The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1695 Tianjin Collection


The devil smiled, like a hundred flowers.

Beautiful to the extreme.

Even, her face floated faint red, and the beauty of the beauty ranked.

As if, at this moment, she became a passionate jade from a indifferent bitterness.

They happily talked happily.

Suddenly, the magic is said to say: "I am this time, I will come to the Tianjin banquet held by Tiantian, Toy Tianzhi is the son of the city owner, one of the powerful Tianjiao, which is famous in the moon ... Also almost, I am going to the city owner, do you want to go with me? "

"Go with you, I am afraid to join you."

Zhang Bin said.

He may not be able to mix into the city of the city through the magic, then sneak into the depths of the ground.

However, he doesn't want to be tired.

"I said that I know you on the road, I feel very strong, and I am very talented, I invite you to participate in the Tianjiao banquet. I am alone, I have never really friends. Plus the magic is self-contained, Even if you do something bad, you won't be tired of me. "The magic looks forward to Zhang Bin.

His hometown is known, and it is still her former lovers.

She is reluctant to make such a way with Zhang Bin.

Even, she felt that she could encounter in the lady and Zhang Bin, may be destined to heaven, the stories of their two have not ended.

Also write a new chapter.

"That's good." Zhang Bin took some head and promised.

"However, you must remember, don't be stubborn, don't be angry because Tianjiao. Your realm is too low, you can be genius in the earth, but to the moon, it is not necessarily. After all, the moon The area is tens of thousands of times the earth, the population is also tens of thousands of times, plus from the ancient times, the molance is the holy place of the magic. It is too much secret law, and there are too many killings of the horror. "Magic said.

Soon, the magic will bring Zhang Bin to the city mainfare.

Bring the welcome to a garden in a garden.

The garden is arranged in a symposium.

There are not many people, and there is only ten people in the district.

Eight men two women, plus magic, that is, three women.

However, they are very powerful, from the nectings, there is a self-confidence and a powerful momentum.

"Welcome Miss Miss."

The teenager sitting on the primary position got up and smiled.

Everyone also puts his gaze to the magic face.

Almost all men have a feeling of tintedness.

Magic is too beautiful.

Gorgeous, dignified atmosphere.

An indifference and confidence of face.

The body is also emitting a lot of momentum.

Since is not weak, other arrogance.

The devil is sitting down at a location.

Zhang Bin also wants to sit down at the position around the devil.

However, a short-headed Tianjiao stepp in front of Zhang Bin, cold and cold: "Roll out."

"He is the genius I have encountered on the road. It is still very powerful. I can barely count the Tianjiao ranks. So, I will bring him over." Magic said, "Tobin, how can you like this? rude?"

"I thought he was your own, so he was only licking him." Tobin said, "I didn't think of it, it is also a genius."

After that, he pointed at a corner of the garden, saying faintly: "Zhang Bin? Although I have never heard of it, since the Miss Miss said you are a genius, then it is sure. I saw that there is no, the dog is lying The place is where you stay, remember, don't run, otherwise, we are not responsible. "

This is simply a naked humiliation.

"Zhang Bin, in fact, the corner can also hear the conversation between these Tianjiao, see the ratio between them. It is good for your cultivation. You don't want to use things. Don't be stubborn. Signifier is the most important." .

Zhang Bin's eyes fell to the guests of the guest, bowed and assessing the strength of each other.

Tribin cultivated to the late stage of the flying, and the Zhangchen and arrogant.

A domineering is coming.

"Wang Wang descendants."

Zhang Bin judged in his heart, he didn't say two words, turned his head.

Go to the corner of the garden, sitting on the dog's side.

" ..."

Tobes made a smile that was very proud and arrogant.

The rest of the Tianjiao is also laughing.

Especially the two wisdoms are arrogant, laughing is the east.

The sound is also a particularly hook.

The devil is smile, it is a bit blocked in my heart, Zhang Bin is on the earth, how talented teenager is it?

Even the father's magic swallowing and super-strong, the Jiu Xuan was repaired very badly.

However, to the moon, his genius is glorious ...

"Today, call the Tianjiao gatherings, actually to be a convention." Toy Tian raised a glass of green wine, and said the wind, "What is the agreement, that is, in the future in the devil again."

What a madness is this?

You know, flying a magic world, it is difficult to get better than any monks.

However, they have to meet the devil.

In other words, they all believe that it can easily spend the flying and rumor, flying to the devil.

"Moreover, today, we are here, we must have a big merit in the devil world. One step by step is growing into the giant can. Master the power of the sky." Toy Toy.

"Meet the devil, try hard to help each other, cultivate into magic, magic ..."

"After flying, I want to join the army, kill a number of immortals, get more sins, and powerful."


The rest of the Tianjiao is also a sense of enthusiasm, murderous, and hey.

"It's better to get rid of them? This can save a lot of immortals, I can get a lot of merits." Zhang Bin had heard it, and the eyes were shocked, and the eyes flashed the ice to the extreme.

However, this thought is only in the heart, because it is not very real, it is too difficult to do.

He slowly exudes the knowledge, incentive, induce everything in the city mainfare, and he is still cultivating.

The cultivation is of course the toxic properties and corrosion properties.

Although these two skills can practice fairy, it is still best for magical practice.

After all, the magic is coming is sinister and selfish, selfish.

Zhang Bin has gradually understood that there is evil, there is a truth.

So, many exercises are completely opposite properties.

Death and undead, unsteady, unsteady, corrosion and repair, light and dark ...

Most of the magic practice is a negative property, toxic properties, death attributes, killing properties, corrosion properties, phagocytosis, digestion, etc.

Therefore, Zhang Bin closed the front attribute Dantian, opened the negative property of Dantian, his breath became the same, cold, vicious, violent.

"Hey ..."

These two kinds of arrogance quickly circulated in Zhang Bin's meridians.

Gradually grow.

And the speed is very fast.

Not because Zhang Bin's talents are too good, but because of the previous Zhang Bin in a starry giant, it is transformed into nutrient liquid, which can quickly transform into these two attributes.

After all, the huge python is highly poisonous and the horrible corrosion can be mastered.

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