation.

There is no way to do it.

It can be seen that the use of the fairy body is also advantageous.

It is advantageous to defend the enemy's soul attack.

The drawback is that a lot of base cards can not be used.

However, Zhang Bin is still a laugh: "Wu Heaven, your dog is not used, can only break the blood! Wait for me, you can eat dog meat!"

"Kill kill ..."

The rhetoric was ignored by Zhang Bin.

He wants to be a drum, kill Zhang Bin.

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