The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1698 posing as a descendant

"I rely on, this is a peerless genius who plays pigs and tigers."

The rest of the Tianjiao jumped at the same time, and their faces were filled with shock and dared to confuse.

You must know that Tobin is the blood of the royal family, powerful to terrible.

His strength is basically invincible.

I have already defeated the giant giant that I have just happened and cultivated to the flying promotion.

However, he was even easily killed by a magic of no name?

The other party has not used any conspiracy to fight, it is the fight.

"It turns out that Zhang Bin is more genius and power than I think, it is the lover."

The magic is also shocked, and the heart is a little ashamed. I also said that Zhang Bin is not her opponent.

"This name is so powerful, I used so many recruits to kill him." Zhang Bin is secretly vigilant. "Finally, if it is not used to use the strongest sky, it is absolutely not dead, The other side can also use the Tiangou Dafa to escape. "

He didn't hesitate to remove the Tobel's space ring, and even brought a few magic weapons from Tobin, and also took all the treasures among him Dragon Pool.

This is his trophy.

"The big thing, Tobin was killed by this kind of child who didn't know any origin."

All Tianjiao finally woke up and stood up.

" ..."

A Tianjiao is like crossing the space. It appears in front of Zhang Bin in front of Zhang Bin. "Who is you?" I actually mastered the moon sword of our Skyville. "

"and who are you?"

Zhang Bin asked.

The heart is also very surprised. I heard that the Skymaster, is there anything in the Tianguo, the Tianguo and the Tianguo?

The talents are the soul, cultivating into a book, the soul can fly a ghost world, become a ghost fairy, the ghost fairy is further, and you can cultivate into a demon, reach the neutralization.

Of course, if there is a body, it will not fly a world, but the soul can reach the ghosts, and then further, you can reach the point of God.

"I am the unique ethnicity of the Tianmifu, you are big and courageous, I dare to show the moon sword, kill Toben? Don't you know that Tobin is also a super genius of one of the top ten strongest royal family?" Qing Yun angry.

"What super genius? I only know, who wants to kill me, I will kill who." Zhang Bin said, "The teenagers of my Gods, will never endure others's humiliation and bullying."

He is a hit, and it is directly pretending to be a nationality.

He has a book and a book on the book, not afraid of pretending.

"Are you really a genius of our Tianmo?" The devil asked, "How, I have never seen you, I have never heard of you?"

"Nima, how can I not get any memories of the Tianmo family in the memory of the scorpion?"

Zhang Bin broke in the heart, but he was proud of his mouth: "I am the authentic descendants of the Tianmou family. I have come out to travel. I have never heard of you? You are also the descendants of my Skinth?"

"Where is this a metrophic master? It doesn't even know the magic green cloud?"

Many Tianjiao are awkward.

"Then do you talk about anyone who is the old ancestors of the Sky? Can you tell the look of the ancestor?"

The face of the magic green cloud floats an odd expression and asked coldly.

And his body is also blaming the murderous murder, and a very horrible momentum is shining.

If Zhang Bin can't say it, he will always shoot immediately.

"Nima ... This teenager is very delicate, very bad."

Zhang Bin squats in his heart, but he knows that if you can pretend to be a descendant of the sky, it is a great advantage. Unfortunately, he really doesn't know who the old ancestors of the Tianmo family?

He immediately asked the magic.

"The Tianguo family is the oldest magistrate, with a few billion years. Their ancestors named the magic, is a universal rare cultivation genius. But what is the magic, I don't know. Because of the Earth Magic Gate Although there is a statue of the magic, it is a blurred, it seems to be the same as it is intentional. "Magic said.

In fact, don't say magic, even the future generations of the Sky will basically do not know the look of the magic.

Only the length of the family and the eloquence are known.


Zhang Bin slammed, and the heart set off a stormy waves.

At that time, the magic was invaded, with the magic invasion of the black prison.

There is no relationship with the magic of the moon.

However, the old ancestors of the Tianmo here are magic, and they also master the moon swords, and it is estimated that the content of the Tianguo.

Don't I invade the Earth, I also crossed the empty to the moon, leaving the inheritance in the moland?

Why did he do this?

Where is he getting a heaven?

Zhang Bin said that he was confused in his heart, but his mouth was vigilant: "I certainly know who the ancestors are, and knowing his appearance. However, why should I show you?"

"Why? Hahaha? Because I am the minority of the Tianmo family. I have the power to identify your identity." The devil is proud.

"This is a fool. Is it not to know that the devil is saving him? If he is not the descendants of the Sky, kill Toben, there is absolutely no living, and it is necessary to be killed by the blood magic."

"That is not necessarily a fool, it is estimated that he is a fake, after all, how can the two core inheritance? I have never heard of it."


Many Tian arrogant discuss it.

"That line, I will draw a picture of the ancestor, let you see."

Zhang Bin hesitated slightly, he took out the pen and the easel.

Portrait of a magic in the magic.

He and the magic of the blood and kill, of course, clearly know what the magic is like.

So just ten minutes, Wei Feng, the big magic of the magic, the portrait of the hand, showing the portrait of the giant ax, realistic to the extreme.

"Sure enough, the old ancestor, is it, he is from the black prison?"

The face of the devil's clouds showed the ecstasy, and the hot light was taken.

When he turned, he climbed Zhang Bin's shoulder, smiled and said: "The big water rushed to the Dragon King Temple, and the family didn't know a family, Zhang Bin, it is really our authentic Tianmu descendants."

"It's really a descendant of the Tianmo, and the life of this boy may keep it."

Many Tianjin is awkward, all around, congratulations to the devil.

"Qing Yun brother, congratulations, your Tianmifu has a super genius again."

"Qing Yun, you are a lot of genius, and a boy who is nothing famous is super genius, and it is easy to kill Tobin."


Devil's green cloud is also a face, and immediately introduces Zhang Bin to many Tianjiao giant.

The two beautiful wisdoms were arrogant, even drilled into Zhang Binhuai, and shouted with Bin Brocket.

I can't wait to work with Zhang Bin immediately.

Zhang Bin was pushed by them. From the space ring of Tobin, I took out the dark phoenix blood to give the magic. "Miss Miss, our Pingshuo, you bring me to know so many days, I will send you one small gift."

"This bastard is simply ignorant, and the treasure of Tobin will send beauty."

Many Tianjiao is in the heart.

Devil's clouds will be prepared to leave, "Toy, our brothers still have important things, say."

"You can leave you, but Zhang Bin can't go."

Toy Tian's body burst into the warrior and momentum, and said with a unquestionable tone.

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