The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1823 War Magic

"You are a bitter man, can't be a magic, why do you want to be right with me?"

Zhang Bin was a bit depressed, and the sound said.

Of course, he is also extravagant.

His instinctively felt that the current magic is completely different.

It seems to have changed a person.

Being cold, it becomes cold and it has become no love.

Of course, the strength is also a change in the sky.

And the source of all changes may be because Zhang Bin sent a bottle of black pioneering to the magic in the mola.

If you don't have the horror strength of the plum or the agency, the Bin will not put the devil in the eyes.

However, I have seen it, and I know that the magic is a bitterness, it is a horrible internal repair.

In addition, after the magic saw his strength, he was so confident, he was particularly taboo.

"It is because I am a bitter mobility, I must challenge the super powerful opponent, temper myself, soon, I am going to be my own ... this time, the fight against the sage, challenge the struggle, I am me Purpose. "The magic said.

"You are making a fairy, in the future, the devil world, can not take yourself like you?"

Zhang Bin said.

"Doing a fairy repair is very hypocritical, there is no magic repair. The challenge is not necessarily war. This is not conducive to my improvement. The magical temper explosion, it will be, dare to fight, no way. Not afraid. They will not refuse me. The challenge. "Magic said," Okay, you don't want to be, this time, I can open it online, you can escape, otherwise, today you will fall here. God "

"Magic, come, take out all your strength."

Zhang Bin's body exploded the cold murder, and the eyes were also emitted with cold light.

After your own body, there is an endless fairy, and there is also his loved ones and homes.

Let him escape? How is it possible?

Unless you step on his body.

"Hey, I can only kill you personally." The devil sighed, "I used to lovers, only I can kill."

Her fiber is also gently raised.

The jade arm is like, the snow is white, and it has a faint fragrance.

This hand, for Zhang Bin, once the hand of lovers, brought him unlimited gentle and loving.

However, in today, it turned into a murdered hand.

Excorps a breathtaking atmosphere.


The magic is shouting, and the jade hand suddenly explored, and the moment became covered, with a rich and extremely dead breath, Zhang Bin.

Her hands were blooming white, as if, the light was taken out from the arm any of the pores, and wrapped a power of Pei Wei.

That is her own strength, coming from her insane.

The power of this world is completely different.

It seems that any of the universe of the outside universe.

Even, she also spread a vast momentous. In the eyes of everyone, she became extremely high, as if she instantly became sublimation, it became the giant huge of this universe, and the existence of it.

This existence is invincible.

How do you dare to fight her?

She can kill, I can only let her kill.

It is not necessary to resist it at all, it is futile.

Everyone's heart is awkward, the face has a thick fear.

Their hearts have stopped beating.

At this time they understood, it turned out that this woman is the most terrible in all magic.

It is also the most powerful.

Did not beat her, that today's war, is destined to lose misery.


Zhang Bin's face became unprecedented.

All his Dantian is in the light, all the arrogance is started, all blood flow like the Yangtze River, all the magics are also started, the Central Dantian's congenital spirit tree is also putting light, transporting a huge True power.

Then Zhang Bin's fist is also awkward.

In an instant, I am in the middle of the magic.

"Bang ..."

A horrible to the extreme giant ring.

There is a huge black hole in space, and all air is swallowed in.

The horrible shock wave is also chemically formed into a huge mushroom cloud, rising the air.

It seems to be extra acknowledgment.

Zhang Bin felt that a horrible force came from, his body couldn't stand, downward.

White horse is also retreating continuously, and the face has also floated the color of fear.

After a breath, I retired for a few kilometers, and the white horse turned into the time of the time was completely stabilized.

Anti-view magic, she only retired five steps, it is a relaxed and good fortune.

As if she hasn't used it.


Almost at the same time, all the fairy repairs a breath, and the face is full of colors that don't dare to confuse.

Three teasings, Yang Xiong, is also completely stupid.

Of course, this woman is a magic.

However, in the past, the magic is very weak, and no matter how it is not possible, Zhang Bin's opponent.

There is a very distant distance from Zhang Bin.

However, now she can make a trick with Zhang Bin, and still account for the wind?

You must know that Zhang Bin now has almost standing in the peak of all years, it is really invincible to the world.

"Magic, invincible ..."

"Magic, you are the strongest, killing the dog emperor."

"Kill kill ..."


Ten billion magic army is extremely exciting, issued a big shouting.

They also exudes the stress and momentum of the sky.

The murderous ,,, . ...

The devil is also sent to make people's fuelry, proud.

" ..."

Zhang Bin jumped down the horse, and the heart was once, and he took the white horse.

Then he stepped into the magic, his hair is free, and the momentum is also agglomerated quickly.

The clouds in the sky came from all over the eight sides and poured into his body.

In the void, it is also a rich white ray, which is also swallowed by his body.

The sun hanging in the sky is also a bright ray that is shining, all poured into his body.

"Useless, that's not your strength." The devil said, "You don't have to struggle, you can't be my opponent."


Zhang Bin took the body, and the fist was like a meteor.

Open the day! Eat star.


The singular voice sounded, and the fist arrived in front of the magic.

The magic face floated a faint laugh, her left hand suddenly raised, a fiber-optic jade fingering place on Zhang Bin's fist.


The horrible voice sounded.

Zhang Bin's face changed, because he felt that a sharp horrible is in the body, flooding into his heart like a sharp arrow, and finally squatting in him. The heart is on.

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