The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1818, the sky, the battle

Before the day, it was a vast and wide, and the back is to Guancheng.

At this moment, Zhang Bin took many powerful guards, and the 200 million Xian Xiu Daries arrays here.

2 billion to Magic, this is a very disadvantage.

However, this is already almost all of the Tianxian Empire.

To replace, you must construe troops.

However, there is no time to consulate soldiers.

Because the sky is about to be broken.

This is also very magical, there are many windows on the wall, you can see the opposite situation.

So, the San Shan Xian Shu soldier can determine how many army have been judged.

"The newspaper is reported, in the first time, the magic repair is slowly concentrated the army, and the quantity has not exceeded one billion, but just now, suddenly increased approximately 9 billion."

The generals of guarding the guard said.

"Magic is used to use the suspect, paralyzed us." Zhang Bin ride a big horse that turned into time, and he said seriously.

However, Zhang Bin's gaze is mainly on Ashi face.


Many generals and A Xiu said seriously with their own countermeasures.

Zhang Bin listened coldly, but the brow was picked up.

Because he saw a very familiar person in the opposite magic army through the windows of the Tale.

That is the magic.

Today's magic is very different from before.

She rode on the back of a tall magic horse, wearing a darkness of the armor, waist, the sword, the eyes, the body, burst into the stress and momentum of the sky.

She is actually the general, with at least a million army.

Combine into a square array, murderous, horror.

I have said before, if she meets on the battlefield of the fairyland, she will kill Zhang Bin. However, I haven't going to the fairyland, they will meet in the battlefield of all years.

Zhang Bin is the coach of the ride, and the magic is the general of the moon.

Zhang Bin is to use the toe, it can be thought of, the magic is willing to be more than a few more, and there are too many powerful, and there is a universe in the development of the universe, in order to do the general of the moon.

Perhaps Zhang Bin has a grasp of any magic.

However, there is no absolute grasp of dedication.

In the past few days, he saw the powerful organs and saw more powerful plum deer.

Meihua deer must be undoubted in the universe, but it is said that it even has the worst monks in the universe, because the worst can also be more than a top fairy.

And the magic is always in the development of the universe, and it seems to have a mysterious origin.

What kind of step is her war?

This time, I haven't started, and the holy has been full of wind.

"Give me a bomb ..."

The devil raises the sword and waits hard.

In an instant, millions of magic repairs their magical power at the same time, magic weapon, slamming in the sky.

Ray, Thunder, Golden Arrow, Flame ... Interleaving.

There are countless magic weapons and towers.

It is very magnificent.

More horrible is that the rest of the magic army also launched an attack on the talents.

I bombard the magic and the magic as the rain.


"Dangdang ..."

" ... ..."

There is a crack like a spider web, and spread quickly.

Finally, I collapsed and aroused the dust of the sky.

Because the fairy is a common seal, there is a magical ability.

After collapse, it will be slowly repaired.

It is now collapsed, and it takes about one month to fix it.

One collapsed in the sky, the dust has become a strange spot, disappearing in the air.

So there is a wide land and can do battlefields.

The big troops between the two sides are cold and cold.

The murder is rushing up.

Zhang Bin's eyes are also instantly falling on the other's coach.

That is a dark, a magic of hairy.

Wearing a lobe, wearing a golden crown, sitting on a black horse with a long dragon scale.

Exctends to the warming and momentum.

Let the space are oscillating and let the world are silent.

It seems that he is a strong and horrible.

He is the emperor of the troll's empire - the magic of the night.

In the past, a knife broke out of the big feet, it was him.

That time, Zhang Bin faced him and could only quickly escape.

However, I will meet again today.

And Zhang Bin also became the emperor of the Soil.

The two sides have rid of the prince, this time the war is unquestionable, it will be extremely bloody.

"Hey ... Who are you? The emperor of the past is Zhu Tongtian?"

The devil is like a Night's eyes on Zhang Bin, issued a smile that is shocked.

"Zhu Tongtian is not suitable for the emperor, so he will give it to me."

Zhang Bin is very realistic.

"Wow, haha ​​... I changed a bad boy to do the emperor. The Soil is also completely unfolded." The devil said, "Today, you will bring a hundred billion military to the Soil, you, one of you, I can't become a body. However, if I surrendered, I would like to change the demons, then I can escape. You still don't surrender and stay more? Could you still expect this bad boy to resist my tens of millions ? "

Many fairy have a big face, especially those who have been guarding the guards, all have a big drop, even someone floating on the face of fear.

After all, the strength varies too much.

The result of this war may not be suspected.

The final result is inevitably the top giant shot of the guardian.

However, it is still not known to keep the sage.

However, there is a thing that can be sure, there is a certain number of fairy into the body.

Any one inch land that is reddish.

The body will be piled up like a mountain.

"Your name is the magic of the night? Your mouth can be said, just don't know, how do your strength? Do you dare to sing a free? It is estimated that you don't dare. Because you know that it is not my opponent, I just need a trick. You can kill you. As for your tens of millions of magic, you can justify the ants, we can let go. "Zhang Bin sat firmly at the time of time elf, said confident.

At the same time, his body makes up the power and momentum.

Gong Dejin print is also flying out of his Houtou points. It turns out the sky, 5700 Jinlong blasts the same golden light, which is the same, the sacred.

Let Zhang Bin look like a fairy from the fairy world.

It is unable to violate it, it is unbelievable.


Almost at the same time, hundreds of billions of magic army have pumped a cold, and the face is full of colors.

The emperor of this fairy soil in front of him can condense so many merits Jinlong.

Is it really a super genius?

Moreover, his tone is so big, is it true that it is extremely terrible.

Their momentum is one of them, and even someone has a nervous and horrified color on his face.

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