The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1696 is unable to kill

"I have to observe it, look at this 11 magic revision, which people cultivate four magic doctors ..." Zhang Bin continued to divide a heart god to pay attention to those magic, and judge their strength and practice.

I learned from the mouth of the scorpion, there are four kinds of monsored people, that is, dark heart, time and space, blood gods, and talents. It is called the four major magical powers. As for the Tianguo, how to pass it to the moon, Zhang Bin has not heard it.

If possible, Zhang Bin wants to learn the three magical powers, it is best to get the original work.

" ... The defense of the city owner's energy library to the underground is not very strict. It may be because there is a magic repair, no one can mix. Plus no one is interested in the energy of the photonic gun. It should be organic Multiplied. I am very good. Thank you for your stupid, let me sit here, no one is disturbing, and you can feel the sense of knowledge. "Zhang Bin secretly jealous.

"Magic, I heard that you practice the law, although he is born to be a Dantian, but the force is super terrible. It is better to try once?" Tobin suddenly stood up and said.

He cultivated to the later period of the flying, and it is the top Tianjiao, but it is going to be a minority of the realm? It is also too bullying.


Magic actually didn't have any hesitation and hesitation, and jumped to the space of the garden.

She came to the molance to challenge the Tianjiao, stimulating the potential, the universe in the development, never afraid than the monk than myself.

Although it is lost, it is growing rapidly.

Just a year of more than a year, it grows into the Tianjiao of the moon.

It is worth proud and proud.

"Zhang Bin, you are optimistic, I will challenge the strong, so I can quickly power up. However, I can't be too reckless, the life is the most important. Only can save life, there is a future."

Magic said.

Perhaps, she is telling Zhang Bin, don't be afraid than my powerful magic, monks, it is necessary to keep it yourself so that I can quickly.

Zhang Bin smiled.

He came to the city owner has another purpose. How can he get a moon to provoke, and it's broken?

The Tobin flashed in front of the devil, there was a blood red machete in his hand, showing evil smile on his face, said: "Miss Miss is not as good as us? If I lose, lose your bump. Phoenix blood? "

After that, a jade bottle appeared in his hand, with dark black blood, exudes an incomparably mysterious breath.

"If you win? I have no treasure."

The magic eyes lit up, and the face showed a surprise, she is a bitter man, although she doesn't need to take precious world of demon, but some external magical treasures are must. Dark phoenix blood soak body, can quickly stimulate the potential of the body, speed up the development of the universe in the development.

However, dark pork is too precious, and the dark phoenine is the fastest starry behem, and it is the most horrible starry behem. It is natural to master the darkness of the horrible, and the heavens are in the dark. And the darkness represents death. Not ordinary monks can get.

"Ha ha ha ... In fact, the magic yourself is the universal rare treasure, your beauty, your genius, let countless days arrogant. It is no exception." Tobin said, "If you lose, do my woman Friends, how? "

"It turned out that Tobes took out so precious treasures, which was to get the magical heart."

"The original Tobin likes to be magical."

"Does Tobb include dozens of girlfriends, how do you look at the devil?"


The face of the Tianjiao exposed a weird expression and stood whispered.

Even, some teenage eyes flashed the sly spark.


Magic refused, even, she was still worried about Zhang Bin.

I am afraid that Zhang Bin is angry.

"This teenager has problems, maybe the devil likes him. I must find a way to kill him." Not only Tobin, almost all the eyes of all the Tianjiao teenagers flashed in fierce, and the rich murder is burst.

"Then we don't bet, just learn."

Tobin immediately changed the method.


Magic is not polite, yelling.

The sword in the hand is squatting, the swords are exploded, such as the substance, the murder is condensed to the extreme.

The Tobin smiled, and the knife in his hand came out.

The knife broke out, red light was filled, and heaven and earth.


The sword intersects, and the rays are bursting.

Magic retreat.

Tobin is standing like a mountain.

"it is good……"

All Tianjiao sent an excitement.

This is good to give two people, the Tobin is indeed strong, the magic realm is so low, but it can resist the horrible knife, which can be said to be super genius.


The magic is rushing up again, the sword in his hand flew, launched the same attack as the Tobel.

Tobin first stood for a while, then he sent it.

Crazy, playing the magic festival.

Even, he was interested in to force the devil to retreat to Zhang Bin.

"Dragon has a knife, kill!"

Tobin suddenly shouted, jumped in the air high, and the knife in his hand became more than one hundred times, then slammed into the magic.

The space is broken, and the heavens and the earth are shaking.

This situation is really horrible.

Magic does not dare to resist, and it will avoid it.

However, this knife in Tobin suddenly changed the direction, and the lightning is like Zhang Bin.

"Be careful……"

Magic is shocked.

Zhang Bin put out a panic, and there was a sword in his hand, and the blocked.


A loud noise of the sky.


Zhang Bin made a scream, just like a nail, nailed to the depths of the earth.

Submerged by the soil, there is no message.

It seems that he was killed by Tobel.

"Zhang Bin ..."

Magic sent a nervous shout, rushing to the humanoid cave, just jumping out.

However, she suddenly stopped, and her face floated.

But it is a flash.

"Sorry, just mistakenly, killing friends you know."

Tobes landed in the ground, and the face was full of apologies.

Of course it is very proud of the heart.

"Hey ... Kill well, there is a mediocrity in the district, and it is also equipped with the magical heart?"

All Tianjiao is laughing in your heart.

"Yes, you are not intentional, he is just the passers-by, and it is dead." Magic said.

Tobin is big, and it is a tie with the magic.

While the remaining Tianjiao watch, it is also a tribute.

Did not put a teenager who died in the heart.

What are their Tianjiao, kill a few mediocrity, and what? Just don't distinguish between a ants.

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