The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1693 Who is it?

"Ha ha ha ... feeding my magic body, cheaper you."

Zhu Yao sent a smile.

These two starry beasts are he raised, and it is his pet.

It is also the protector of the border.

Once there is a starry beast, they will attack and intercept.

Therefore, the Mok has long soon to make these two starry beasts in nine days.

Very closely watching Zhang Bin and others.

So, he can discover Zhang Bin so quickly.

There are so many magic giant surrounded by Zhang Bin.

"Is this your own?"

Zhang Bin's face floated the color, shakes the body, turned into a giant tens of thousands of meters, mouth opened, and also sucking the star giant python with the sky.

Swallowing the earth!

In an instant, the horrible vortex appeared, the strange power is also role in the sky.

Magical things happened.

The huge scary magic hurt is rapidly narrowed, narrowed, and quickly goes to Zhang Bin's mouth.


The magic has a big scream that is incomparable and fear, crazy struggle.

But there is no ovulation, how can I struggle, continue to fly to Zhang Bin?

Although it is a starry behem, but it is not a matter of swallowing.

Moreover, its swallowing, that is, instinct, and did not cultivate the magical power of swallowing the earth.

That is to resist the death of Zhang Bin who can't practice the magical power of swallowing the earth.

"I rely on, where is this unclear? Can you swallow the starry beast?"

Many magic repairs are completely dumbfounded, and their faces show the fear of fear.

Scorpio anger, roaring, "Magic, attack ..."

" ..." The wings of the magic wings were suddenly fanned, and suddenly hurricanes were like a knife, and the space collapsed. When it was like a sharding, the sharp paw grabbed the head of Zhang Bin.

However, swallowing the heavens and flying out Zhang Bin's central Dantian.

Not very big, because it has been reduced to the limit.

Despite this, there is still more than 1,000 kilometers long.

Its tail is a swing, and the body is light, and the mouth is open. The instant became the sky, and a mouth swallowed in a bite, and the Magic and the o'clock became a soul of swallowing.

And Zhang Bin also swallowed the huge scientific marga.

He also hit a full.


Zhu Ying and many magic doctors have pumped a cold breath.

Nima, this bastard has a starry beast, but also a swallowing ?

That is the most ferocious and horrible starry behemoth.

"Quick escape ..."

They immediately flew up, and they escaped to the border with the fastest speed.

However, they suddenly discovered, how can they fly, and they even returned.

When you see it, they almost scared.

Because the mouth of the swallowing, it has become a horror hole, they are going to the black hole.

"Tiandou Dafa Dafa ..."

The scorpion is crazy.

His body suddenly exploded, and it became a black smoke, and then disappeared.

In addition, there are five magic worships to show the Dafa Dafa.


The rest of the guards are all swallowed.

"The magic this is also mastered by the Dafa Dafa."

Zhang Bin's face has floated the color.

He knows clearly that the Tianmark is the magic of the earth.

And the magic is life in the black prison.

It should be not related to the lattice.

However, the Dawu Dafa is actually mastered by the magic of this here? This is a bit weird.

Border, the sky.

Zhang Bin stood in the sky.

He made makeup became a magic, and his body was evased. There is no difference between it and the magic. Obviously the magical ability of variable properties.

There is actually an invisible wall, which is the giant martyrdom of the devil and the fairy. It is said that there is no end.

The sky is completely separated by the monster and the holy.

There is no way to pass at all.

Only when the Magic or Xian Xiu invaded the other party, many of the monstro and the San San Dus gratifyed to show great gods, and they can open a gap on the sky, then kill, plunder resources, and kill enemies.

"Hey, there is no war now, I can't go to the sage."

Zhang Bin tried it, he didn't break the sky at all, and he had to give up, and his face floated.

He learned from the mouth of the scorpion, the holy is the place where the cultivar is gathered, and the area is not asya, so the cultivation of civilization is extremely, the master is like a cloud, and the talents are very rich. If you can pass, it will make it quickly, and you can even build a martial art, cultivate and make many strong giant, and there is a bottom gas.

So, he left the valley, and the first time will come to the sky.

"It turns out that our Galaxy is located in the stars of the moon. The black prison is of course the same. Black prison is willing to be too far from the Galaxy. Otherwise, it cannot be transferred."

Zhang Bin analyzed in his heart.

He didn't delay here, turned to go.

Moonlight City.

It is a very special castle in the moon.

There is a planet so big.

Special conversion energy array is arranged.

The sun light can be converted into a moonlight energy, and then produce a photonic shell.

The source is sent to the many cities that are sent to the front.

Of course, the edges are not only the boundaries of connecting the starry behemoth, but also the boundaries connected to the Sand.

Zhang Bin turned into the magic, now walked on the streets of Moonlight City now.

He is here to come here to cash energy.

The moon palace has been repaired slowly by him with the secrets you get from Haust.

However, it is necessary to transform the moonberg into a space warship, but it is necessary to need too much light energy.

However, Zhang Bin did not look so relaxed, and secret is very cautious.

Moonlight City is the heavy place of the Troll Empire.

Not only is the array of horrible array, but also arranged many horror experts.

Yes, the scorpion is ruled by the troll's empire and has a history of hundreds of millions of years.

That is a true huge thing.

I have also passed too much of the royal family.

Therefore, there are more than one race in the blood venour of the royal family today.

These race genius, that is the real Tianjiao.

For example, some of the kings are born to master time abilities, death and abilities, destruction of abilities ...

The genius in them, there are dozens of Dantian areas.

At the same time, dozens of exercises, and even cultivate more than 50 kinds of super geniuses.

The muro is the epitome of the devil. It is also the talent base of the devil. It has cultivated the super genius in the future, and the magic world will be sent to the devil.

The city of Moonlight City called Bloodship, there is 34 Dantian, cultivating to the peak of the flying.

It is one of the super giant mystery of the moon.

It is said that the war can take the first thirty.

Such a master is sitting in the town, Zhang Bin dares to have a big meaning?

In fact, he can go to another city to steal the masculine, but because there is too much energy, it is not necessary to meet his needs, then go to multiple cities, it is easy to disclose the track.

It may even fall into the trap.

It's better to come here for all.

"How can I mix into the city owner?"

Zhang Bin, I thought about my brain.

From the scorpion there, the moonlight energy collection is gathered in the depths of the city mainfate, and the main blood of the city is, it is necessary to sneak into the city.

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