The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1697 Energy,

"The opportunity is so time, I am really Hong Fu Qi Tian."

It is revealed on Zhang Bin's face in the deep pit.

He has used the knowledge to explore the entrance of the energy library, but it is suffering that there is no way to leave the garden.

It has a chance now.

When he turned, he became a real dragon that only embroidered needle.

Put the sword on the corner, crazy, forward, straight to the underground channel.

Can't show the earth, because the earth is imprisoned.

This kind of imprisonment is the same as that of the past.

Therefore, Zhang Bin is very familiar, and the in-depth approach is to make a hole.

If it is caves outside the city mainfather, there will be terror ban, it is easy to find.

However, it is now in the city mainfate, and many Tianjiao is still in Wu.

The sound is huge, covering everything.

Finally, Zhang Bin appeared in an energy warehouse in the deep underground.

Just only one guard.

But it was made by Zhang Bin, imprisoned in his dragon pool.

"Although the moonlight energy collected by Moonlight is a bit different, it can be used."

Zhang Bin shaked a change, turned into the guardian look, opened the door of the energy warehouse, took out the energy of the moonlight box to swallow energy, and then he used it to transform his own moon.

Just only for about two hours, he transformed his moon palace into a battleship.

As before, he also filled the universe warship full of energy, and even made a lot of moonlight boxes, which were equally full of energy.

After all, this energy warehouse is abundant.

"Oh ... I've got it."

Zhang Bin smiled darkly, he took the magic guard and let it continue to sit on the stool.

Then he got out of the door to relieve the defense of guard.

The guard woke up from the coma, and the face floated on his face. "What happened, I just fell asleep? Is it over?"

I didn't have any doubts at all.

"Very good, very satisfactory."

Zhang Bin certainly induced it, and Zhang Bin was in his heart.

Soon he returned to the humanoid hole in the garden underground.

Many Tianjiao are drinking chatting.

One feeding is red.

"Magic, just though you lose, but I am still willing to give you dark blood."

Tobbin looks like a greedy look, and the floral is beautiful, take out the dark blood, to give the devil.

"I can't want it."

Magic refused.

However, Tobin is dead to give the dark blood to the magic, and the two push it.

At this time, I only heard a big sound.

The mud splash, Zhang Bin flew from the human shaped pit, pointed to Tobin, drink: "Betting, you give me out, I want to teach you."

The energy has been obtained, and the moon is transformed into an universe battleship, the purpose is achieved.

He can kill.

All Tianjiao here, except for the magic, is his goal, of course, the first one is Tobbin!

"Zhang Bin, I didn't care what I did, but I would like to remind you that Tobin is super powerful, just he fights with me, it is not used allrate. How do you have to provoke him?" It is worried about it.

"Ha ha ha ... you are stupid, there is not dead, there is a bit of strength, not bad."

Tobin whispered, I went to Zhang Bin in front of Zhang Bin, and I took a slap in Zhang Bin.

I want a head to explode Zhang Bin's head.

"Ha ha ha ... There is such a stupid monk in the world, and I dare to provoke the Tiben, sitting in his head being smashed."


"Only killing people can make me boil."


Many days arrogantly laughed.

However, their laughing suddenly pauses, just like the neck being held.

Because Zhang Bin's left hand suddenly lifted, I grabbed the Tobel's wrist, and the right box was on the door of Tobel.

"Hey ..."

Tobin's armor is broken, then the head is as broken as a hitting watermelon.

The flesh and blood, the cerebelings were taken.

Just joke, Zhang Bin refines the soul of Wuzhi, and recently swallowed a starry giant.

The body absorbs a lot of nutrients, and the power has skyrocketed.

His punch, now I can really explode a planet.

"Ah ... Blood god disintegration Dafa ..."

Drake a lot of screams, and the sound of has become a bloody smoke.

Then his body appeared in a hundred meters away, and his face was full of horrifying.


Zhang Bin's two eyes are angry.

The moon double sword will take out.

Of course, he let the moon double the sword becomes black, with an evil breath.


The blanked sound sounded.

The moon double the sword is like an electric ground.

"Broken blood knife, ..."

Tobin is super powerful Tianjiao, yelling, two blood knives flew out from his eyes, instantly hit the moon double sword.

"Dangdang ..."

The moon double sword fly back, the blood knife is also the same.

However, look carefully, you can find that the blade of the blood knife has collapsed.

"Moon Magic Sword, then ."

Zhang Bin smiled coldly, and the moon double sword once broke out again.

"Dangdang ... ..."

The face of Tobin has changed, and he has to control the blood knife again.

And Zhang Bin's moon double sword broke three times, they couldn't resist it, and they became two trips.

Then, the moon double the sword took the breath of all the breath on the temon's temple.


Almost at the same time, the Tobel's body exploded into a flame of the extremely purple flame.

His body is also bursting.


But his mouth is still screaming.

Because his moon is broken, he is really strong, actually makes the soul to Dantian.


He fell to the ground in the sky.

I still have to climb up, Zhang Bin is on his face.


Tobin's head is once like a hitted watermelon exploded.

"Blood God] Dafa ..."

The screams of screaming.

The body of Tobbin was once again chemically black smoke.

The blink of an eye is combined in a hundred meters.

"The sky is a sword, be!"

Zhang Bin is anger, and the sword in the hand is lightning.


The sword rose thousands of times, and the murderous rolling is like a sea tide.

"Tell the blood knife, kill ..."

Tarning is a sad, shouting crazy.

There was a blood-red knife in his hand, 28 Dantian at the same time, all of the magical shines, all the genuine collected blood knife.

Then he slammed a knife on that terrorist sword.


The blood knife of the Tobin is instantly broken.

Then, the sword gangly on him.


The armor is broken, and his body is also cracking from the middle, the blood will be taken, the intestine has dropped.


Two half of the bodies fall in the ground, they will not move.

There is no ability to show the Dafa France to the Blood God.

"Ah ... Who is you? Why is so powerful?"

The scream of the sorrow, the soul of Tobin flew out from the body.

However, there is a bright red line in the body, obviously, the soul has been hit hard.

Like the past, it is difficult to live.

"I am an ordinary magic, kill you because you can bully me again, but also sneak me. Now, you can go to the road." Zhang Bin said.

"I hate, I must give me a revenge, Zhang Bin, you are absolutely three days."

Tobin made a shouting of incomparable grievances.

Then, his soul crashed, and it became a black smoke, scattered.

Born 28 Dantian's super Tianjiao - Tobin, falling!

(See someone says that I can't wait for the five chapters. I am really mad. Description, the space is not a word number. One chapter is more than two thousand words, it is more than two thousand words. Five chapters 10,000 Multi-word, no one is calculated. Talk to conscience !!)

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