The magic is also very surprised. Her eyes are full of extreme, and the eyes of the eyes are shot, they are shot on Zhang Bin's face, shouting in the heart: "How this guy is getting more and more mysterious? I came to the moon before, now there is still in the Soil, and even more weird. He actually did the emperor? He also repaired so many merits Jinlong? Waiting for him to kill him, or for him? He but Former lovers ... "

"Long live you old, long live."

The 2 billion holy army shouted crazy, and their faces were full of enthusiasm, and they were full of excitement.

Their eyes are all in all the rays of hope.

Not because Zhang Bin's powerful momentum, but because Zhang Bin's merits gold printed with 5700 Jinlong.

It is to know that the former holy has had countless powerful emperors, and they have got a lot of merits.

However, there is not much to condense the merits of the Golden Dragon.

Never use 5,700 merits Jinlong.

Obviously, Zhang Bin once killed countless magic repairs, apparently the super masters in a hundred war.

Such a giant is the emperor, but it is much better than Zhu Tongtian.

Maybe, under the leadership of Zhang Bin, they are really likely to retreat the army and hold their homes.

The devil is not moving, smiling and drinking: "Just as your milk is unfair boy, it also helps with me. Which horse? Put him?"

"Wow, kid, you gave me, I tried you."

A horrible magic of only one eye is rushed out with a murder of the sky.

There is a huge ax in his hand, raising the air high, so that the world is shaking.

"I will send you to the road."

Ma Ru Feizy, a arrow, has fallen in front of the other party.

There was a giant sword in his hand, and he raised his hands high.

The body is also a murderous and peripheral.


Ma Rufei. "

The two confronted each other.

There is a jealous color on your face.

Because they all feel the opponent's super power.


Almost at the same time, both people shouted.

I bombard them together.

"Bang ..."

A super loud sound, spark splash.

Sound shock.

The space collapsed, and gas wavy became a huge mushroom cloud.


The monster sent an angry shout because he felt that the power of terror was coming, let him stabilize the body, which is continuously retreat.

And Ma Rufei only retired three steps.


Ma Rufei shouted crazy, and the momentum was chasing it.

The giant sword in the hand is crazy, and it has become a dense maiden mountain.

"you wanna die."

The monster roared, and the body burst into the light of the ink.

The ax in the hand is also crazy blocking.

"Dangdang ..."

The sound continues to ring continuously.

The two are born to kill them together.

It has become a shadow that is unclear.

I sent an angry shouting and painful voice from time to time.

"The dark heart, the darkness is swallowing everything."

"Blood God Collection, control your blood."

They respectively show tricks and many horrible skills and abilities.

You come to me, fierce.

I didn't divide the victory.

Zhang Bin secretly taboo, the moon has such a powerful magic?

You must know that Ma Ru Fei gets the body of the swallowing magic of the rebirth - the devil.

The magic cattle is one of the two super magical life that is pregnant in Black prison.

Through the development and cultivation of the swallowing of the Demon, many abilities are super powerful.

Now Ma Ri Fei has basically mastered these abilities.

But can't be defeated right away?

If the Magic Ten billion army has a lot of such masters, then the consequences are unimaginable.

"You are a scoring, give me death."

Ma Rufei was completely angry, shakes the body, turned into a top giant, crazy, a sword to each other.

The monster did not have to show weakness, and also showed the law of the world, turned into a troll, and slammed the ax.


A super loud sound.


The monster feels that a huge incredible force came from, and his hands were fell.

The ax in your hand flew to half air.

The body is also back.

The face is filled with horrified colors.

And Ma Ri Fei is a step without refund, easy.

He got Zhang Bin's teachings, showing scaling energy and enlarged his attack power.

Although only a little bit can only be enlarged, it also occupies an advantage.


Ma Rusi is shouting, and the lightning is chasing, and many abilities are present, including magical time abilities, slowing the speed of each other.

His giant sword is like a rain point to each other.

The monster takes out the ax again and strives to resist the attack of Ma Ru Fei.

But the blink of anx is shocked.

Then I saw the cold light.

The body of the monster became half.

Of course, it was half a half of the sword of Ma Rufei.

Two half of the bodies fell down, blood flowed.

Ma Ru Fei is a proud standing, and the momentum is too strong.

"General Major is mighty."

"General March invincible."


The soldiers of many holy soil shouted crazy, and their faces were filled with enthusiasm.

An excited to the extreme.

Especially those veterans, it is more enthusiastic to the extreme.

Because they know the monster, in the past, the monster is the same as the devil.

The invincible, killing too many fairy, and killed many generals.

Crime is tired.

However, now Ma Rufei has killed the monster with the true strength. How much is this?

And they also know that Ma Rufei is the next subordinate, from the distant starry sky.

Even the horse is so powerful, then their majesty is more powerful.

This time, it is not necessarily lost.

"God, it's too stimulated, it's too exciting."

Yang Xixing standing around Zhang Bin's body is shaking, and his face is also exposed to the lookout and desire.

"Hey ... tell you, following Bin brothers is so cool, it is so stimulating."

"Kid, you may not know how strong your brother-in-law is, this time, you can see it."

Chen Chao Yue and Zhang Haijun were also excited to shake.

Ten billion magic soldiers are silent, and their faces are filled with jealousy.

I haven't stopped, I lost a super powerful general, this is not a good sign.

"Ma Ru Fei has become so powerful? How is this possible? How did he do it?"

The monster looked at Zhang Bin like a monster, and his face was full of curiosity and not credit.

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