The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1692 One person can block millions of teachers

"What about people?"


"It should be chemical as flying gray."

"The city owner is really very poisonous, seeing there is no way to save the small city owner, directly killing, giving the Shacheng Main report."


Many of the magicals who read the lively are discussing.

" ..."

Zhu Ying and six magic doctors appeared on the wall, watching the huge pit, they all made a smile.

I didn't lose my loved ones at all.

Also, they are magic, where is there?

Where will I sorrow for others?

Even if my son is dead, as long as she is not dead, then she is wonderful.

At this moment, Zhang Bin turned into a real dragon, squatting at the bottom of the wall.

Of course, he also showed stealth, deceive the abilities.

Just now, Moyu retreat, Zhang Bin immediately retreated.

However, he is not far away, but stealth to the city wall, here is the dead end of the photon shock attack.

It is the safest place.

"It's a group of silly, I want to be yin our master, how can it?"

Ma Rufei's voice sounded in Zhang Bin's dragon pool.

"But, is it too thrilling?"

Jin Xiahai is scared.

Perhaps it feels that there is anything wrong, and the lady in the shield with a lot of powerful guards, and begins to see the big hole in detail.

Zhang Bin's face is slightly changed, and suddenly shakes the body, turns a sand. With other sands, there is no difference.

Since he cultivated the variety of sexual practice to the later stage, the variable property is also high, although it is still like Sun Wukong, but it is possible to make the body thoroughly change the shape, change Additional species.

This void is arranged in a special ban. Although Zhang Bin can fly away from the super powerful space law, it is unlikely, but the speed is impossible to quickly, and it is easy to touch the ban, followed by the magic.

Of course, it is a million artillery, and the consequences are unimaginable.

"There is no treasure, there is no broken thing, even, even the bones are not. Isn't he escaped?" A escort in the pit is surprised to shout.

"Escape? It is impossible, there is no touch ban."

The scorpion shouted angrily, his eyes burst into the light, and the gods were madly and started to search for the wall.

However, no matter how he search, there is still no discovery.

"Nima, he really escaped."

Scorpio can jump.

When he depressed with many magic repairs back to the city, the city gate is also open.

There is magic and ordinary people into and out.

Zhang Bin naturally found opportunities.

The sand turned on a wheel of a carriage.

Slowly left this unparatorable city.

A valley.

Three invasive golden sea Susan also has a hit to roast a goat.

And Zhang Bin is interrogating the scorpion.

The scorpion is very afraid of death, and there are many secrets and situations of monster.

Let Zhang Bin have got a lot of information.

"Can you leave me now?"

The scorpion is expected to ask.

"Let you leave, it is impossible." Zhang Bin's face revealed the evil, "But I can give you a happy."

"Hey ... You are too true, think you escape? Introduction to tell you, you have fallen in my father's calculation." The scorpion suddenly smiled and said, "You can come out."

His voice just fell.

The mountains around the valley have emerged in the dense magic magic, full armed, one murder, and magnificent.

There are three thousand quantities.

It turned out to be the army of the border.

The giant martyries such as the previous and Zhang Binpeng killed, of course, also.

"Hey, I have to look at it, how do you escape this time?" , "Kid, release my son, otherwise, send you to the road immediately."

"I rely on, this city is sure, and there is no sound, I am surrounded."

"They are coming to death, the master brother is not allowed."

"This time, you can have a full meal."


Three teasings are smiling.

Zhang Bin pulled the head of the scorpion, gently, and only heard it.

The head of the scorpion collapses, the moon is also broken, the soul is also a sharp compound of the rhodium.

"Kill them ..."

The ink is almost crazy. Where did he have seen Zhang Bin's monks such as Zhang Bin?

It is not afraid of his threat at all. Directly kill the scorpion, and the road is not left.

" ..."

Many magic repairs the trigger of the photon gun.

" ..."

The sharp photomicrow is like a rainy point to Zhang Bin seven.

Ma Rufei and others, along with the roast goat, and disappeared.

Of course, I was received by Zhang Bin to Central Dantian.

And his body has a refractory imitation spirit, and it will disappear.

Just as there is no existence.


Zhimo was found to be clues, and a small grass turned into a small grass turned into a Zhangbin.


Zhang Bin showed that sharp swords in his hand.

Strongly on the other ax.


The ax is awkward.

However, numerous powerful magicals have been surrounded.

ZHANG Bin launched a terrorist attack like a water silver diarrhea.

They are all soldiers, well-trained, and tacit.

The war is very strong.

"A group of earth chicken wooots."

Zhang Bin smiled coldly, and turned into a three-arm.

The six swords are crazy, like the wind, like a dense Jianlin.

"Ah ..."

The scream of screaming, many magic repairs fall as cutting wheat.

Even the top masters like Zhang Bin were also smashed by Zhang Bin's moon, and then was pierced by Zhang Bin's sword to the chest.

Almost will be on the spot.

Still a few magic, the giant is desperate, and he saved him.

"Kill kill ..."

Zhang Bin came to the mountain forest as a ghost.

The towns are invincible, horrible.

Just a few minutes, 3,000 magic repairs almost all lay on the ground, most of them became the body.

There is still some dead, and the painful scream is made.

There is only more than one hundred strong guards, and the lady's group is arguing, and the attack is against Zhang Bin.

"Hahaha ..."

However, Zhu Yugo not only didn't be angry, but I made a smile, "Kid, today you must die here, you are strong and no use. Dare to kill my son, then I destined your end."

"Could he have some card?"

Zhang Bin's face flies the color, and the knowledge of the knowledge is detained.

Then his face changed!

Because of the high altitude, soaring two starry beasts.

One is the magic hawk of the planet, the feathers of the wings are bright, the mouth is like the hook of the hundred miles, sharp to the ultimate, the paw is even more awesome, Zhang Kai is also nearly a thousand kilometers.

The other is the giant, hovering, and is covered with the sky, and the void is completely stuffed.

The body is filled with golden scales, and the head is like a small planet.

Evil the perpetual pressure and momentum! The cold air machine is also locked in Zhang Bin!

The mouth of the Star Giant is suddenly opened, and Zhang Bin is so hard.


The huge black hole appeared, madly rotated, huge terrible phagocytosis is also acting in Zhang Bin.

To swallow Zhang Bin into it.

It seems that it is a starry behemoth that cultivates the magical power of the earth!

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