The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1841, A Xiu's Worried

Axiu is standing on the resilience of the city wall, looking at the gap of the talents, the face has been worried on the face.

"A Xiu, what are you worried? Isn't you worried that the magic of the moon again?"

The Heavyly asked the Heavyly.

She clearly knows that the moon is suffering, and she died nearly 10 billion magic soldiers.

And they have been in the molar, and they don't know how much ordinary magic.

That's now the strength of the moon, that is no way to fight against the Soil.

"This time, the loss of moon is too heavy. Plus their purpose is not reached, did not get Hongfeng fan. How can the devil? It is likely to send the true devil down. The consequences are unimaginable." A Xiu said.

"Real Magic Different?"

Hi Wei has secretly played a cold.

She has seen too many masters this day.

For example, a magic, powerful to an incredible point.

If there is no Zhang Bin suppressed a magic, it is a magic, and you can easily kill the holy.

How many people want to kill, you can kill how many people.


Axiu said that she didn't say it.

She is more worried about the fairyland, the giant of the fairy is also wondering Hongfeng.

Perhaps the excuse of the devil under the devil of the devil will also make the cactus.

That Bin is particularly dangerous.

A Xiu went to Zhang Bin's closed secret room.

Say your worried.

Zhang Bin's eyes were squinted, but it burst into a sharp light as a knife.

His face is also serious.

He thoughtfully thought for a while, and his face showed a strange smile.

He started a refiner.

Of course, it is the top of the top of the prison.

Soon, he refined a single fan like a Hong Kong fan.

There is also a picture, there is a cave.

Even, it also distributed an unsteady atmosphere.

Now Zhang Bin cultivates the . . ..

There are also special understanding of many cars in the gods.

Therefore, it can be done in the fan in the fan.

Then Zhang Bin took this fan into the small green belly.

Magic is already wearing clothes and is sitting.

Her bodies have leaked a strange breath, which is like that.

See Zhang Bin came in, the magic opened his eyes, stood up.

She became more beautiful, the skin is delicate, as if she can take out the water.

The noble temperament is also more rich.

"It seems that you are strong." Zhang Bin said, "Maybe, now I am not your opponent."

"Slightly improve, it is still difficult to defeat you."

The devil is white and Zhang Bin, it seems to be a kind of style.

Seductive pole.

"If, I said that if there is a powerful true magic or the fairy down, you will kill me, will you fight with me, to deal with them?" Zhang Bin asked.

"Since you know that there is such a danger, why don't you leave the Soil? As long as you leave, then there is no matter. Because I seal the Hongfeng fan, they can't put the Hongmeng fan. A Xiu help you master Destiny, plus you, also cultivated the big chaos, confused the sky. They can't present you. "Magic said.

"That is not necessarily." Zhang Bin said, "I am from the earth, they have already brought it to me. Hongfeng fans are in me, they have already brought it to it. Now that the dead sheep is tight, so I am going back to the earth, they also It is likely to go to the Earth to find me, and it will take the disaster to the earth, and the consequences are unimaginable. "

"You are talking." Magic said, "The earth is our hometown, there is absolutely not to get out any problem. However, the cactus and the true devil come in the lower world are very powerful, even if we join hands, it is difficult to defeat them. I have to think a means. "

"You seal this Hongfeng fan, then give them, how do you see?"

Zhang Bin has the Hong Kong fan that refines him, and the evil laughs.

"You are quite big."

The magic face is full of weird expressions, "Why is it to seal?"

"It's not the power of this universe, they don't easily see this is fake. And, because of the calculation, they got it, they dare to hide and independently. It is difficult to fall into the fairy emperor. I will safe, earth Also safe. Waiting for countless years, we are all powerful, then we have the ability to protect the earth. "Zhang Bin said.

"It is you protect the earth, don't put me in."

Magic said.

"You are also a planet! There is an obligation to protect the earth."

Zhang Bin said seriously.


The devil said a word, I paused.

Obviously, what secrets she have, can't be said.

She took a fan and looked at it, and said faintly: "The fake Hong Kong flanks you refined are too fake. It is difficult to hold the immortal and the true devil. I will help you renew."

After that, her hand has taken the very ordinary red flame.

I started to burn Zhang Bin's Hongfeng fan.

"How can red flames melt me?"

Zhang Bin's face has floated a weird expression.

However, he quickly stunned, and his face was full of not a letter.

Because that hard, the fan with an unwanted property, it is easy to melt.

It will become a liquid soon.

Just like melting ordinary iron.

"There is nothing surprised, I am internal development, the development is the inner universe. The flames in my body are different. In fact, it is not the same." Magic said faintly.

"Who is she? Is it also re-birth?"

Zhang Bin shocked, his face was full of doubts.

"Don't ask my secret, I will not ask your secrets."

The magic is quickly quenched with the magic crystal, and the impurities are removed by secret law.

"I won't ask your secrets. Anyway, you are my woman!"

Zhang Bin said.

"Today is, it will not be."

Magic said.

"I didn't say it before, I want to be old, will I be together forever?"

Zhang Bin touched the forehead and put it out of pain and disappointment.

"Who is clear in the future? Maybe we are in different worlds, no longer meet. Alever, you are completely fallen, no longer exist." Magic said.


Zhang Bin jumped.

"I am telling the truth. However, you can't understand." The devil smiled, "Okay, don't say it. Is there any good material? Is it only this kind of, still not enough."

Zhang Bin took out many of the special materials he got, stacked on the ground.

Magic began to select and found a dozens of materials.

Use flame melt.

Slowly refining the germs.

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