The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1821, frog female attack

And the monks of the Saint Monk are like a cold, and the face changes.

Because they find that this magic is too horrible.

He integrated his voice into the magic flute. Once you play, you can make the enemy lose.

For him, almost no one can resist it.

The Magic Machine has so many terrorists.

This time is not a good situation.

"The moon is really a lot of days, but the genius of the Soil is not much."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, his eyes started to search fine, and he wanted to find a master that can defeat the magic, but he can't find such a person.

"Your Majesty, the frog woman can."

A Xiu's emotion said.

The frog woman has been cultivating in Zhang Bin's central Dantian.

Some consciousness guidelines for thousands of fragrances and Zhang Bin, progressing.

However, it is only cultivated to the later period, and there is no way to fly.

Can you defeat the horror master magic?

If there is no A Xiu proposed, Zhang Bin will never let the frog woman attack.

However, Zhang Bin is deeply believed to be a magical integration capability of Axiu.

Without any hesitation, I will take a frog woman.

"Frog woman, let the guy kill."

Zhang Bin said.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The frog woman saw such a big scene, she was completely excited.

She flew over, there is no magic weapon in his hand, it seems that she is coming to travel.

"God, it is a very beautiful beauty, just cultivate to the later period, can she defeat such a powerful magic?" All soldiers were stunned, and the face was full of color.

Even the magic soldiers are dumbfounded, I can't believe my eyes.

"It's a few beautiful women, it is really a romance."

The devil is in the heart, but the face has floated a faint laugh.

"It's so cool, I have a so beautiful beauty. I grab her back. Attenuated morale."

The Magic's face is also revealing the evil smile, can't wait to start piper.

The singular voice flew out.

Too much.

The frog woman is really lost, listening to the side.


The magic snorted, the left hand was greedy, and he grabbed his neck of the frog.

However, the flute is still wonderful.

Obviously, he can use a hand.


The frog female's mouth suddenly opened, and a loud and extreme sound was sent.


The flute was completely pressed, and the singular sound waves were also impact on the magic.

The magic snorted a moment.

Then he is completely traged.

The frog female tongue suddenly flew out and became a sharp knife.

Wink on the head of the magic.

"Hey ..."

The magic's head turned into two halves, the body became half a half.

Then I was wrapped in the tongue, I was involved in my mouth, swallow it.

The frog woman also muttered muttered: "Et, delicious, I like to eat ..."

The audience shocked, the Chinese script was silent.

All Magic Xiu Xiu is completely stupid, stunned.

I can't believe my eyes.

So powerful magic, the second day of the moon Tianjiao list.

It was actually killed by a girl who was just cultivated to the later border, and it was still eaten.

This is simply shameless.

It is also an incredible thing.

"Frog women, you are very powerful."

"Frog female invincible."

"The frog woman crushed everything."


Three invasons and Yang Xiong shouted crazy.

All the fairy repairs are also awake, and they cheerfully.

Zhang Bin's face is also exposed, and the girl is worthy of super powerful genius. The natural 78 Dantian, and there are two horrible gods, one is the sound, one is the tongue attack.

It is just to restrain the magic.

So it easily killed the magic, and won the victory.

"The father, I went to kill this woman."

The prince of the Troll Empire, and the sound is lowered.

The magic day is of course the first genius ranked first on the Tianjiao list.

Have the strength of the horrible,

"Go, this woman is beautiful, caught back to warm bed."

The devil is filled with a sensuality on the face of the night.

"Yes, the father of the father."

The magic is laughing and promised, and the lightning is rushed out.

"Woman, you will come over."

The hand of the magic day is suddenly explored, and the moment it will become a large coverage.

Covering the frog woman, to catch the frog woman.

Hey ... "

The frog woman also felt a crisis of death and sent a horrible voice.

The singular sound is rushed to the opponent with horrible murder.

"Scattered ..."

The magic is smiling and shouting.

The magical thing happened, and the horrible sound waves completely dissipated, and they were like never appeared.


The frog woman was furious, the tongue flew out, like lightning.

There is no way to describe ink.


Magic day, another hand, one finger.

The space is solidified, the time stops, and the heavens and the earth become quiet.

The frog woman's tongue was imprisoned in the air, although still moving, but the speed reduced too much too much.

The other hand has been covered, it has become a cage, and the frog female is imprisoned.

Seeing the frog woman is traged, a Ding flies out from the frog female mouth.

Explosing the black red flame of the sky, wrapped a huge power and horrible momentum, and smashed in the palm of the magic day.


A loud sound broke out.

Space collapse.

The magic day's palm rebounded highly to the air.

And the frog woman flicked back soon.

She saw the horror and power of the magic day, and I know that I am not an opponent, of course, I will not die with the other side.

After all, her realm is too low, but the other party has been cultivated to the peak of the flying.


The magic is in a hurry, and another hand is crazy.

It turned out to be funerally funeral.

This strength is really scary.

It is the first place on the landscape of the lady.

"The first place in the Shengtui Tianjiao is a former Zhu Ding, and it is also super powerful and genius, but if the prince of the prince is one more than one, it is still a bit." Zhang Bin put it in your heart, "even," Any general is not his opponent. After all, in addition to guarding the giant of the moon, the magic day can be a second super master. "

"Come come, come out and give it to me."

Magic screams and shouted, his body revealed the warming and horrible murderousness.

"I will kill you."

A general rushed out, obviously, want to kill the prince, so you can get huge merits, and then get a reward.

He burst into sharp soul swords in his two eyes, turned out to be red, with a murder of the sky.

"Give me it."

The magic of the sky shouted, and the horrible thing happened. The two soul swords were solidified in the air, and the general was also imprisoned.

Then I saw the white light.

This general's head is being cut, the soul is also killed.

From the blood rush, the corpse of the general fell, and the face still left did not dare to confuse and horrify.

Obviously, I didn't think that the magic day was so strong to so.

The audience shocked, the Chinese script was silent.

The Xian Shu soldiers are scared, they have seen such a horrible master?

Super powerful, strength ranking the top three of the top three of the Soil actually can't resist it? Blink is destroyed?

Inspiring, the magic soldiers sent a big shouting that was very crazy, the momentum was too strong, murderous.

"Who else dares to send dead?"

The magic of the sky smiled and shouted, arrogant to the extreme.

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