The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1822 Zhang Bin, torn into two halves

Many generals of the Shengshu were uncomfortable, and they rushed out of them.

But it is still killed by the magic day.

Can't resist it at all.

It's just like it is divided.

The scorpion has such a horrible master, but the holy is no one to resist, it is really troublesome, and the consequences are also unimaginable.

What's more trouble is that the momentum of the Xian Shu soldiers is now minimized.

If the other party attacks, the whole army is dispatched, it is definitely destroyed, and the Soil army will certainly fall.

"I will come to you."

Zhang Bin rushed out with white horse.

He can no longer let the generals send it, it is a super powerful master.

Dead one, the overall strength will fall a lot.

"God, the emperor of the holy, there is no master, sorrow."

"If the Prince killed the Emperor of the Soil, the Soil army did not attach it. The holy is also thoroughly settled in us."

"The Hall of the Prince, kill him."

All the magic soldiers are excited, excited, shouting crazy.

"Hey ... Dear Your Majesty, you will become a corpse right away, do you have any words?"

Magic laughs and drinks.

"I think, your meat is very delicious."

Zhang Bin riding a big white horse that turned into the time, touched the chin and looked at the magic day.

In this world, the monks who have seen time elf can say that there is almost no.

Therefore, the white horse that is time elf is also unknown.

"Wow haha ​​... Your Majesty should eat the sand. Cool."

"Is his meat really delicious? How do you know?"


Three invasons and Yang Xiong shouted excitedly.

"Hahaha ..."

Many fairy repairs are also madly laugh.

However, most people's face is still full of nervousness and worry.

Of course, I am worried that Zhang Bin is not an opponent of the magic day.

Then the war is miserable.

"you wanna die."

Magic weather is in a hurry, roar, left hand, showing incomparable terrorist time and space law.

Zhang Bin, his right hand is suddenly raised in the air, and the crazy palm should take it.


Space collapse, hurricane roaring.

His hand was facing a top-standing mountain, whistling, to take Zhang Bin into a powder.

The white horse suddenly burst into shot of the light.

The space of the imprisonment will collapse.

And Zhang Bin's fist is also like a shell, the sky is in the sky.

That speed is simply too fast.

Even the sound is not too late.

The fist has bombards the palm of the other party.

The power of power is outbreak, and the composite air outbreak, and the zoom can be built.

The force has doubled.

"Bang ..."

A super loud sound.

Spark splash.

It has become extra bright.


The magic top day felt a heil of the sky bombarded his palm, the bones of the palm were broken, the gardi is also bounced in high level, and people are also retreat.

The face is full of horror and not dare to confuse.

Zhang Bin is a slight shock, and it is completely stable.

More terrible is, Xiaobai is suddenly started.

I have already caught the magic day.

Zhang Bin's left hand explored, and grabbed the thigh of the magic day, put him in the air, and another hand grabbed another leg, and torn hard.


The horrible voice sounded, and the armor on the sky was broken. The body was broken and the moment became half a half.

Blood crazy flowing.


The magic day issued a severe scream, just like killing pigs.

He wants to counterattack, but it is not too late, because Zhang Bin's true gas is poured out, and he will imprison him in the moment.

Also destroyed his moon palace and kill his soul.

Therefore, his voice will come to an abrupt.

There is no such message.

The prince of the Troll Empire, the first genius of the Tianjiao list, the magic day, fallen.

I can't resist Zhang Bin, it is directly torn into two halves.

The whole audience is generally quiet, all the magic repairs and fairy don't say.

They are all shocked by Zhang Bin's powerful and fierce.

Even the eyes of the magic becomes serious, and the eyes are shot.

It is projected on Zhang Bin's body for a long time.

Zhang Bin has a lot of powerful, progress is like flying, it is really a super genius of the foreign decoration, it is no wonder that the emperor of the Soil is, it is worthy of my molany, "The magical beauty shot. The rays, the face has also floated a weird expression.

"Your mighty ..."

"His Majesty is invincible."

"Your Majesty is crushed everything."


Three teasings, Yang Xiong, frog female, A Xiu, all masters of the sky, countless generals, all shouted.

2 billion soldiers also yell in fanatics.

A lot of power is improved, and a sweeping battle.

Have such a powerful emperor, what else is feared?

Today, I can definitely take the magic army.

Zhang Bin's mouth sucks, just swallowing the body of the magic day.

There was no swallowing in the stomach, but the central Dantian was received.

The two half body was thoroughly integrated with secret law.

Repair the moon palace.

Moreover, he immediately let Li Taqing passed over.

Let Li Taqing's soul into the resident, master the body of this super genius.

Magic day has fifty Dantian, and there is a super good talent for cultivation time and space.

So, it is a real magic of the magic of the Fairy.

Li Taishi also used the mysterious medicine of Too many Zhang Bin, and also cultivated the mid-flying medium.

And Li Taiqing has a strong heart.

Let his soul enter the station, but it is very suitable.

The holy is also a super powerful giant.

He also has a super powerful old man.

"God, fifty Dantian?"

Li Taishi is completely dumbfounded, shocked, ecstatic.

He has successfully built, but only ten Dantian.

He has been regrettable.

But now it is no need to regret.

Have such a good body, can you still fly in the fairyland in the future?

Can you still be in the fairy world?

"Xiao Bin, waiting for me to master the body, come out to help you kill the enemy."

Li Taiqing shouted excitedly.

Zhang Bin did not respond, now he put his gaze to the face of the devil, and said: "The Devil is like a night, you don't dare to come out and I am singing with me? It is too shameful. It is. "

The devil is screaming, drinking: "Demon, you, kill him."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The magic rodehed a magic horse and came to Zhang Bin.

They oppressed each other.

The body is also a murderous murder of the sky.

"Zhang Bin, I am not the previous magic, you can't be my opponent, you still escape immediately." Magic sound said, "From today, the holy will become our magic. "

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