"What is the horror in the end of this? It is powerful to be so honest. It seems that the Shacheng Lord seems really his opponent? Perhaps he can enter the top 50 in the Tianjiao list."

"It is really very powerful, very talented, horrible is that he only cultivates the future period."

"There is a good show, I don't know how the city owner will deal with this genius Xianxi. Is it burned, or steamed?"


Many magic remodel is stunned.

" ..."

Zhang Bin stepped out, and he went to the front of the scorpion.

He took the scorpion to the ground, and he stepped on his face. When the secret law was transferred, it immediately imprisoned the cultivation of the scorpion, and he said faintly: "Notify your father, get a ransom to redemption."

"This monk is too bold, too ranking? It is going to be the city owner?"

All magic repairs are completely dumbfounded.

Here is the site of the city owner here.

Is this teenager looking for death?

Don't say they, even the scorpion is also a face, a little doubting that he has encountered a madman.

However, he is very smart, shouting right away: "Fast, report the city owner."

Just after a few breathing time, Zhu Mo took hundreds of powerful guards.

A murderous, and the momentum is too strong.

They are all flying giant, all of the horror devils.

Sin is particularly rich.

The lady is in its name, the poison is indifferent, and the skin is dark.

It is a powerful pressure and momentum.

Of course, the realm is the peak of the flying.

And his life is full of breath, and the vitality is filled.

Obviously it is still very young.

Such magic repairs, that is, you can spend a big success, flying in the devil.

It is, Zhang Bin actually stepped on the head of his son, and stepped into the stone in the head of his son.

And Zhang Bin is interested in reading the jade net from the scorpion spatial ring.

There are 21 Dantian area, cultivating 21 kinds of practice.

Plus him super power, here is his site.

Of course, there is a lot of treasures among the space rings.

Among them, there are 21 consecutive copies and his cultivation experience.

Most of the skills are not as good as Zhang Bin's practice.

However, there are two skills that have triggered Zhang Bin's interest.

That is the practice of corrosion properties and toxic properties.

Zhang Bin just knew that there were the ability of the world's two attributes, suffering from no practice.

But now he is got.

Can he not happy?

Moreover, Zhang Bin has another understanding.

It turned out that Magic and Xiu Xiu were inherently different, and the method of cultivation of cultivation was similar, and there was no difference in practice. Different still character and faith.

The magic repairs the fake and ugly, self-privacy, Xian Xiu pursue true and beautiful, big public is selfless.

The former collects sin, the latter earns merits.

They are like a coin.

One is against, one is positive.

Xianxi is completely fallen, it will become a magic.

Magic repairs can be sublimate and become a fairy.

Magic scouring the horror, the ink is like a dark cloud.

Xian Xiu exudes the Shengguang, Xianghe Holy Lotus.

Therefore, these two skills - the poisonous magic and corrosion magic work, Zhang Bin can also practice.

Just like the Tianguo, the fairy and the magic must practice.

"Who are you? Is it a fairy thing from the Soil? Do you want to trigger the battle of the monster and the Soil?" Looking at Zhang Bin, he looked at Zhang Bin.

In fact, he really wants to make Zhang Bin from Zhang Bin.

But his son's scorpion is estimated to be turned on by the other party.

And this teenager is very powerful, and there is so much powerful magic, even his genius son is not his opponent, it is indeed an instant to kill the power of scorpion.

"Holy Soil? Where is it?"

Zhang Bin accused a jade, and asked slightly.

"You ... don't know the holy earth?"

The lame is surprised.

"Less nonsense, what is the soil?" Zhang Bin said, "Otherwise, you will give you the son."

The phoenix ink is shivering, and the eyes burst into a long fierce light, and the body burst into a strong murderous murderous, but forced to threaten, he still explained someone.

It turned out that the Soil is also a continent, there is no boundless, no infarction.

However, the continental Dingxiang and the monks are Xian Xiu, and the cultivation of the immortal of countless genius is, and there is a fairy and fairy.

Therefore, the monster and the holy are naturally opposed.

How many times a terrorist war broke out.

The battle continues to nearly 800 billion.

However, who is not there.

"I rely on, the sage? There is still such a magical place? Every year, there are monks to fly in the fairyland?"

Zhang Bin shocked.

Six people who were received by Zhang Bin to Longchi were also extremely exciting.

This place is the place where the fairy is dreaming.

If you can go to the Soil, then they may be powerful quickly.

It is not impossible to fly in the future.

"Do you know where is the prison star?"

Zhang Bin's excitement and excitement in the heart and asked faintly.

"Black prison?" The face of Shiko floated the glimpse, "That is a legendary place. It is said that the black prison is the origin of our magic. It is also the most amazing place. It was an ancient devil who was smashed into the world. It has formed a planet. The legend, as long as you can go to the black prison, then it is equal to a feet into the devil. Our magic is looking for black prison Star, but, no one is looking for. "

"Nima, Blacka is a piece of ancient devil world? It may be very uncommon. My enemy is very strong and horrible." Zhang Bin sighed in his heart, he couldn't help but remember the encounter of gold civilization.

At that time, the monk of the Golden Star was so strong, and even cultivated to the flying contest.

One degree occupies the wind, but the arrival of the arrogance of the black prison is transferred, and the monk of the golden star is being killed.

Zhang Bin also remembered the scene of the magic killing of the magic of the magic.

There is a creepy feel again.

The magic is very strong, it may have not tried the true strength of the magic.

"I am a tourist fan, come to the moon, but your son has to kill me. Now I am already made. You must take a ransom, I will let him." Zhang Bin said.

"Travel enthusiast? Come to the moon tour?"

The magic of the magic is almost sprayed out. Is this ridicule him?

Where is the fairy repair dare to come to the moon? That is not and the suicide is almost?

Many watching the lively magic is all stunned, and the face is full of weird expressions.

They all looked at Zhang Bin like the monsters, and I didn't understand how the world would have such a stupid fairy.

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