The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 169, Bin Ge's New Outer Division - minus half

"What kind of ransom do you want?"

The eyes of the eyes flashed in the deep light, and the percentage and momentum that was emitted by the body was also more horrible and scary.

"Half you cultivate the heavens and the earth, give me half." Zhang Bin said, "I have an outer number - minus half, anyone who is offering me, whether it is a fairy or magic, their wealth will be reduced by half."


Three teasings, Jin Xiaohai, Susan, and Xichen smiled.

Zhang Bin, is this talking about cold jokes?

Is it half?


Ziku is spurting, and the monks in front of me are too evil, not only ransom, but also ridicule him? When did the city of this border is good?

But he still pressed anger in his heart.

Very friendly: "I can promise your request, but you must put my son afterwards, can't let him be injured."

"Kid, wait for you to know the belly and poison of our city, you are destined to live today."

Many magic repairs are born in the heart, and they look at Zhang Bin like the dead.

Soon, Zhu Yugo took countless world of demonstration.

There are many quantities, and the types of species are far beyond Zhang Bin's estimation.

Zhang Bin received it into the central Dantian, Xiaoqing and Xiaolong began to plant excitement.

"Now, can you put my son?"

The smile of the lady is more and more intimate, and it looks like a human animal.

"That is trouble you send me out, then I will put your son."

Zhang Bin also said very well.

"No, it should be put my son first, you can go out."

Zhako said.

"Less nonsense, if you don't want to see your son turned into a corpse, just cooperate."

Zhang Bin's body exploded the cold murderous.

"That is good, one out of the city, you put my son, otherwise, I will attack immediately, you will inevitably become a corpse." Zhu Mo said angry.

Soon, Zhang Bin took the head of the scorpion and cheers and happily.

Of course, after the Mok took many masters, they can launch an attack at any time.

So many horror magic repairs, the comprehensive strength is of course terrible.

Zhang Bin misged into the magic cave, and now finally retreats. And I have learned two kinds of exercises, I have got a lot of heaven and earth drugs.

He can also think that the toe can be thought of, the city is arranged in a big array of horrible, which is used to give the starry behemoth to kill.

It is not possible to deal with him Zhang Bin.

He doesn't understand the moon, or it is more cautious.

"It is estimated that there is still a war. The city owner looks very insidious look."

"The master must be careful."


Three teasings, Golden Hai, Susan are very tight and worried.

Only Hi Wei, very depressed, she is a super master of the Galaxy Empire, when will I hide? When is it to protect?

"Now let's put my son, then you can go."

The lady said coldly.

"I have to bother your son to send me a way. Wait until the safe place, naturally send your son back to my hometown." Zhang Bin said.

The city is too horrible, putting so many shells, it is the most horrible science and technology weapon - photonic gun.

It is definitely a horrible, Zhang Bin does not want to withstand any attack of the photon shell.

At present, he is strong, but it can't resist it.

After all, he did not cultivate into the dragon body, and did not cultivate into the fairy.

He is only a small bone, and there is still a short distance from Dacheng.

"Hey ... Master this is to be mad?"

"This yin danger, wants to calculate our master, just dreaming."


Three teasing were excited to laugh.

"Mix, today you have to bure my son." Theirs ink is almost crazy, and the body burst into a fierce breath, "all gave me, kill him."

He is no longer the death of his son.

"Kill kill ..."

Many magic repairs are crazy, and they attacked Zhang Bin with a murder of the sky.

" ..."

Countless magic weapon.

" ..."

There are countless soul attacks on Zhang Bin.

"Bang ... ..."

The horror of the gods also issued simultaneously.

Gravity, space imprisonment, Thunder, flame, magic, countless abilities, dazzling, horrible.

Here is the city, they don't have any scruples.

You can use the most horrible attack.

"Swallowing the sky ..."

Zhang Bin smiled coldly, his mouth suddenly opened.

Crazy one suck.


His mouth has changed into a huge black hole, rotating madly, and issued an incomparable stereottopic force, acting in a wide range of horrible magic weapons, magic, and powerful magic.

Many magic weapons, magics, even even their soul attacks, under the action of phagocytic power, it quickly reduces. I put into Zhang Bin's mouth. Be swallowed by him.

Most of the magic repairs are also shouting horror, flew, narrowed rapidly, put in Zhang Bin's mouth like the moth fire, plopping into Zhang Bin stomach, was corroded by gastric fluid, very fast It is chemically formed.

Even even the armor on their body, the magic weapon in his hand is rapidly melted.

It turned into a special nutrient, and was absorbed by Zhang Bin's body and soul.

His body and soul are stronger with the speed visible with the naked eye.

The soul begins to condense the second God!

Even, the inquiry on the stomach is beginning to evolve the second level!

This is also a swallowing of the swallowing of the magical power of swallowing.

The effect is amazing, so Zhang Bin himself secretly shocked.

The magical power of swallowing the earth is really horrible! It is worthy of the merits of the Demon Emperor from the Hongmeng fan.

Therefore, only one instant, hundreds of magicals were swallowed by Zhang Bin, only the remaining and seven powerful guards were left.

They all have a super powerful magic, let their body connect them together.

No, it is completely integrated with the heavens and the earth.

Although Zhang Bin's swallowing the land is powerful, it has not been cultivated to the point of swallowing the world.

However, their faces have also exposed a horrified color.

They have the feeling of swallowing the strongest starry beast.


,, . . ........... ......... .....

The seven magical huge faces showed a laugh.

It seems that the attacks such as scorpion is the same as a sinless trap.

indeed so.

Zhu Ying Shi Law is the same world, it is expected that Zhang Bin also used the way to the world, then became a huge target, countless photon shells shot, Zhang Bin will inevitably tragedy.

You must know that even the starry beasts also have to bear the photon shells of the horrible side of the city, and they must become flying gray and completely fall.

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